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Young Healthwatch Westminster

This year we will be focusing on capturing the views of young people in Westminster.

To do this we will be setting up a Young Healthwath Westminster. This will be a group of young people who share their views and experiences of healthcare in the borough, and use this feedback to help shape the services they use.

How to get involved?

If you’re between 14 – 25, use health or social care services in Westminster, and would like to have a say in how local healthcare services are run, please get in touch.

If you know someone who might be interested, please let them know about our new project.

You can find out more about Young Healthwatch and the benefits of joining by clicking ‘find out more’ below.


Find out more

The last POPS meeting had an interesting presentation from the Frequent Attenders Project, which works with a small cohort of people with multiple and complex issues, including mental health needs, who are frequent attenders at local hospitals and A&E.  The service has achieved a 70% reduction of hospital presentations, through a wide ranging support service, which supports clients with physical and mental health management, and addresses a wide range of other issues including housing, social care, welfare benefits and isolation. To read on, click here.

The next POPS forum will be held on Monday 18th June at Bishop Creighton House, 10am – 12pm

For further information on the ICP programme, please contact or


You are invited to CAHF’s Annual General Meeting on Thursday 25th January 2018 from 3 pm to 5 pm.

Venue:    Avonmore Library and Neighbourhood Centre, 7 North End Crescent, London W14 8TG (Click here for a map)
Time:      3-5pm

Our AGM will feature a Panel Debate on Universal Credit
Hammersmith and Fulham was one of the first London Boroughs  to have a full roll-out of Universal Credit.  Over the this period we have dealt with many issues that our clients have faced with the transition to universal credit. We have also contributed to campaigns and policies leading to some fundamental changes. We discuss our experiences with a panel of experts and share our experiences so far.

Panel Members:
Beth Foley, Senior Policy Researcher, Citizens Advice
Shelley Musa, Trailblazer Project Manager, LB Hammersmith and Fulham
Dan Norris, Welfare Rights Adviser – Early Warning System, Child Poverty Action Group
DWP representative

Light refreshments will be provided.

Please email RSVP. If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us

Would you be interested in setting up/or being part of a local men’s shed?

Fulham Good Neighbours would be happy to become a host and support organisation to a group of local men (and women) who might be interested in coming together to create a meeting place, where ‘Shedders’ can engage in wood work or other activity, or simply in putting the world to rights over a cup of tea.

Tuesday, 26th September 2017 at 6PM

For more information click here

Healthwatch England and all local Healthwatch are running a campaign to show people across the country how their voices can make a difference. By speaking up, they can help make health and care better for their communities.

We need your help to get even more people involved. Sign up for our Thunderclap and make people’s voices heard.

Join our Thunderclap:

Open Forum Events would like to invite you to our National Mental Health: Making Forward Plans a Reality conference. This will be our sixth in the series of successful mental health events that we have organised. Our brand new conference has been designed to give all delegates an invaluable update on the road map to improved mental health care, with real examples of service transformation and new approaches to care.

On the day you will hear from our guest speak Frank Bruno MBE. In 2003 Frank Bruno was sectioned for the first time and diagnosed as having Bipolar disorder. His well documented illness put Frank in the public eye and he has used this media attention to help with the stigma attached to mental health and to help raise the standards of care given to those living with mental health issues.

To book your place and for more information please click here

Carers Network is delighted to announce the launch of the Former Carers Project.

What is the Former Carers Project?

Our project will support people whose caring role has come to an end. It is set up specifically to provide advice, guidance and support to former unpaid carers as they explore the viable options available to them after their caring role has ended.

Who is the project for?

Those who have previously cared for someone in an unpaid capacity, aged 18+ and a resident of Hammersmith & Fulham, Kensington & Chelsea, Westminster or the City of London. A former unpaid carer whose caring role has ended for whatever reason.

What the project offers:

Our project will actively help carers navigate this period after the caring role has ended through the ‘Next Steps’ Assessment and by providing a range of support such as:

  • Practical support & signposting around employment, money, housing and etc.
  • Advice and information
  • Help to find new activities and social groups
  • Workshops to learn new skills

How to refer to the project.

You can refer people to this project by completing a referral form that can be downloaded here. Alternatively please contact Ashley Young on 020 8960 3033 or email with the former carer’s name, contact details, geographical area and an idea of when their caring role ended.

More info.

This project hopes to help former carers find out what they want to do now and what their choices may be. This may be looking to return to work, becoming involved in volunteering, rediscovering a lost hobby or other activities they once enjoyed. The end of the caring role may have resulted in unexpected financial issues, changes to benefits, concerns over housing situation. Perhaps the former carer may just want some company, find other like-minded people and/or social activities to participate in.
It is also hoped that by the end of their time participating in the project the former carer will feel more informed about their options, more confident, better connected, less isolated and in better control of their lives.

Nextdoor is a social network for neighbourhoods that is now being used by every community across Hammersmith & Fulham. It’s a great way to connect with your neighbours – and that goes for community organisations and voluntary groups too!  Barons Court Project joined their local Nextdoor neighbourhood and invited their neighbours to come in and see what they do at the Project.  They now have a number of new regular donors from amongst their neighbours and have raised their profile in the community.  Fulham Good Neighbours have found being on Nextdoor has helped them to recruit new volunteers – Nextdoor is a great way to tap into the goodwill and community spirit of local people.

For more info click here 

Hammersmith and Fulham Carers Forum is a formal group, supported by Carers Network. This group aims to help local carers:

  • Have their say on local issues for carers
  • Inform the Tri-Borough Carers Partnership Board
  • Help Carers Network plan future events and activities

The Forum is currently recruiting a Chair and Vice Chair.

To see roles and person specifications click here. H&F Forum members who would like to apply need to send a brief description of themselves and why they wish to apply, and send this to Forum facilitator Alix Richards by Friday 7 April 2017:

Please mark email ‘H&F Carers Forum Chair application’ or ‘H&F Carers Forum Vice Chair application’ depending on role you would like to apply for. Alternatively, please post a letter by way of application to Carers Network, Bishop Creighton House, 374-380 Lillie Road, SW6 7PH.

The next H&F Carers Forum will be on, Fri 28 April 2017, 1.30pm-3.30pm at Bishop Creighton House, 374-380 Lillie Rd, SW6 7PH.

NHS England would like to invite voluntary, community and social enterprise sector partners to join us for an NHS England webinar for a national update on Sustainability and Transformation Plans  (STPs).

The webinar will include:

  • An update on the STP process so far
  • Opportunities being developed at national level for involvement of VCS partners in ST
  • Examples of how the VCS has been involved in plans to date
  • Questions and discussion

When: 30 Jan 2017, 12noon-1pm

To join the webinar please contact Jonathan Leahy via email: and Jonathan will provide you with the joining instructions for the webinar.