Due to popular demand our free digital marketing workshops have returned! With the Covid-19 national lockdown requiring many businesses to close, Hammersmith & Fulham Council is helping local businesses to boost their online presence asas the nation emerges from the latest Covid-19 lockdown. The virtual workshops will be delivered by Samer Bata from the Knowledge Acedemy to give business owners the essential digital skills they need to promote their business online.

Who can attend?

The training is open to all businesses in H&F and local residents looking to start a new business.

What will I learn in the workshops?

The workshops will focus on –

Building simple and effective marketing strategies
Mobile marketing platforms
Social Media
Email Marketing
Search Engine Marketing
When will the workshops begin?

There are five separate course dates to choose from with each course consisting of two sessions (each session lasts three hours and will take place via Zoom). Each course is open to 30 people. The time and dates are:

Course 1 : 26 and 27 April 2021, 6pm to 9pm

Course 2 : 3 and 4 May 2021 , 6pm to 9pm

Course 3: 10 and 11 May 2021, 6pm to 9pm

Course 4 : 17 and 18 May 2021, 6pm to 9pm

Course 5 : 24 and 25 May 2021, 6pm to 9pm

Please note, the content for each course is the same so please do not sign up for more than one course. For more information, please contact Sam Ridley at sam.ridley@lbhf.gov.uk.

The HEAR London for All project, funded by London Councils, and the Policy and Campaigns project, funded by Trust for London, invite you to an exciting joint event at Human Rights Action Centre (Amnesty International), 17 New Inn Yard, London EC2A 3EA on Monday 30th January 2017, 10am-4pm.

To support the dissemination of LGBT Consortium’s Still Out There report funded by Trust for London, the HEARLondon for All and Policy and Campaigns projects are holding an event to highlight the intersectional lives of London’s LGBTQI+ community.

The whole day event will have space for the voluntary and community sector to look for ways of working together to improve the lives of LGBTQI people, and we will also welcome statutory sector colleagues who want to learn more.

To book your free place, please email stating your name, organisation, organisation postcode, and whether or not you have any dietary or access needs to hear@reap.org.uk



NHS England would like to invite voluntary, community and social enterprise sector partners to join us for an NHS England webinar for a national update on Sustainability and Transformation Plans  (STPs).

The webinar will include:

  • An update on the STP process so far
  • Opportunities being developed at national level for involvement of VCS partners in ST
  • Examples of how the VCS has been involved in plans to date
  • Questions and discussion

When: 30 Jan 2017, 12noon-1pm

To join the webinar please contact Jonathan Leahy via email: Jonathan.leahy@nhs.net and Jonathan will provide you with the joining instructions for the webinar.

The Women’s Association for Networking and Development WAND UK invites you to the next Happy Healthy Family Club.

When: Wednesday 25 January, 10:00 – 14:00

Where: Small Chapel, St. Charles Centre for Health and Wellbeing, Exmoor St , London W10 6DZ

For more information, click here.

We are holding an Info and Engagement Event for those who work, live, or use services in Hammersmith and Fulham on the 30th January. It will be fairly informal, the idea being people will drop in to us between 5-7pm. For more information please look at our Eventbrite page.

click here.

A Healthy Response To Diabetes, Low Energy, Heart Disease, Our Stressful World – Come & Learn, Come & Eat, Come & Share

Where: St Andrew’s Star Cafe,
Star Road / Greyhound Road, W14 9SA.
(the road by North End Medical Centre)

When: 17th Jan | 21st Feb | 21st Mar
10:15am – 12:30pm

For further information, please click here

This month we are encouraging people to get active and think about how to make healthy lifestyle and wellbeing choices.

Across Hammersmith and Fulham there are a host of activities being put on by local charities and healthy living projects.

For information on some of the highlights for you to get involved with, please click here



Do you suffer from lower back pain and have been cared for by the NHS either in hospital or through a GP practice?

Treatments could include injections into the small joints linking the spine, steroid or anaesthetic injections into painful knots or bands and acupuncture for back pain or osteoarthritis.

We want to hear from you! We’d also like to hear from groups that represent you and from service providers

New national guidelines have made a number of recommendations which local CCGs in North West London would like to review.

We would also like to review what impact changes may have on local services.

The seminar will take place on 6th February 2017

For more information, please click here

After successfully applying to the Big Lottery Fund’s Celebrate programme, The PEACE (People, Ethnicity, Age, and Community Engagement) project; a cross borough partnership between Nubian Life Resource Centre and PLIAS Resettlement has been awarded £10,000 to create a PEACE Wall to be unveiled during PEACE Week in 2017.

The intergenerational project will work with communities from all cultural & faith backgrounds to create a Peace Wall consisting of Peace Quotes from residents of the two London Boroughs of Brent and Hammersmith & Fulham. The project will aim to  remind, inform, educate and raise awareness of the importance of peace at an individual and community level.

The exciting initiative will consist of:

  • 2 community Peace meals; residents, faith and community groups and prominent figures, will be asked to write a sentence/quote on why peace is important to them and how can it be achieved locally and maintained.
  • An intergenerational Expression of Peace Competition for schools, faith groups and community organisations
  • Unveiling of the PEACE Wall – a collection of all the quotes collected throughout the project

Norma Hoyte from PLIAS Resettlement & Jazz Browne from Nubian Life Resource Centre says: “By creating a Peace Wall where individual statements will be recorded, we hope that many lives will be affected by the creativity of the peace wall with the ability to learn from each other. We will also have discussion topics on how to create peace across the different communities; this will be an interactive session which will be videoed.   We will create an online short tool kit which can be distributed via social media to promote and champion the need for PEACE”.

To be part of this exciting project please contact Jazz Browne on T: 020 8749 8017 or by email: jazz.browne@nubianlife.org.uk

 Send your PEACE Quote (no more than 25 words) to peaceproject@plias.co.uk

About Big Lottery Fund

  • The total amount available across the UK for the Celebrate programme is £5 million. To find out more please visit: biglotteryfund.org.uk/celebrate.
  • *YouGov poll on behalf of the Big Lottery Fund with 2109 respondents, June 2016.
  • The Big Lottery Fund is the largest funder of community activity in the UK. We put people in the lead to improve their lives and communities, often through small, local projects.
  • We are responsible for giving out 40% of the money raised by National Lottery players for good causes. Every year we invest over £650 million and award around 12,000 grants across the UK for health, education, environment and charitable purposes.
  • Since June 2004 we have awarded over £9 billion to projects that change the lives of millions of people. Since the National Lottery began in 1994, £34 billion has been raised and more than 450,000 grants awarded.

Nominations are now open to celebrate unsung heroes across the care industry. If there is someone you know who goes over and above, now is your chance to say thank you – let them know they are appreciated and nominate now! Read on for more information and to make nominations.


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