In partnership with Thrive LDN and the #iWill Fund, Team London are offering grants of between £10,000- £15,000 to community groups, small charities and voluntary sector organisations to run one year projects which encourage young Londoners to volunteer or take part in social action.


The projects will focus on any area of volunteering or social action.

Examples of categories for these projects include sports, arts, media, or London’s environment but should also encourage good mental health and wellbeing.


The majority of young participants will be new to volunteering and will come from groups that are disproportionately affected by mental health issues.


The Team London and Thrive LDN Small Grants will fund projects which: 

  • work with 10 – 20 year olds on volunteering and/or social action projects
  • can demonstrate how the project will positively impact the young peoples’ wellbeing and emotional resilience
  • ensure 60% of young people taking part are new to volunteering (not taken part in the last 12 months)
  • work with young people from one or more of the following target groups:
    • Looked after children (or at risk of being)
    • Young carers
    • Young people in the youth justice system (or at risk of being)
    • Young homeless people (or at risk of being)
    • Refugee and asylum-seeking young people
    • Young people with learning disabilities
    • NEETs (not in employment, education or training)
    • Vulnerable young people1 (or at risk of being)
    • Young people who identify as LGBTQ+
    • Young people from the traveller community
    • Young people who have experienced domestic violence
    • Young people with physical disabilities


We invite potential applicants to get in touch for informal conversations about applying for this fund. Please contact us here.


DSC Social Change Awards celebrate the passionate individuals and effective organisations committed to making a positive impact on society.




To find out more about and nominate for each award click through and make your nominations straight away below:

Nominate now for the Outstanding Contribution Award.

Nominate now for the Everybody Benefits – Long Term Award.

Nominate now for the Everybody Benefits – New Enterprise Award.

Nominate now for the Influencer Award.

Nominate now for the Rising Star Award.

Nominate now for the Great Giving Award.


Nominations close on Monday 30 September and the public voting period will begin in late November.


The Awards Ceremony evening (invite only) will take place on Wednesday 22 January at the House of Lords, in the Cholmondeley Room, hosted by The Lord Dannatt.







Sobus is hosting a FREE coffee morning for local businesses on Friday, 27th September 2018 from 8:30am- 10am.


We would like to connect with all businesses, whether you are a Start-up, Social enterprise, Charity or a Commercial business.


Given the hard time this area has suffered, the idea is for all businesses to connect, network and use our coffee mornings as a platform to be more visible and maybe serve the local community better.

We hope that monthly coffee mornings will assist businesses to work in conjunction with one another and for the potential of building new business opportunities.


This is an open invite, so please with us, welcome anyone who may benefit from this FREE business community networking event and pass it on to your colleagues/fellow businesses if you are not able to attend.


Click here to view/download a flyer.

Tri-Borough Music Hub



New music charity for London is now seeking trustees to help us extend music education across all communities in west London, particularly for disadvantaged people. 


Musical Boroughs Trust has been granted registered charity status by the UK’s Charity Commission, so that it can start fundraising to help more young people and the wider community engage with music in three London Boroughs. Now it is calling for new trustees to help it in its work.


Our next step is to complete the board of the charity, so if you are passionate about music, education and social impact we are looking for local people with fresh ideas to join our founding trustees, helping us to grow and represent our communities”, continues Stuart.


The charity seeks two young trustees aged 18 to 25 years, and also specialists who can offer expertise in fundraising, marketing/communications and finance/accounting.

A key aim of the charity is to reduce financial barriers to music education learning for local schoolchildren who face disadvantage, social deprivation, inequality and financial hardship. This includes discounted fees and bursaries for pupils.


A Year 13 pupil who studied music locally says


I could never have achieved all that I did during the last 5 years without the work of the Tri-borough Music Hub as a whole. They care immensely about the way that music helps support children, especially in the most formative years of their lives. The new Musical Boroughs Trust is a fantastic cause and I hope that they can help support countless other young people to access music education.” Tiarnan Morrison, aged 18.



Musical Boroughs Trust is inviting local people to help the new charity in many ways including as potential trustees.


Supporters can also make donations, introduce us to potential funders, volunteer (e.g. for our “users voice group”), and generally spread the word.


All of these things can help secure the future of music education for people of all ages.


To view/download a press release with the key information click here.

Image result for CSJ Awards 2020





The CSJ Awards is a high-profile awards ceremony that honours the best grassroot, poverty-fighting charities and social enterprises across Britain.


Six winners will receive a £10,000 grant and their work will be showcased in front of hundreds of leading figures from across the country.


This year’s categories are:

  • Award One – The Maxie Richards Addiction Award
  • Award Two – The Family Award
  • Award Three – The Work Award
  • Award Four – The Education Award
  • Award Five – The Criminal Justice Award
  • Award Six – The Financial Inclusion Award


To view/download a flyer click here.


Below you will find a selection of articles and resource sites to help with fundraising.


Six Places to Find Great Fundraising Ideas and Tips

“Donate Now!” How to Get the Most From Online Fundraising

7 Steps to Successful Online Crowdfunding

Trusts and Foundations in the UK

How to be Awesome on Instagram – webinar

Fundraising Fundamentals Guide from CAF

Just Giving’s Top 10 Fundraising Tips



Image result for Hammersmith and Fulham Brilliant Business Awards 2019


The Hammersmith and Fulham Brilliant Business Awards are back for 2019!


Now in their 8th year, the 2019 awards are even bigger and better with categories to suit every type and size of business, from start-ups and SMEs to employers and social enterprises.


The awards are free and easy to enter and seek to shine the light on the best borough businesses.

Shortlisted businesses  get free tickets for themselves and guests to the Gala Presentation and Dinner on Thursday 21 November at the world-famous Kensington Olympia.


The closing date for entries is Friday 25 October and the winners are decided by an expert panel of judges.

Businesses who are shortlisted for awards benefit from a boost to brand awareness, increased credibility in the marketplace, escalating staff morale and a surge in attractiveness to potential employees. So, what have you got to lose?


To find out how to enter the Judges Prize categories click here  with 13 categories –you can enter two to boost your chances.


To view / download a poster, click here.

Image result for north london ccg


There are a range of different ways to get involved.

People from each borough are invited to join health care professionals and staff from our services to share their views and experiences.

These workshops will ​support how we develop a model of care for future community palliative care services and aim to address some of the key challenges highlighted in the independent review of services, in collaboration with local people.


The workshops will each have a different theme and be held on the following dates:

  • Workshop 1 – Access’, 30 September 6-8pm, Wembley Centre for Health & Care. Register to attend here.
  • Workshop 2 – ‘Care’, 7 October 9-12pm, St Paul’s Church, Hammersmith. Register to attend here.
  • Workshop 3 – ‘Aftercare & bereavement support’ 24 October 3-6pm, Museum of Brands Ladbroke Grove​. Register to attend here.



Patient & public working group

People are also invited to participate in the on-going development of this work by joining the ‘The patient & public palliative care working group’which will work closely with our steering group of clinicians, palliative care service and commissioning staff.

The group will be representative across the four boroughs and will meet monthly. Find out more in the ‘job description’ and send in your application to join, also attached along with a poster promoting the workshops.


For more information please visit website.


Click here to view/download a poster.

To see Palliative care update click here.

To view / download the NW London equalities monitoring form, click here.




As part of our mission to empower women to become agents for thier own change through education and personal development projects we run, our work is conducted though our current projects and activities such as Happy Healthy Families Club and our EU Lifelong Learning Programme.


As well as this, WAND aims to provide service at two levels:

– Individual Level:
Working with disadvantaged and socially excluded, providing advice and information, support, advocacy, opportunities for education and training, self development for community action, enhancing lifelong skills, raising children’s voices, research and development and referral services.

– Organisational Level:
By networking and partnering with other established organisations Other organisations with similar aims, through conduction and dissemination research, sharing information, campaigning and influencing social policy legislation affecting women.


Event date – 25th September, 10:00-14:00

Topic of the Month

Brexit: Human rights, Human wrongs



Click here to view/download the flyer.


Free Courses In England


Fully Funded Level 2 Courses


We want to support you in focusing on retraining or up-skilling, providing you with motivation, job satisfaction and brand new qualifications.

Online learning gives you the flexibility to study all from the comfort of your own home or office with no strict deadlines or timetabling.

Our free courses are fully accredited by NCFE and successful completers will be awarded a formal qualification.

There is a range of courses to choose from including business admin, data protection, a variety of digital marketing workshops and a host of health and social care courses to name a few.

View our full list of free courses here.

All of these courses are funded meaning there is no cost to you whatsoever.


They are an excellent way of providing valuable professional development.