Friday 04th November 2016 from 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM
at HFVC, 148 King Street, Hammersmith W6 0QU

Free Registrations

This course aims to help you develop skills to introduce volunteers to your organisation, communicate relevant policies and procedures and set out both what is expected of them and what they can expect in their new role.  The course will explore how to:-

  • Develop a Volunteer Induction process
  • Understand the purpose and content of a Volunteer Handbook
  • Understand the purpose and content of a Volunteer Agreement
  • Have clarity about volunteer expenses
  • Consider different training options

Places are free for delegates who live, work, study or volunteer within LB Hammersmith & Fulham. Free places are also available to team members from third-sector organisations who serve beneficiaries within LBH&F.

NB: The training venue is accessed via two flights of stairs with 14 and 6 steps respectively. Please contact us with any accessibility queries.

Book tickets to Attend Event

fulham good neighbour logo


Electric and Gas SMART readers are being rolled out across the UK now. Every household will have the opportunity to upgrade to a smart meter, at no additional cost, by 2020. Everyone will have a chance to decide whether they wish to have a SMART meter installed by their provider and now is probably a good time to think about any pros and cons.

Here are a few points to help you make the right decision for you:

– Smart meters will bring an end to estimated bills and show us how much energy we’re using in near real time and in pounds and pence.

– You will receive an in-house display, which shows exactly how much energy you’re using, as you use it.

– If you change suppliers your (1st generation) SMART meter will lose its smart features.

– Your SMART meter will be installed by a trained installer at NO EXTRA COST.

– The installer should spend time with you explaining how to operate the in-house display so that you can use it confidently on your own.

– The installation will take approximately 1 hour.

– When you are eligible depends on many factors and your supplier will be in touch when your smart meter is ready to be installed (before 2020).

In the future:

  • Switching between suppliers will be quicker and easier and you will not need to change your (2nd generation) SMART meter each time you change suppliers.

If you would like to receive further information on SMART meters please contact:

Krzysztof Mikata-Pralat

Fulham Good Neighbours

Rosaline Hall

70 Rosaline Road

London, SW6 7QT

Tel. 020 7385 8850



Fulham Good Neighbours received funding from Smart Energy GP, voice of the smart meter rollout, to make local older people aware of it and are running several information workshops at different local organisations between now and 31st December 2016.

Hikayetna: Storytelling from Syria

A night of art from Music to poetry and storytelling to present Syrian voices in the UK

Hikayetna is a new art project to tell the stories of Syrians from all over the world. Vivid, moving and first hand stories will be heard.

Through this project we hope to spread Syrians’ thoughts, words, and feelings, especially Syrians living in refugee camps. We aim to make their voice heard by different audiences around the world, who would have never had the chance to hear those stories otherwise.

Tickets only £10

Thursday, October 20, 2016

7:30pm  9:00pm

Canvas Cafe42, Hanbury Street London, England, E1 5JLUnited Kingdom

Book here

Hikayetna’s Vision

All of us share common hopes, fears and feelings We live by dreaming, hoping of a better tomorrow. With the destruction of the shiny side of Syria, we are constantly looking for stories of hope which giving us the optimism. and looking to work together to build our communities.



Let Me Play is delivering a range of Free activities in the October Half Term for young people aged 11-19 based within Hammersmith & Fulham.

Activities are delivered in 3 different strands: Sport, Performing Arts and Art & Fashion. The sessions provide an opportunity for young people to keep active during the holidays, try something different and learn new skills. The programme takes place at a variety of different venues across the borough and runs from Monday 24th October to Friday 28th October. Some highlights include:

SPORT – Zorb Football, H&F Basketball Cup, MMA, Tennis and Swimming – Inflatable Obstacle Course

PERFORMING ARTS – Street Dance, Ballet, West End Workshop, Drama and Vocal Masterclass

ART & FASHION – Hairstyling at Westfield, Fashion Design, Art Attack and Bake Off

All sessions are free of charge and all abilities are welcome. To find out more details and book places go to or contact Let Me Play at: or on 020 3475 7511.

Please pass on this information to anyone that you think may be interested.

In Shared Lives , an adult with Learning Disabilities and/or mental health needs moves into the home of the carer. Together they share family and community life. There is a matching process which ensures that there is compatibility.

Carers receive training and support and a weekly fee of between £400 and £600 per week

Come and find out more on: Thursday 27th October, 6:15 – 7:45pm. At Bishop Creighton House, 378 Lillie Road, SW6 7PH


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Need a hand with your fundraising?


DSC’s Fundraising Fair is a jam-packed 2-day event with a variety of workshops for fundraisers at all levels. Whether you’re after some application tips, looking to breathe life into your campaigns, or want to learn more about the new Fundraising Regulator, the fair covers topics from digital fundraising to proposal writing, crowdfunding to trustfunding. You can mix and match to meet your own needs with 43 workshops starting at £35 per session or a day rate of £160.

Click here to view brochure


Kensington and Chelsea Social Council is pleased to announce the launch of its report ‘Cooking up Ideas: Addressing Food Poverty in Kensington and Chelsea’.

Join us for a timely discussion to share our findings on why food poverty is on the rise in London’s richest but most unequal borough, what action voluntary groups are taking, and how local communities can work and be better supported through inventive local and national policy and practice.

The launch will be attended by a host of excellent speakers and panellists, and you will have the opportunity to have your questions answered by a number of local councillors.

This event takes place in Committee Room 1, Kensington Town Hall, W8 7NX, on Wednesday, 19th October, 2pm-5pm.

You can register your attendance here


QSIR: Practitioner is a nationally accredited program than provides participants with the know-how to design and implement more productive services. It is based on highly successful previous courses and ofers a comprehensive curriculum that includes:

  • Leadership Fundamentals
  • Project Management
  • Sustainabilty of Improvement
  • Engaging and Working with Others
  • Process Mapping
  • Creativity in Improvement
  • Measurement for Improvement
  • Demand and Capacity

Participants must have an existing project or project idea, and during the program they apply the learning from the course to their own improvement projects, being supported between workshops to help make them a success. Registering for this course involves attending on 5 dates over three months:

  • Tuesday 1 Nov 2016 (09:00-17:00)
  • Tuesday 8 Nov 2016 (09:00-17:00)
  • Tuesday 29 Nov 2016 (09:00-13:00)
  • Tuesday 13 Dec 2016 (09:00-13:00)
  • Tuesday 10 Jan 2017 (09:00-17:00)

It is suited to clinical and non-clinical staff, and although based and funded by the NHS, is also open to anyone from the public and voluntary sector. Hammersmith and Fulham is one of just three places offering this training in North West London, and the only location offering this to primary care. There are no fees, but places are limited so early booking is recommended.


Register here