We are running 3 small focus groups. The feedback will be used in our campaigning and advocacy work, but all participant responses will be anonymised. Refreshments will be provided and there will be a £20 high street voucher for each participant as a thank you. We can offer financial support for your childcare during the session if needed. Participants must come from households where there is at least one person working (doesn’t have to be full time), and where there is at least one child.

Problem debt focus group – Wednesday 7th September 10.30 – 11.30am
Housing issues focus group – Wednesday 7th September 12.00 – 13.00pm
Food insecurity focus group – Thursday 8th September 10.30 – 11.30am

All sessions will take place at The Lift, 45 White Lion Street, Islington, N1 9PW. For more information or to register your interest for a focus group please contact Hannah Slater indicating which session you would like to take part in – Hannah.slater@childrenengland.org.uk

For more information

QSIR: Practitioner is a nationally accredited program from the Advancing Change and Transformation (ACT) Academy that provides participants with the know-how to design and implement more productive services.
It is based on highly successful previous courses and offers a comprehensive curriculum that includes:

  • Leadership Fundamentals
  • Project Management
  • Sustainability of Improvement
  • Engaging and Working with Others
  • Process Mapping
  • Creativity in Improvement
  • Measurement for Improvement
  • Demand and Capacity

Participants attend for five days over a three month period, and  must have an existing project or project idea. During the program they apply the learning from the course to their own improvement projects, being supported between workshops to help make them a success. They are therefore not only learning methodology in quality improvement, but actively changing and improving local services as they study.

For more information

West London and Hammersmith and Fulham CCG’s would like to invite you to a ‘Health and Wellbeing Board Joint Strategy Refresh Workshop’ for patients and service users.

The meeting will take place on Tuesday 7th June 2016, 14.00 – 16.00, at St Pauls Church Hammersmith, Queen Charlotte Street, W6 9PJ.

We are currently reviewing our Health and Wellbeing Strategies across the Tri-Borough and the workshop is an opportunity for patients and service users to feed their views and comments into the strategy refresh process.

If you would like to attend, or have any queries, please could you RSVP to Emily Nicholls: Emily.Nicholls@nw.london.nhs.uk – 020 3350 4746 by 12pm on Monday 6th June.


Register Now

Date: 8th June 2016 10:30 AM to 1:00 PM
Venue: 200a Pentonville Road, Kings Cross, London, N1 9JP. Link to directions

Clinks and LVSC invite you to a workshop with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) on how to share information about health and care services for offenders in London and encourage services to be ‘outstanding’. CQC would like to build contacts with user and advocacy groups supporting people in the criminal justice system in London to better understand the quality of care they receive.

  • Do you have clients whose health and care needs are not being met?
  • Are your staff or volunteers having to spend more time and energy supporting clients with their health needs, or to navigate health and care services?

If so, this is your chance to tell CQC about the quality of health and care services and help them identify good and poor care.

Meet with CQC inspectors to share your experiences of health and care services (including GPs, hospitals, mental health, prison healthcare and social care services) and discuss where services need to be improved.

Clinks members tell us that both the variety and severity of your clients’ needs are increasing, while at the same time health and care services are being cut back and those that remain are under constant pressure.

The CQC inspect and regulate health and social care services (in prison and in the community) to ensure they are delivering safe, effective, high quality care to all their patients. They want to hear your stories, and the stories of people you support, of how health and care services in London are delivering for people in contact with the Criminal Justice System.

The event is free to attend; and vouchers and travel expenses can be paid for volunteers and service users. Please note this event is not aimed at service providers who are regulated by CQC.


The Women’s Association for Networking and Development WAND invites you to the next Happy Healthy Family Club on Wednesday 25 May 2016

10.00-14.00, Small Chapel, St. Charles Centre for Health and Wellbeing, Exmoor St, London W10 6DZ

***Lunch Provided***

Activities include

  • Tai Chi session by Royal Borough

Kensington & Chelsea Leisure Department

  • Sister Size – Bra Measure – Breast Awareness
  • Introduction to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) by Take-Time-To-Talk

Mental Health And Relationships by Vittoria Demeo

For further information please contact WAND UK on

Tel: 020 8962 4132 or 07813485607 (Dilhani)

Email: info@wanduk.org


see flyer

The Hammersmith and Fulham Health and Wellbeing Board is currently developing its Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy for 2016-2021


Through this strategy, and the hard work which will follow, the Health and Wellbeing Board aims to drive forward even closer working between health, social care, the voluntary sector and other partners, improve people’s experience of health and care services and ensure the financial sustainability of the local system into the future.

This process provides an opportunity for all partners across Hammersmith & Fulham to agree collectively how we will work together to improve our resident’s health and wellbeing over the next five years and transform people’s experience of health and social care services.

To inform the development of our strategy, we are hosting a workshop with local stakeholders to discuss collective ambitions for the borough and how we will transform health and care services locally over the next five years

The workshop is an opportunity to hear from senior directors, managers and commissioners and feed your views and comments into the strategy development process.

We are very pleased to invite you to this workshop which is taking place on:

Tuesday 24 May  from 10:30am to 12:30am at

Linden House, Corinthians Rowing Clubhouse,

Upper Mall , Hammersmith , London W6 9TA .

I would be grateful if you could confirm your attendance in the first instance by emailing me (dominic.carey@lbhf.gov.uk) by Tuesday 10th May  and then clicking onto the

appropriate link below where you can book your place online.

Hammersmith and Fulham Staff

Westminster City Council Staff

Kensington and Chelsea Staff

Non-Council Staff (You will need to create a profile)


Please click on links below to see supporting documents and workshop outline

H&F Strategy Work Document

North West London Integrated Care Outcomes Framework

Workshop Outline

If you encounter any difficulties please email  learning@lbhf.gov.uk.

Please note some of you will also receive an invitation to attend the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy Workshop Invitation in RBKC Weds 25 May 10.30am-12.30pm and others to be invited to lead on the same workshop outline sessions you hosted in the Westminster event In April


Unlock the healing potential of your kitchen or garden with our award-winning course!
Kitchen Pharmacy  The Basics of Self Care

Fulham Palace, Saturday 7 May, 1pm-5pm

Join Alex Laird from Living Medicine for the first of two inspirational afternoons on how you can use certain foods and herbs to improve everyday self care and health.
Learn through practical demonstrations and a plant medicine walk through the historic Fulham Palace Walled Garden.
This is the first in a five part series; it is possible to receive a Certificate of Attendance should you choose to pursue the full course with Living Medicine. The second session is on Colds & Allergies on Saturday 10 September.

Booking essential places limited to 15, so first come, first served! Cost is £50/£45 for unemployed adults, including handouts and starter kit.

Book & pay for Kitchen Pharmacy: http://www.fulhampalace.org/events/kitchen-pharmacy/

Book & pay for Colds & Allergies: http://www.fulhampalace.org/events/colds-and-allergies/

Venue: Jessie Mylne Education Centre
Fulham Palace, Bishop’s Avenue, SW6 6EA


See flyer

Milson Road Health Centre Co-Design Workshop

Membership Engagement Services  have been appointed by Hammersmith & Fulham Clinical Commissioning Group  to facilitate a co-design workshop on the future use of Milson Road Health Centre (1-13 Milson Road, W14 0LJ) and would like to invite you to the Co-design workshop.

Details for which are:

When: Thursday 14 April, 6pm-9pm

Where: Masbro Centre, 87 Masbro Road, London, W14 0LR

The co-design approach looks to involve all stakeholders in the design process of what the future of Milson Road could look like. It is hoped that this will ensure that the Health Centre meets the needs of the local and wider community providing a long-term, locally designed solution to a local issue.

If you would like to attend the workshop, please email either elouise.smith@membra.co.uk or amy.li@membra.co.uk to register. Please note, refreshments will be provided on the day.

See flyer

Action on Disability Welfare Benefits Project will be hosting two (2) separate talks:

  • Universal Credit (UC)
  • Personal Independence Payments

The talks will be given by Colin Morris from the Department of Work & Pensions (DWP) at Action on Disability on:

  • Universal Credits (UC) – Tuesday 5th April
  • Personal Independence Payments (PIP) – Wednesday 20th April

Times:      2.00 pm until 4.00 pm for each date.

There will be time for Q&A on each day.

Where:      AoD Office, Greswell Street, Fulham, SW6 6PX


Light refreshments will be available from 1.30 pm on both dates

Booking a Place:

To book a place on either or both talks, please contact:

Yasmin Mian – 0207 471 8510 – yasmin.mian@actionondisability.org.uk


See flyer