With the latest fuel increases coming into force from the beginning of October and food prices continuing to rise, the majority of local organisations will no doubt be seeing an increase in requests for support from the communities they work with – as well as dealing with the impact of the crisis on their own organisation, staff and volunteers.

Cllr Rebecca Harvey, Cabinet Member for Social Inclusion and Community Safety, has organised a Cost of Living Crisis workshop on Friday 7th October from 9.30 – 12.45. This event will offer an important opportunity for us to share insights and ideas on how local residents can be supported through this crisis. Please do register your attendance via this link:  Hammersmith & Fulham Cost of Living Crisis Workshop 2022 Tickets, Fri 7 Oct 2022 at 09:30 | Eventbrite

Win More Contracts with Public & Private Sector Organisations

The London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham have commissioned Branduin Business Support to deliver a fully funded Fit To Bid® supplier development programme covering business engagement, skills training, and specialist mentoring support to help SMEs based in the Borough to win new contracts with Council procurement and large private sector companies.

Please register for the October 2022 workshops by clicking on the link: H&F Fit To Bid® Collection


Develop Products & Services for Procurement 12-Oct at 11am-12pm

This workshop will help you make product decisions by developing products and services that match your customers’ requirements. The focus is on the Jobs To Be Done by your customers – Local Government Procurement; large private sector companies, and Tier-1 & Tier-2 buyers and suppliers.


Marketing to Tier-1 & Tier-2 Suppliers (B2B) – 26-Oct 2022 at 11am-12pm

This workshop will show you how to unlock the hidden secrets of LinkedIn by helping you make a great profile, and provide advice on who to connect to, how to find leads to grow your business, and leverage your relationships.

Businesses based in the Borough of H&F can also access two free 1-2-1 confidential tender business advice sessions with an experienced advisor who will work closely with you to find solutions to overcome key challenges and help you win more local business.

Bid Writing – Mon 03 October 2022 – Mon 17 October 2022 – Mon 31 October 2022 Mon 14 November 2022 – Mon 28 November 2022 – Mon 12 December 2022

Do you know the most common reasons for rejection? Are you gathering the right evidence? Are you making the right arguments? Are you using the right terminology? Are your numbers right? Are you learning from rejections? Are you assembling the right documents? Do you know how to create a clear and concise standard funding bid? Are you communicating with people or just excluding them? Do you know your own organisation well enough? Are you thinking through your projects carefully enough? Do you know enough about your competitors? Are you answering the questions funders will ask themselves about your application? Are you submitting applications correctly?


Trust Fundraising – Tue 18 October 2022 – Tue 15 November 2022 – Tue 13 December 2022

Are you applying to the right trusts? Are you applying to enough trusts? Are you asking for the right amount of money? Are you applying in the right ways? Are your projects the most fundable projects? Are you carrying out trust fundraising in a professional way? Are you delegating enough work? Are you highly productive or just very busy? Are you looking for trusts in all the right places? How do you compare with your competitors for funding? Is the rest of your fundraising hampering your bids to trusts? Do you understand what trusts are ideally looking for?


Introduction to Fundraising – Wed 02 November 2022

The workshop is for people who wish to move into fundraising, have just started in fundraising or have responsibilities for fundraisers. We examine each of the different areas of fundraising – public donors, major donors, legacies, trusts and corporates. We explain how the different areas fit together and support each other to create a balanced fundraising effort. We look at how much investment each area of fundraising requires, what returns to expect and how long it is likely to take to achieve those returns. We examine what the rest of your organisation could be doing to help make your fundraising more successful.


Legacy Fundraising – Wed 16 November 2022

Why do people make legacy gifts? What are the ethical issues? What are the regulations? What are the tax issues? What are the statistics? What are the trends? How can we integrate legacy fundraising into our other fundraising? What are the sources for research? How should we set a budget? How should we evaluate our results? How should we forecast likely income? Should we use consultants? How should we build a case for support? What media and marketing channels should we use? What about in memory giving? How should we setup our admin systems? What are the common problems & pitfalls?


Major Donor Fundraising – Wed 05 October 2022 – Wed 30 November 2022

Major Donor Characteristics, Motivations and Requirements. Researching and Screening Major Donors.

Encouraging, Involving and Retaining Major Donors. Building Relationships with Major Donors. Major Donor Events and Activities. Setting Up Major Donor Clubs. Asking For Major Gifts. Looking After and Reporting Back to Major Donors. Delivering on Major Donor Expectations. Showing Your Appreciation to Major Donors.

Fundraising Budgets and Committees.  


Corporate Fundraising – Wed 19 October 2022 – Wed 14 December 2022

Who are these companies? Why do they get involved? What do they like? What can you get from them? What can you offer them? What are the differences between donations, sponsorship, advertising and cause related marketing? Are companies just like trusts? How do you find these companies? How do you research them?

How do you contact them? How do you pitch to them? How do you negotiate with them? When should you say no? How do you draft contracts? How do you manage the relationships? What could go wrong? What are the tax issues? What are the other considerations?

Click here to book courses

The risks of carbon monoxide poisoning increase as we move towards Autumn and Winter. The Gas Safe Charity continues to offer more of their popular and free carbon monoxide awareness workshops. Aimed at front line staff and volunteers, they help people who work in the homes of vulnerable people to be more aware of the risks and to help prevent poisoning taking place. The interactive workshop lasts an hour. To find out more and to book, please click on this link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/115618952399

Do you live in W10, W11 or W12? Do you have kids with asthma/allergies, care about your family’s health and the air in West London? Our world-leading Environmental Research Group are looking for families to join the first major UK study to measure indoor air pollution – with free sensors and science activities.

Check out the info sheet, and sign up now.

We particularly welcome families from Black/Black British, North African, and Asian backgrounds, or who speak Somali, Arabic, Albanian, Spanish, Amharic or Portuguese, to reflect West London’s rich diversity.

If you have any questions or need additional support, please email Esther on wellhome@ic.ac.uk  or call, text or Whatsapp: 07596 955261

Free Health event for RBKC residents and staff thanks to the Health Equalities Programme and Portobello Business Centre

When: 4th August 2022 10am-4pm

Where: Essex Unitarian Church 112 Palace Gardens Terrace W8 4RT

Speakers: talk about: covid, covid vaccine, mental health during covid, service users, CCG, Public Health & other organisations

Stalls: CCG, Public Health, Change4Life, One You, Sexual Health (SASH), Substance misuse, African Women’s Care, Mental Health worker, CatherineMHT and more

Expert Panel: CCG, Public Health, service users, mental health worker, Change4Life and more

Hot Food

Sleep workshop              

Mindfulness workshop

Exercise session


Booking is essential. For a place, please contact Catherine on mhtcatherine@gmail.com or 07809602140

For a downloadable flyer click here: MHT PBC Event Poster

Fully funded courses for those living in North Kensington with thanks to the Grenfell Projects Fund 2

Deaf Awareness: 1st August 2022 10am- 4pm
2-day Mental Health First Aid: 8th & 15th August 2022 10am-4:30pm
Suicide First Aid: 23rd Aug 9:30am-4:30pm

Face to Face Training in a North Kensington Venue
Contact Catherine to book on: mhtcatherine@gmail.com or 07809602140

For a downloadable flyer click here: MHT Flyer for Courses in 2022

A one day course aimed at any professional or volunteer tasked with delivering group work regularly. Wednesday, 15th June 2022 10.30am to 4.30pm.


Booking Form


May-July 2022 events:




Supporting 11-14-year-old girls to develop healthy relationships, skills and resources to maintain positive mental health.

Providing a safe space for young girls to boost their self-confidence, self-empowerment and discuss mental health.

• Engage in talking circles to express your thoughts and feelings.
• Work together in a group on a new social action project.
• Join a range of art and sports activities such as yoga, football, tie-dye, digital graphics
and much more.
• Get the chance to attend a 2 day residential and become a ‘Wellbeing Ambassador’ for
our organisation!

Good for Girls is helping youth clubs become mental health hubs to extend mental
health support for young women outside of school. Apply | Learn more