Due to the current pandemic DSC are unable to despatch all of our printed titles until at least the end of April. But if you purchase one of our selected funding guides, you’ll receive free access to Funds Online (our online funding database), so you can still look for funding while you wait. Read the full details online

The money from the Coronavirus appeal with now start flowing to communities via local community foundations, but it may take some time to set up systems to allocate and distribute it in different areas. Check with your local Community Foundation

Yesterday, former Conservative MP and Minister for Civil Society Rob Wilson wrote in the Telegraph about why charities are so important, and appealed to the Treasury to take swift action: ‘Charities have a vital part to play in tackling the coronavirus crisis, and in helping the country rebuild once the worst is over. But they can’t do that if they no longer exist…’

Labour MP Tracey Brabin also gave an impassioned plea before the House of Commons, saying: ‘Charity workers are helping some of the most vulnerable people in our community through the COVID19 crisis. The Government needs to act now to give them the support they need.’

So far, over 1/3 of all MPs from 9 different parties have signed a joint letter organised by Stephen Doughty MP, urging the government to provide financial support for the sector so it can keep serving communities.

We can’t do it without you, though. Your letters are working – keep them coming. If you haven’t written to your MP yet, there’s still time – it only takes 5 minutes. Download our super-easy template here and do it today – #EveryDayCounts – share you story and get it trending!


If the coronavirus outbreak has affected your company and you need more time to file your accounts, you can apply for a 3 month extension.

Find out more about the new measures agreed to help companies file their accounts during the coronavirus outbreak. 

We have decided to close our contact centre to protect the welfare of our employees. If you need to contact us, please email enquiries@companieshouse.gov.uk and we’ll answer as soon as possible.

We’ll be sharing all the latest updates and information about our services on our coronavirus guidance page for Companies House customers, employees and suppliers

To receive instant email notifications as soon as we update our content, sign up for email alerts.

Grants Online are aware of how COVID 19 has impacted on everyone’s life, some a lot more than others, and in our line of work we wanted to come up with something that could help ease some workload and financial burden for charities and not for profit organisations. We have identified all those Grants that are available to you to help with the impact that COVID 19 is having and has had, and we have put them all on a separate web page that we have created, this will be updated with any new information as and when it is made available, so please check regularly. This of course is available to you all at no extra cost, please feel free to share this information.

To access the web page just click on this link https://www.grantsonline.org.uk/coronavirus.html

The Smile Brigade and Rylston Pub in Fulham are offering cooked/packaged meals for people in need in the current COVID 19 crisis. Monique (Smile Brigade) and Jonathan (Rylston Pub & Director of the Yellow Panda Pub Co) will be leading the project.

In summary the project wishes to:

  • reach out to groups that have or can identify people in need
  • provide 2 to 3 meals twice a week for groups to collect from the community hall

o logistics of delivering to groups beneficiaries will mostly be left to the groups workers or volunteers

Logistics and other bits:

  • Monique (Smile Brigade) to work as coordinator with the groups, make initial contact and assess if we can work with them and in what capacity
  • Jonathan to organise food preparation/stock
  • Meals including food like pies, lasagne, curry etc
  • All group food donations to be diverted to the community hall/Rylston pub
  • Key is that they realise that organisations will need to take care of the distribution to their beneficiaries. They will have a certain resource that we can use but only for those that absolutely cannot do themselves.

Rylston are doing delivery for the Smile Brigade this Friday, so it would be really good if organisations interested could respond before Friday if possible.

Outside of groups using workers and volunteers to deliver their food the project may need to ask for food containers, cleaning products, pick up/collection of raw produce.

Please contact Monique monique@thesmilebrigade.org and Jonathan jonathan@woollardj.co.uk Tel:07989981049 directly.

Thank you so much to all of you that have downloaded this template letter and sent it to your MP already – the more of you that do this, the harder it will be for government to ignore the cries for help that are going up across the sector. Find out more here now.

#SaveOurSector #EveryDayCounts – Please write to your MP today

The charity sector is set to lose at least £4.3bn in income over the next three months – at precisely the time when society needs so many charity services the most. The letter writing campaign is already having an impact – MPs are writing to the Chancellor and asking questions of the Prime Minister in Parliament. They need to hear your story! Our template letter makes it easy – it only takes five minutes.

London Community Response Fund now stands at £3.2m, with a range of funders committing to support London charities. The fund is being coordinated by London Funders and expects to open later in the week. Find out more online

Arts Council England (ACE) have just announced £160m worth of emergency funding for arts organisations. £90m will be available to existing grantees, £50m to organisations not getting regular funding from them, and £20m for individuals. They expect to be open for applications shortly here


The NHS is looking for up to 250,000 Volunteer Responders to help up to 1.5 million people who have been asked to shield themselves from coronavirus because of underlying health conditions. As of Wednesday afternoon more than half that number have signed up. This is not intended to replace the vital work charities or community groups are doing but is an additional service. You can register your interest here

When further restrictions on movement and social contact were put in place by the government on Monday, there was no specific advice on how that would affect volunteers, especially those supporting vulnerable beneficiaries. This guidance from Volunteering Matters gives some fantastic tips and advice, as well as a risk assessment template that you can use to document and share how your organisation is taking the best steps to protect Its volunteers and beneficiaries. Read the guidance here.