Healthwatch Hammersmith & Fulham is now recruiting for a permanent Operations Manager to lead the delivery of the service. Click here.

Healthwatch Hammersmith & Fulham is the independent champion for people who use health and social care services. We exist to ensure that people are at the heart of care. We listen to what people like about services, what could be improved and we share their views with those with the power to make change happen.

Healthwatch Hammersmith and Fulham is also looking to establish a Shadow Committee of local people to help lead and guide our workplan. We are looking for individuals with local knowledge, experience, and a real passion for helping local people get the best out of their local health and social care services.

You will be responsible for helping to guide the future of Healthwatch Hammersmith and Fulham and establishing the basis for building a large local membership from all communities entitled to health care in the Borough. Healthwatch Hammersmith and Fulham needs strong leadership to enable it to make a real difference.

We expect the Shadow Committee to complete its work in 3-6 months after which it will hand over the new long term Healthwatch Hammersmith and Fulham Committee. We would expect there to be a considerable overlap between the membership of the Shadow Committee and the future arrangement.

Please see the role or the permanent committee member as an example of key tasks and responsibilities here.

If you are interested in joining the Healthwatch Hammersmith & Fulham Shadow Committee please email or call 0203 8860 830 to request an application pack.

Do you currently have volunteers who aren’t able to do what they usually do for you? If so, and they’re able to, Volunteering Matters are coordinating the volunteering efforts of the sector and are asking for yours and their help. Find out more and sign up.

West London Business has launched a dedicated business support helpline to field queries from local businesses that are struggling to navigate support from government and banks, as well as siginificant business change.
Our evolving resources at, in tandem with the knowledge from a team of skilled and experienced home-based volunteers, are supporting business in the sub-region like never before.

We’re still recruiting volunteeers looking to make a real difference in supporting your local business community and provide business leaders with the information they need to make informed decisions at this testing time. If you have experience suitable for any of the roles below and have time to help from home, please contact us today.

Business Support Volunteer (front-line)
Are you an experienced business professional who can help answer business owners/ managers queries over the phone? Find out more

**NEW** Business Support Volunteer (second-line)
If your talents are better suited to aiding follow-up queries and support, we’re looking to bridge the gap between the Information & Research Volunteer team and the Front Line support volunteers. Find out more

Volunteer Information & Research Officers (Limited vacancies remain)
Are you able to help us identify and interpret the details of the latest government support in this fast-moving crisis? Find out more


The DHSC has issued a call for evidence relating to volunteering. Any insight you can offer from the frontline would be really helpful in informing their policy decisions. They’ve asked for any data/evidence to be submitted to, ideally by the end of the day on Wednesday 15 April. Click here.

Volunteering will be crucial in the response to coronavirus and people have not been stopped from doing this. However, volunteering that requires going out of the house is now only permitted in certain circumstances.  

Please check this latest government guidance on what you can and cannot do at the moment (section 7 in particular) – Guidance on volunteering

Despite a raft of new measures announced by the government to support businesses through the Coronavirus outbreak, the national business helpline is stretched to its limit in responding to queries around the range of available options.

West London Business are gearing up to launch a dedicated business support helpline to field queries from local businesses that are struggling to navigate support from government and banks, as well as siginificant business change.  This will also offer more bespoke insight on support from our local authorities.  To deliver the project we are bringing together a team of skilled and experienced home-based volunteers.

This is a chance for you – or perhaps a friend or colleague – to make a real difference in supporting your local business community and provide business leaders with the information they need to make informed decisions at this testing time. If you have experience suitable for either of the two roles below and have time to help from home, please contact us today.  The first volunteer training session will be a webinar this Sunday evening.


Business Support Volunteer (Front-Line)
Are you an experienced business professional who can help answer business owners/ managers queries over the phone? Read more

Volunteer Information & Research Officers / Knowledge Manager
Are you able to help us identify and interpret the details of the latest government support in this fast-moving crisis? Read more

E-mail if you, a friend or colleague are interested in the Business Support Volunteer role and for Information & Research/ Knowledge Management e-mail

The NHS is looking for up to 250,000 Volunteer Responders to help up to 1.5 million people who have been asked to shield themselves from coronavirus because of underlying health conditions. As of Wednesday afternoon more than half that number have signed up. This is not intended to replace the vital work charities or community groups are doing but is an additional service. You can register your interest here

When further restrictions on movement and social contact were put in place by the government on Monday, there was no specific advice on how that would affect volunteers, especially those supporting vulnerable beneficiaries. This guidance from Volunteering Matters gives some fantastic tips and advice, as well as a risk assessment template that you can use to document and share how your organisation is taking the best steps to protect Its volunteers and beneficiaries. Read the guidance here.

This study investigates the barriers to physical activity in older adults and the aim is to identify strategies which might help them to be more active. This will build upon our previous findings which indicated that exercise adherence is influenced by exercise history, individual preferences, perceived benefits of exercise, relationships within the group and with the instructor, the location and the elements of the sessions in active older adults. In order to effectively tailor exercise to inactive older adults, further research is needed to understand their specific needs, barriers, and attitude towards exercise.

In this current study, I will ask participants to take part in an interview (45-60 min) at a public place (easily accessible to the participants) or over the phone. I’ve just created a link to an online registration form which is confidential and compliant with GDPR of the university.
The link is: Participants can sign up on this link, or via emailing me or calling/texting me.

The outcome of this study will help us to improve the current services and it might help to engage older adults to get more active.  Application ends June 14th.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

PhD research student| School of Applied Sciences |
London South Bank University | 103 Borough Road, London, SE1 0AA
t: +44 (0)759 843 2571 | e:

As you may know, LBHF staff are able to volunteer locally for up to 2 days a year to support local organisations in Hammersmith & Fulham. At a recent staff event with the council, Sobus was promoting Comoodle as a vehicle for staff to offer their skills to local organisations – and a number of staff are keen to sign up! For further information, click here.