pryors bank pavilion main pic

Pryors Bank Pavilion is an attractive mock Tudor pavilion, formerly a refreshments house, located by Putney Bridge and sitting just inside the gates of Bishop’s Park. It is leased from the council by All Saints Church, which is adjacent, and the Church offices are on the first floor of the building. The ground floor of this pavilion is available for hire from 9am – 4pm Monday – Friday. All Saints Church are able to offer to charities and voluntary sector groups at little or no cost  and offers the following amenities which can be hired/borrowed as a whole or separately. It has disabled access. All users have access to two loos (one disabled) and a front lobby for storage of coats ( not valuables).

Large Meeting Room

large meeting room
An attractive room with windows opening onto views of the park. This measures 6.6m x 4.3m and can seat 25 maximum and 40 standing.

The following items are available for use:
• Disabled access
• 26 chairs
• 2 folding trestle tables (170cm x 70cm)
• 8 smaller tables measuring (70cm x 70cm)
• A flip chart including paper
• White wipe board ( 120cm x 90cm)
• Two wall sockets and two floor sockets
• A piano subject to prior arrangement and consent
• Wifi access
• Coffee making facilities

Small Meeting Room

small meeting room

Ideal for smaller meetings of max 6 people.
• Wifi access
• Coffee making facilities
• Tables and chairs

Tower Room

tower room

Ideal for small meetings of maximum 6 people sitting around a small coffee table.
• Coffee making facilities and wifi

The kitchen
A well equipped kitchen with the following facilities:
• Tea urn
• Large oven
• Fridge for smaller items
• Microwave
• 25 dinner plates
• 24 wine glasses
• 24 water glasses
• Two coffee machines
• 4 baking trays
• 2 large saucepans
• Various utensils
• 20 knives and forks


Tina Ellis
Parish Manager
All Saints Church Fulham
Parish Office, Pryors Bank, Bishops Park, London SW6 3LA
020 7736 3264

(Please note I am not in the office on Wednesdays).

open age logonotthing hill housing logo

Are you aged 50 plus?

smartphones workshop over 50's

Starts Wednesday 04th November at Elgin Close Resource Centre

Week 1 – 04 Nov – 1.30pm to 3.00pm Cost – £2.00
turning it on and off, adjusting volume and connect to the WIFI available

Week 2 – 11 Nov – 1.30pm to 3.00pm Cost – £2.00
use the internet on your phone

Week 3 – 18 Nov – 1.30pm to 3.00pm Cost – £2.00
how to download and update app

Week 4 – 25 Nov– 1.30pm to 3.00pm Cost – £2.00
accessing text messages and messaging services such as whatsapp, emails

Week 5 – 02 Dec – 1.30pm to 3.00pm Cost – £2.00
how to use the camera and attach photos to emails and send them

Week 6 09 Dec – 1.30pm to 3.00pm Cost – £2.00
how to record video on your phone

Numbers are limited so please call to book a place
For further information call Elizabeth at Open Age: 07467235524 or
Elgin Close Resource Centre:020 8762 3007

Elgin Close Resource Centre, 1-3 Elgin Close, W12 9NH,              020 8762 3007

 Shelter’s Fulham appointments and drop in sessions have changed

Full appointments will now be held on Mondays between 10:30 – 13:30. Clients can call 0344 515 1540 to book full appointments. Please note this number has changed and used to be 0344 515 2222.

Drop in Sessions will be held on Wednesdays and Thursdays 10:30 – 13:30 and the first 6 clients will be seen on both days.

Please notify your clients of these changes.


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We are hosting our annual Westway Trust Christmas Festival this year and we would like you to be involved! The dates are 9th and 10th of December and it will be held under the canopy and in the Portobello Green Arcade.

We are looking for festive stalls, activities, performers and volunteers. If you would like to be involved or know of others that would be interested please click the link and fill in the short form by November 20th

Save the date, Tuesday 1st December 2015; 10 a.m. – 4 p.m, Ealing Town Hall

On Tuesday 1st December the West London Collaborative and Ealing, Hounslow and Hammersmith & Fulham CCGs will be hosting an event to evaluate Urgent Care Mental Health services. This will include scenarios that will showcase an imagined 24 hours in Urgent Care. The scenarios will present examples of patient pathways across the three boroughs during their interactions with Urgent Care over a 24 hour period. Service users, carers, family members, the community and voluntary sector will come together to find solutions to issues that exist with current services.

Please save the date if you are interested in attending. Please also forward this on to your networks. More details about the event will be sent out in due course. Please contact Olu Odukale ( if you’d like to know more about the event.

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Living Wage Week: 1st – 7th November

Next week is Living Wage Week and Sobus is proud to announce that it has become a London Living Wage employer. Financially it is a difficult time for voluntary sector organisations and staffing costs are usually be the largest area of expenditure so why are more and more organisations signing up to paying the London Living Wage:

The Living Wage affords people the opportunity to provide for themselves and their families.

50% of employees felt that the Living Wage had made them more willing to implement changes in their working practices; enabled them to require fewer concessions to effect change; and made them more likely to adopt changes more quickly.

The Living Wage campaign was launched in 2001 by parents in East London, who were frustrated that working two minimum wage jobs left no time for family life.

The causes of poverty are complex and in order to improve lives there should be a package of solutions across policy areas. The Living Wage can be part of the solution.

An independent study examining the business benefits of implementing a Living Wage policy in London found that more than 80% of employers believe that the Living Wage had enhanced the quality of the work of their staff, while absenteeism had fallen by approximately 25%. Two thirds of employers reported a significant impact on recruitment and retention within their organisation.

For more information visit The Living Wage Foundation

Join us on a walkabout to discover the history and heritage of the local area

A walkabout in the North Acton area from 1-3pm on Saturday 14th November led by John Goodier, Chairman of Hammersmith and Fulham Historic Building Group. The walkabout is for 25 people maximum, so please contact me to book your place. If more people are interested there will be an opportunity to repeat the walk.
If you are interested in attending one or both walkabouts please contact Eva Psychrani at or 07784286809. For the tour in Park Royal please let me know by early next week if you will need transport.

On People First Logo

Healthworks are hosting a conference Engaging men for gender equality on 28th October from 10am till 4.30pm in Kensington and Chelsea, although residents and professionals from all 3 boroughs may attend – full details here.



Men, on average, visit the GP 20% less than women, and younger men visit the GP half as often as younger women. Men are generally poor users of primary care. They are less likely to access other health services such as dentists, pharmacists, health trainers, smoking cessation services, weight management and contraception services.*

Women have higher GP consultation rates for a wide range of illnesses. Men use hospital A&E departments more often than women, suggesting that men wait till a crisis before seeking help.*

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Link Up Service Hammersmith and Fulham:

Link Up is a one-to-one signposting service Open Age offer local over 50s who need a little extra help to enable them to access activities, groups and services locally.
If you, a friend, relative or neighbour are over 50 and looking for a physical, creative or social group locally but don’t know how to go about finding this, this service is the ideal way to find an activity that can work for you. The process begins with a referral. This can be made via a health team, community worker, friend or the person themselves. Our Open Age Link Up worker Elizabeth Goldrick will arrange to visit you in your home and, based on your interests and needs, suggest groups and activities locally. She will tell you about the Open Age classes (a wide range of physical, social and creative sessions, all held in community venues and usually cost £1 per hour). She can also let you know about other local groups and services that might be beneficial.

Elizabeth will help with practical things -completing membership forms and explaining class locations. If transport needs to be arranged Elizabeth will help in completing Dial-a-Ride forms. For the first class Elizabeth can accompany you to the session. Elizabeth will visit up to three times and continue to check in by phone to see if you’ve continued to attend the group or, if not, can see what needs to be arranged to enable them to attend or find an alternative group.
Elizabeth is friendly, informative and here to help; to receive the referral form or have further queries you can contact her at the Open Age main Office: 020 8962 4141 or by email: