Locality would like to invite you to a series of impact workshops and mini clinics over the next two months.
Each will feature different perspectives on measuring the social impact of your work with an interactive workshop on story of change, practitioner input and space for discussion with your peers.
Each workshop will broadly focus on a different London recovery mission. We want to shine a spotlight on how London’s community organisations contribute to these missions.
If your organisation works within one of the missions and you are taking the first steps in learning how to better measure your social impact (or just if you are generally interested) then this is for you.
There’s also the chance to book on our bespoke mini clinics where our experts will work through a basic theory of change with you – see below for details of how to join those.
You can sign-up to our Spotlight mailing list here.
Mental Health & Wellbeing / Healthy Place, Healthy weight
Thursday 21 April 2pm – 3.30pm
Book now
New Deal for Young People
Thursday 5 May 2pm – 3.30pm
Book now
Good work for all Londoners
Wednesday 25 May 2pm – 3:30pm
Book now
The events are free of charge – funded by City Bridge Trust, part of the London Spotlight Programme. Note that the events are interactive workshops rather than webinars (so please be willing to have your camera on and contribute your valued ideas!)
Previous attendees asked if they could have a one-to-one or small-group mini clinic to further develop their story of change. We have a limited number of places on these mini clinics available. Please contact us if you are interested.
“The support that project like us received from Locality is amazing and very helpful. The workshop is very empowering for us to thrive in our service.”
Previous participant – Youth provision, Hackney
“Thanks for the session today on developing a social impact framework – really useful especially with regards to the smaller, community projects we deliver and reporting back to funders.”
Previous participant – Schools partnership, West London