Come along to this informal session to find out if your voluntary group, CIC, social enterprise, church, school, sports club or charity can benefit from unrestricted funding in 2022.

Community Fundraising Manager Becky Coleman will talk through how your volunteers, staff and supporters can use the easyfundraising platform to raise donations for your organisation when they shop with thousands of leading retailers. Becky will demonstrate how it works, show you how to get started and answer any questions you might have. easyfundraisign is free to use and is trusted by 170,000 good causes around the UK.

Please do feel free to pass this on to anyone else you know who might like to come along.  

When: Tuesday 1st February 2022  

Time: 12.30 – 1.00pm 

Where: Online via Zoom

Register at: 

If you would like to get started with easyfundraising ahead of this session, you can do that here: 




The Gas Safe Charity is offering free carbon monoxide (CO) Zoom workshops this Autumn to help launch Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week on the 22nd November. As the days get colder and the heating is turned on, the potential risks of CO poisoning increase. The workshops last about an hour and are a mix of practical information and interaction.They are aimed at staff and volunteers from any organisation that delivers a service in the home of a vulnerable person. This could be face to face or telephone support. The focus is on the sources, signs and symptoms of CO poisoning and the risks around low level poisoning and what actions to take if you suspect this.

If you would like to book a place, please click on this link: or if you prefer e-learning, then email us on

If your interested in this topic, we have produced a short video with Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service, aimed at the South Asian community – the link is here:

Vision for Volunteering has announced its first workshops, as follows:

Healthy Ageing Workshop 1: ‘Promoting volunteering as a tool to sustain and improve health and wellbeing in later life’ 

Tuesday 16 November, 2-4pm

Healthy Ageing Workshop 2: ‘Tackling myths about and overcoming barriers that affect older age volunteers’ 

Wednesday 1 December, 2-4pm

Climate Emergency Workshop 1: ‘The role that volunteers can play in helping tackle the Climate Emergency’ 

Tuesday 16 November, 2-4pm

Climate Emergency Workshop 2: ‘What we need to deliver long term sustainable impact in climate volunteering’ 

Tuesday 30 November, 2-4pm

Sport England Workshop 1: ‘Igniting the Movement: developing and delivering a vision for volunteering in the sport and physical activity sector’ 

Tuesday 23 November, 10am-12pm

Sport England Workshop 2: ‘Shared Futures: exploring common challenges and opportunities between volunteering in sport and physical activity and wider sectors’  

Tuesday 30 November, 10-12pm

Find out more and book here.

NB: The remaining workshops will be open to sign ups shortly, focusing on further priority areas: including Resilient Communities, Health and Wellbeing, Young People Leading Change, and Employment and Skills.

Anti-Racism Creative Delivery Workshop:


Creative delivery workshop:


Next Friday, H&F Council and Spacehive will be hosting an online crowdfunding workshop in advance of the Autumn funding round of the Hammersmith & Fulham Hive.

Come along to get advice and support in developing your project idea and find out how you can pitch for up to £20,000 to make it happen! We’ll be on hand to answer your questions and to share advice about running a successful crowdfunding campaign.

Secure your spot by clicking on the button below:

Friday 16th July at 12pm

Whether this is your first time creating a project or you’re a seasoned community organiser, this online workshop will be an opportunity to learn everything you need to know in order to create and run a successful crowdfunding campaign.

Share your project idea with us today (even if it is just a seedling of an idea) so we can give you tips on how to get started!

Click here to tell us about your idea

If you cannot attend or have accessibility requirements please get in touch via

To mark Refugee Week, we are running a series of free virtual workshops from Monday 14th June to Friday 18th June. They will be hosted on Zoom by Hammersmith & Fulham Council and will cover a range of topics relating to refugees and asylum-seekers, including employment, wellbeing and rights.

These events are open to all, but are particularly targeted at refugees and asylum seekers.

Schedule of events

Further information on website

Sheila McKechnie Foundation.

Winning and maintaining internal support on 8 June

Self-care for change-makers on 22 June


To secure your place complete our sign up form:

For more information visit:


Photojournalism Hub is offering a Free Photography and Storytelling course for people aged 60+ living in Hammersmith and Fulham thanks to the kind support of Hammersmith United Charities. The project starts on the 13th of May and it lasts for 8 wks. It is a wonderful project in which participants will be learning basic photography and storytelling and will slowly work in pairs to produce a photo story of each other. The resulting photo stories will be published in a photo book which will be donated to all participants for themselves and their loved ones.  A registering page with further information is here:

I am also more than happy to have a phone call with those with an interest to join and would like further elucidation: Cinzia D’Ambrosi, Photojournalist, +44 7960940766