Date Tues 01 Mar 22

Timing 2 – 4.30pm (Registration 1.30pm)

Venue Conway Hall, Holborn

Topic Collaboration


Natalie Creary, Director, BlackThrive

Joe Doran, Action Inquiry Manager, Lankelly Chase

Collaboration is one of the five core values underpinning a trauma-informed approach. But how do we truly collaborate with those we work with? How exactly do we release the power and control that we can find ourselves holding onto?

Joe will share Lankelly Chase Foundation’s unique approach to collaboration – the thinking behind it and how it works in reality. Joe will discuss the challenges he finds to true collaboration (and possible solutions).

Natalie will share their approach and learning about collaboration – both from collaborating with Lankelly Chase, and from BlackThrive’s collaborative approach with the people who use their service. Natalie will discuss the key benefits to a good collaboration – together with what a bad collaboration can look like!

Join us in this safe space to share your collaboration experiences and hopefully be inspired to build your own approach to collaboration

Book your place here