Our programme 2027, aims to bring community power into grantmaking through placing talented people from working-class backgrounds into decision-making roles at trusts and foundations.

We’ve had an overwhelmingly positive response to the programme from the grant-giving sector, and as a result we want to re-open our applications to ensure that as many people as possible can access this opportunity to diversify the voices in these organisations and to accelerate their own professional development.

The deadline for applications is 5th August. If you would like to enquire please email: craig@charity-works.co.uk





GP appointments outside hours of 8am-6.30pm may be changing. Have your say at this free NHS workshop on Tuesday 21 August 2018, 5.30pm – 7.30pm. Light refreshments provided.

You can register on Eventbrite or contact the CCG’s Primary Care Team if you need to make alternative arrangements to make your voice heard.

For full details click here.

Sometimes we have to take a step back and appreciate those who go above and beyond to make the world a better place.That’s exactly what the Social Change Awards are all about. For further information click here.

Want to keep serving your beneficiaries long into the future? You need a sound financial strategy in place. Fleur Holden, Director at Sayer Vincent, explains more…

Find out more here

The only book that covers in one volume management, governance and leadership tailored specifically for the civil society sector.

Lead your organisation more effectively, govern it with greater energy and manage it with enhanced efficiency with this fully revised guide for civil society organisations by your side. It covers issues you’re likely to face as you drive your organisation forward.

This book was voted Number 2 on The Guardian list of ‘Five must-reads for charity workers‘.

Get your free copy here.

If you’re a charity that works with under 18s and vulnerable adults you need to ensure that safeguarding principles and procedures are present in all you do.

Read more here

Trustees play a pivotal role in steering charities in the right direction. Take a look at these top tips from our expert trainer on how to help your board function in the right way.

Find out more here

The programme of support has been funded by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, so please make the most of it!

  • Support to run a fundraising campaign
  • Support to develop an online fundraising plan
  • Support to develop a donor care plan post-campaign
  • Access to a trained fundraiser

Contact conor@localgiving.org more info

Visiting the same 5 families every week, Doorstep Library volunteers turn up on the doorstep with rucksacks full of stories. They started in H&F in 2010 and now run 6 projects and visit over 300 children weekly.

By making reading fun first, they inspire children to experience the joy of stories and books. They empower parents to get involved in their children’s education and, sometimes, we’re there as extra support, whether we’re signposting a local family service, lending an ear, or just being a friendly face.

Click here for more info about volunteering with Doorstep

Family Support is here to help Hammersmith & Fulham children, young people and their families thrive. Our children’s centres are on hand, so mums, dads, carers and children can make new friends and enjoy play and learning experiences together.

If making ends meet is hard right now, foodbank vouchers are available to all families and you could also be eligible for fresh fruit and veg vouchers.

When times are tough, we are here to support you every step of the way.

Click here for more info