Life Coach Logo

I am offering life coaching sessions for individuals and groups particularly around wellbeing, self-development and growth.

“Safe space / Empathy / Support”

Click here to download a PDF with more information

For a complimentary no obligation session via phone or Skype, please contact: Nawal Lakhdar

on Mobile: 07976083412



Funders Fair Logo

This year’s Funders Fair will take place on Tuesday 3rd July at Kensington Town Hall in the Great Hall, Small Hall and Committee rooms 2, 3 and 4. This is an opportunity to meet with funders, pick up tips to improve your fundraising and learn about new ways to generate income. Sobus, One Westminster and Kensington & Chelsea Social Council look forward to seeing you there!

Details of the timetable, workshops etc will follow. Click Here for more info and to register on Eventbrite

In partnership with Hammersmith and Fulham Council, Opening Doors London – the charity for older lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans+ people in London (originally part of Age UK Camden) – is delivering a free workshop on the morning of Monday 23rd April to bring council staff and local health, housing and social care workers together with the voluntary sector to agree ways to improve services to better meet the health and social care needs of older LGBT+ people in the borough.

The workshop will enable your staff and volunteers to:

  • Better understand the health and social care needs of older LGBT+ people
  • Get the latest research into LGBT+ demographics, lifestyle and relationships
  • Identify ways to improve services for older LGBT+ people in H&F
  • Discuss barriers to effective working and how to accelerate change
  • Take away resources, video-links and practice-guides to share with colleagues

We would be very grateful if you could please circulate the attached flyer to relevant staff and volunteers that you work with who may be interested in this free event. Click Here for the Eventbrite links to sign up which can also be found in the attached flyer but please do drop me a line or give me a ring if you encounter any difficulties with this or need any further information.

Click Here for the Event Flyer

When: Saturday 21st April 11.00 – 13.00

Where: The Attic Room, The Bush Theatre, Uxbridge Road Shepherd’s Bush

Protection Approaches is delighted to invite you to join us at community workshop and discussion at the Bush Theatre. This event will bring together community members from different backgrounds, ages, and professions to explore ideas of how we can bridge community divides.

During our project, Prejudice and Us, we worked with young people from Shepherds Bush, White City and Hammersmith to understand their experiences of prejudice. We discovered that prejudice is an ever present problem affecting the lives of the young people in a variety of ways and that many young people feel they live in an increasingly divided community. You can view a full report of our findings here.

We hope that this workshop and discussion will be an opportunity to work together to think of ways we can bridge those divides and make our community a better place for all.

The event will end with a buffet lunch and a chance to continue discussions informally

To confirm your attendance or for more info please:

Email: or call: 020 3488 2996

Are you an ambitious organisation looking for support to make the next strategic step in your development?

Pilotlight is an award-winning charity that transforms the lives of disadvantaged people in the UK by offering charities and social enterprises access to the strategic business support they need to become bigger, better and more sustainable. We do this by harnessing and matching the talents of our members – we call them Pilotlighters – to charities through our programmes. All our programmes are project managed by experienced Pilotlight Project Managers who drive for the best outcomes for both our Charity Partners and our Pilotlighters.

We currently have a small number of places available for ambitious organisations that tackle social disadvantaged in the UK and are based in London to participate in our Pilotlight Programme. The programme offers 10 months of facilitated coaching from four volunteer senior business mentors (we call them Pilotlighters), supported by a dedicated Pilotlight Project Manager and is free of charge. Teams meet monthly in our central London office and each project is bespoke to the strategic challenges the organisation is facing.

Two years after their engagement with Pilotlight, our charity partners are on average:

  • reaching 53% more people
  • generating 28% more income

Could this be your organisation?

For more information and to apply visit: Click Here

If you have any queries please contact Georges Lebreton on 020 7283 7022 or

Are you a Hammersmith & Fulham small business?

The council wants H&F to be the best place to do business in Europe. Please join us for this year’s business-boosting event and exhibition.


Exhibit at this event

Event Date: 22nd March 2018

Please call 0333 358 3399 or visit our website for more information.

We also have pro bono opportrunities for selected Hammersmith & Fulham businesses to have a free stand at the event in some targeted sectors.

Free networking

With two free Speed Networking sessions and informal networking across the day, there are plenty of opportunities to meet your next client, supplier or partners.


Over 30 suppliers, support groups, H&F Council departments and service providers will be on hand throughout the day to help, guide, advise and support your business.

One-to-One advice sessions

Book an appointment for personal advice with an expert on accounting, law, marketing, sales, business development, funding and much more.

Four inspirational seminars covering subjects relevant to all businesses. These are:

  • NatWest start-up masterclass
  • What GDPR means for your business. The new data protection rules come into place on 25 May and will affect everyone in business
  • Planning for success – strategies and tips to help you grow
  • Question Time – with a panel of business experts to answer your questions.

For further information contact 

Nicki Burgess, H&F Business Investment Team  – Phone 020 8753 5695 • email:

Your Business Community – Phone 0333 358 3399 • web:

Many thanks to our sponsors

NatWest Business

Your Business Community

With support from Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), the FSI is delivering a heavily subsidised three day training event in London on February 20-22nd offering small and local charities and community groups full & half day courses and workshops on key fundraising & governance skills. A sampling of training courses include:

Trustees Role in Risk Management

Now including a GDPR checklist! Charity trustees are responsible for ensuring that risks to the charity are regularly reviewed and that they focus their attention on taking actions to address the most serious risks to the charity. This half day course will include what risk is, why risk management is important and how to manage risk.

 An Introduction to Online Fundraising & Crowdfunding

This course, delivered by Localgiving, will provide an overview of how charities can raise funds online and break down the key terminology surrounding online fundraising and crowdfunding.

 Developing Community Fundraising

The course will empower participants to mobilise the community around their organization; to raise funds and awareness; to educate about their cause and campaigns and to recruit new supporters.

Places fill up fast, so book your place today to access this fantastic training opportunity:

Would you like to take part in a focus group (small discussion group) on 26 March 2018, from 4 to 6pm, at 15 Marylebone Road about improving outpatient services. The focus group should last no longer than two hours.

The focus group will provide an opportunity for you to explore the findings from the recent Outpatient workshops and in particular, we would like you to review the Patient facing themes and recommendations brought about through the outpatient workshops. More background information will be sent to those confirming attendance before the focus group.

Click Here for to see the event flyer

If you would like to take part in the focus group on Monday 26 March 2018, please let me know by contacting Ray Johannsen-Chapman on 07722475223 or e-mailing on



Dr Ray Johannsen-Chapman

Engagement Manager

North West London Clinical Commissioning Groups,

Sobus are running a program of three sessions to develop a shared approach to how the voluntary and community sector in H&F can be better integrated into Accountable Care Partnership. These sessions are essential for any CEO or senior manager to attend if you work with services users with health and wellbeing support needs and want to ensure your service is integrated into local care pathways and commissioned.

Places are limited and to book your place click here

Coffee and tea will be available from 9.30am, the session will run from 10am to 3pm and lunch will be provided.

Session 1 outline – 19th February

  • What accountable care partnerships are
  • What does it mean for the VCS in H&F in terms of risk and opportunities
  • How to develop a model for the VCS in H&F
  • Next steps

Session 2 outline – 12th March

  • Vision and values
  • Learning from other models that have worked and those that have not
  • Benefits and risks for organisations, service users and commissioners
  • Next steps

Session 3 outline – 19th March

  • Developing a model for H&F
  • Next steps

Places are limited and to book your place click here

The above sessions are complimented by a series of one day training sessions for frontline workers across voluntary and community sector providers, healthcare providers, social care providers and local authorities in Hammersmith and Fulham throughout March.We would also recommend attendance of these sessions which will provide an opportunity to meet health care and other social care professionals.

These workshops are:

  • Learn more about integrated working and what this means for yourselves, your teams and our patients
  • Explore what integrated working looks like at Hammersmith and Fulham and how we can achieve this
  • Build relationships across organisational boundaries and decide how you will work together


Please forward to your colleagues. To sign up, please register your details online here and answer a short pre-course questionnaire.


If you have any queries  on any of the above please contact Shad Haibatan at or tel: 020 7952 1230


“Localgiving are continuing to deliver their fantastic sessions about Online Fundraising. The next one will be on 16th February here at Sobus, The Dawes Road Hub. The session being delivered is new so if you have been previously you might like to come along to this one too. It will run from 11:00am through to 1:30pm, so if you are interested then please book online through the Sobus website. Or simply give me, Nigel Jacques a call on 0207 952 1230 or email me on

The session is entitled: ‘Engaging with Online Influencers and Fundraisers’ and will cover:

  • Reaching New Audiences and Engaging Influencers Online
  • Engaging Online Fundraisers

The session will provide you with the following learning outcomes:

  • Understand the key concepts around social media.
  • How to identify key channels to engage new supporters and influencers online.
  • Communicate effectively with your supporters through social media.
  • Recruit, develop and support online fundraisers for your organisation.
  • How you can join Localgiving and take part in our Local Hero competition

We hope you attend. If you are unable to make that date and are interested then let Nigel Jacques at Sobus know.”