Young Hammersmith and Fulham Foundation Logo

Please support our first ever fundraiser 

Support @beneckett as he runs 👣 the London Marathon for us.

We’ve been a bit quiet lately as we’ve been busy working on many things. Design and consultation on our Theory of Change continuesWe will be recruiting for some really exciting roles soon

Plus we edge closer to our BIG launch on 10th May! Today though we would like to ask for support for our first ever fundraiser, BenEckett

Ben is running the 2018 LondonMarathon for us with all funds raised going into our Small Grants scheme. These Small Grants will be awarded to our Smaller Members to help support them in the the great work they do for Children and Young People.

Here is the link if you want to support Ben

Even £2 can make a huge difference as we can win a bonus £1000 from Localgiving #localhero

This is judge on how many different donors we get not the total amounts donated so please help where you can as this money will make a big difference to our Members projects.

We will be back in touch soon with a more comprehensive update on Young Hammersmith & Fulham Foundation and opportunities for you.

Fulham Good Neighbours Logo

We will be transforming Parson’s Green by staging a super fun day this coming July, and raising money to support our work with local older people in need. To learn more about our charitable work, please visit

Parsons Green Fair attracts around eight thousand visitors and this year we will have more than 100 stalls including charities, organisations, and small businesses creating awareness for their products or services. Lots of those who have already booked to take part come back year after year, which confirms the event’s popularity. All indications are that this year’s Fair – on 7th July 2018 – will be bigger and better than ever.

The event will be opened officially at 11.30am by the Chair of Fulham Good Neighbours Robert Fryer and the Mayor of Hammersmith & Fulham (TBC).


The main stage programme includes:

12.00pm         Music ‘All – A School of Music for All

12.30pm         Slice/Cupcake Family Club

12.55pm         The Little Dance Academy

1.20pm           Stagecoach Theatre Arts – Fulham

2.00pm           La Sylvaine School of Dancing

3.00pm           Albert & Friends Circus Skills

3.30pm           Magician – John Clayton

4.00pm           Pinky & Roxy Magic Show

4.30pm           Fulham Brass Band

On the Children’s Stage acts will also include a Magician and a performing dog. Other attractions include Carousels, Bouncy Slide, Bouncy Castle, Trampolines, plus ‘Punch and Judy Shows’ and ‘Riffham’s Donkey Rides’ and a Petting Zoo.

A wide range of refreshments will be provided at the event including offers from; Il Pagliacci, BBQ,  Bombay Street Food, Jerk Spice, Heavenly Crepes and much more.

We are still looking for local volunteers who could act as Event Marshalls; to find out more please visit us at All those interested in having a stall are encourage to contact as soon as possible.

The main event sponsor is Marston Properties but we are grateful to all other sponsors like Strutt&Parker.

Jac Davies 020 7385 8850

Parsons Green Fair Administrator

Fulham Good Neighbours Footer Banner

The NCVO has the following updates for this month;

Highlights from the new chair of the Charity Commission’s first speech
New safeguarding course for volunteer managers
The average amount of reserves held by charities
Analysis of the gender pay gap in charities
Upcoming governance training

National Council for Voluntary Organisations
Society Building, 8 All Saints Street
London, N1 9RL
Twitter: @NCVO
Registered Charity No. 225922

Great news – funding is still available for a wide range of courses including. “Falls Prevention“, “Children and Young People’s Mental Health” and “Safe Handling of Medication”.

Our courses are all nationally accredited and have been designed around a flexible learning delivery model to ensure they are easily accessible within the workplace. This means learners do not attend a classroom but still receive high-quality support throughout their learning journey.

I have included a full list of courses that are available, these can also be found on our website For more information or to book instantly please call 01226 958 888 or email Alternatively, you can complete our online enquiry form or download a booking form and attach it as a reply.


We find Any Leaner Logo

Banner for Mayor's Sports Funding

GLA Sports Team have launched the first funding round for the Mayor’s new community sport programme, the London Together Fund. If there’s anyone in your network that you think would be interested, please do share the link round or include in any newsletters/websites etc.

There are contact details on the application website to the grants team at Comic Relief who are administering the fund should any potential applicants have further questions.

We are pleased to announce that the Coach Trip scheme is taking place again this year.

Application packs are available online via the dedicated Coach Trip Scheme page on our website.

Please visit  and type in ‘Coach Trip Scheme’ in the search field.  This will take you to the page where you can complete the form online or print off and complete manually.

If you would still prefer to receive your pack in the post, have any queries or would like further information, please contact:

Sacha Mortimer

Phone: 020 8753 5009


In partnership with Hammersmith and Fulham Council, Opening Doors London – the charity for older lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans+ people in London (originally part of Age UK Camden) – is delivering a free workshop on the morning of Monday 23rd April to bring council staff and local health, housing and social care workers together with the voluntary sector to agree ways to improve services to better meet the health and social care needs of older LGBT+ people in the borough.

The workshop will enable your staff and volunteers to:

  • Better understand the health and social care needs of older LGBT+ people
  • Get the latest research into LGBT+ demographics, lifestyle and relationships
  • Identify ways to improve services for older LGBT+ people in H&F
  • Discuss barriers to effective working and how to accelerate change
  • Take away resources, video-links and practice-guides to share with colleagues

We would be very grateful if you could please circulate the attached flyer to relevant staff and volunteers that you work with who may be interested in this free event. Click Here for the Eventbrite links to sign up which can also be found in the attached flyer but please do drop me a line or give me a ring if you encounter any difficulties with this or need any further information.

Click Here for the Event Flyer

Upper Room Logo

The Upper Room is planning to build an entire new floor at St Saviour’s Church, in Shepherd’s Bush, which will effectively double our work space.  Whilst this work is being carried out we urgently need to find alternative premises to continue delivering our services.  Ideally we are looking for one decent sized room to deliver employment support for our UR4Jobs and UR4Driving projects and a small kitchen in which to prepare sandwiches for our UR4Meals project which feeds the homeless.  We may have to look to alternative premises to deliver UR4Meals but would like to keep UR4Jobs and UR4Driving together.

The work is anticipated to start around July and is expected to last 3-4 months.

Do you know of a community hall, or vacant office space, which we could rent on a temporary basis.  We would like to stay as close to our base in Shepherd’s Bush as possible for the sake of our clients.  Please email: with any suggestions.


St Saviour Wendell Park Church

Cobbold Road | London W12 9LN

T: 020 8740 5688 | M: 07923 462 497


The Tamil Community Centre, Ilays – Somali Community Centre, CAIA, HEAR and Race on the Agenda are inviting BMER community organisations in West London for a meeting on campaigning for mental health services provision in for Black, Asian, refugee and other minority ethnic communities.

The meeting will take place on Tuesday 10 April, 11.00-15.00 at the Centre for Armenian Information and Advice (CAIA), 105 A Mill Hill Road, Acton, London, W3 8JF The meeting will be the second of three and will be open to BMER community organisations across West London. The third session will take place in May 2018 (date to be decided).

Participants will:

–       Discuss what is needed for West London’s communities’ mental health equality

–       Decide on what to ask from the CCG, MHT and Local Authority

–       Plan the next steps of their campaign

If you have knowledge of the mental health needs of BMER people in West London you can register by emailing Places are limited so please tell us you want to come. We promote user-led projects and Experts by Experience.  

Following recent events, the Charity Commission would like to remind ALL trustees to take safeguarding extremely seriously. Safeguarding should be a key governance priority for all charities, not just those working with groups traditionally considered at risk.

As your regulator, we expect charities to meet these expectations.

Our advice is that you should now:

  • Undertake a thorough review of your charity?s safeguarding governance and management arrangements and performance if you haven?t done so within the last 12 months.
  • Contact the Commission about any safeguarding issues, or serious safeguarding incidents, complaints or allegations which have not previously been disclosed to the charity regulator.

Our regulatory role is to ensure charities comply with their legal duties, manage any incidents responsibly and take prompt steps to protect the people affected by it. We cannot look after the safety of your people for you and we do not investigate individual incidents for you.

Find more information about what and how to report to the regulator. More information about safeguarding responsibilities for trustees, and the role of the Charity Commission and other regulators, is below:

Safeguarding is a key governance priority for all charities, regulator reminds trustees

Regulatory alert to charities – safeguarding,

Strategy for dealing with safeguarding issues in charities

Charity Commission Logo