Looking for young people that want to learn to dance. Anyone from 15 to 25 can join for FREE. This project is funded by “Sport England” and will give young people the opportunity to learn to dance in a fun and friendly way, while making new friends.

Priority will be given to young people from Hammersmith and Fulham and RBKC Borough, but anyone is WELCOME! Venue is five minutes from the Fulham Broadway underground station.

Please whatApp 0044 796 748 39877 or email contact@nicolaarts.org


Exit Hate is a charity that aims to reduce extremism, via education, understanding, and compassion, educating people on the dangers of far-right extremism and supporting people to leave the Far Right and their families, so that all can rebuild their lives free from the influence of extremism, which harms, the victim, perpetrator, and their families.  

Exit is unique, with many of those working with Exit being former Far Right members themselves, parents who have had a loved one involved themselves, or trained counsellors with expertise in how to engage and support vulnerable individuals.

Vulnerable Support Champions 

As a charity supporting individuals to leave ERW (Extreme Right-Wing) groups, we have noticed that over the last 3 years, we have mentored many people who have identified themselves as vulnerable, including having having Autism, (our current support rate is 38% who have notified us that they identify as autistic.) 

Seeking to support vulnerable communities we want to develop the specialist skills of dedicated support workers and give them the knowledge to challenge this extremist activity and offer people help to either get a safe way out of extremism or educate people about the dangers of ERW extremism, so they do not get involved in the first place and be used.

Highlighting concerns around homelessness, we are aware ERW activists are offering food to homeless people and including extremist propaganda that seeks to blame people from other nationalities, ethnicities, and religions for the homelessness of indigenous white Britons.  This is a callous attempt to take advantage of vulnerable people suffering and what we want to do is educate key workers working in this field, so they can explain to people that these extremists don’t care and are seeking to manipulate and use them. By doing this we hope to reduce tension and potential racial attacks, which may escalate from this approach by the ERW who are seeking to build hate amongst homeless Britons against other communities.

The session

Workshops will include:
– Introduction to workshop facilitator. All facilitators are either former ERW (Extreme Right Wing) activists or mentors who currently engage with people to leave ERW extremism.
Highlighting their lived experience will help gain the attention of participants and demonstrate their authority to speak on ERW extremism, which will help to ensure that participants are receptive to workshop content, highlighting what works and what doesn’t.
– Awareness raising of ERW activism specific to the locality in which the workshop is based. This will build knowledge of participants of the extremist messaging and methods of promoting this messaging within local communities. Prior to workshop delivery, we will use online research and consultation with local authorities, community groups and the police to build an understanding of any local extreme right-wing activity, including any specific grievances, in the locality that is being used.
– Awareness raising of the impact of ERW activism on those involved in extremism and their families through sharing real case studies, this will motivate participants to support people away from extremism. This will include a newly produced film between the mother of an ERW activist and a mother whose son joined ISIS and sadly passed away. This film will highlight all extremism is wrong and the clear need for early intervention and support and why this is so critical before things develop into terrorism and people loose their lives.
– Guidance on how to spot the signs that an individual is on the path towards extremism (e.g. hiding phone/laptop, withdrawing from family activities etc)
– Guidance & information on how and when to seek help from the authorities/other support agencies because evidence indicates that communities often lack this knowledge (“64% of Londoners would not know how to seek help from the authorities”, The London Countering Violent Extremism Programme Report 2018-2019).
– Coaching on how to deconstruct and discredit false narratives and negative stereotypes.
– Coaching on how to have difficult conversations that challenge extremist messaging whilst avoiding confrontation.
– A call to action for participants to develop their skills and network so they can advise others of the dangers of ERW extremism and support people away from extremism, including signposting people to specialist support services.
– Development of a bespoke online vulnerable support worker hub, which would keep people updated on ERW developments and allow training attendees to engage with each other following the course and empower each other. This would continually be supported by Exit staff who would continue to update attendees on ERW developments and alternatives to extremist messaging, so people have the latest information on what the ERW is doing and how to counter it.

Please do let us know if you are interested, – it’s a first come first serve, and we have a couple of sessions left now.

I have attached a leaflet here with contact details that you may also wish to share.


A taster of how to have difficult conversations at work, avoid conflict, and be more effective.

Begin 2023 on a high and get this in your diary now!

This discussion will show you how to:

  • Avoid unnecessary conflict
  • Understand difficult conversations
  • Learn how to give feedback safely, and so it is understood
  • Receive feedback gracefully
  • Increase levels of confidence and
  • Help with career progression through effective communication
  • Become and inspiring leader, develop a trusted team

Find out more & sign up today


Just because the Christmas season is over, doesn’t mean your fundraising has dried up. The New Year can bring opportunities to tap into , we review the most popular New Year’s resolutions and how to turn them into opportunities. Read on

We were very sad to hear that Mary Hennessy passed away on Sunday 18th December. 

Mary was the Centre Manager of the White City Community Centre and so much more – organising, signposting, supporting and at the core of so much activity across the estate for over two decades. Mary had been unwell for some time but was working and busy with Centre and community activities even last week.

Funeral Details

Monday 16th January, 10 am.


Our lady of the Visitation Church

Greenford, UB6 9AN


Greenford Park Cemetery

Windmill Lane UB6 9DR

A book of condolence is available for anyone who wishes to sign it, at White City Community Centre.

Our sincere and heartfelt condolences to Mary’s friends and family. 

What is 3rd Sector Together (3ST)?

  • A group of like-minded charities that have been working together since 2019 across the eight boroughs of North West London (NWL / NW London)
  • Our structure has been designed to mirror that of the external stakeholders we most commonly interact with – the NHS and local authorities.
  • It also reflects the diverse range of organisations we represent with regional, borough and neighbourhood level groups.
  • This ensures we develop and maintain effective, transparent communication channels, so that all organisations have a voice, regardless of size.

3ST Strategic Group

  • Membership consists of infrastructure support bodies as well as delivery partners to ensure we can access established communication channels and the support that these bodies offer for smaller groups and organisations.
  • 4 representatives from each borough, with the CVS from each borough automatically agreed as a representative

H&F Representation

  • Age UK H&F has been involved from the outset
  • Cross borough organisations are also members of the Strategic Group, including Mind and Open Age
  • Opportunities for other groups to be involved

The main criteria for membership is that members have the strategic understanding required to engage at a systems level and the capacity to release senior management time in support of our collective endeavours

Would you like to be involved?

Please submit a brief expression of interest by 20th January to info@sobus.org.uk, outlining

  • Your area of expertise in terms of client group (BAME, disability, youth etc.)
  • Your ability and capacity to engage and represent the voluntary and community sector at a systems level
  • Your capacity to release senior management time in support of 3ST’s collective endeavours

If we receive more interest that there are vacancies available, Sobus will invite organisations to vote for their preferred representatives in January 2023.

19th December 2022

3SIF coproduction meeting, 15th December

  • Julius Olu, Assistant Director of Adult Social Care led the meeting.
  • Current position is that current contracts have been extended until September 2023, with the hope of tendering new contracts, to be in place by October. HOWEVER, officers are also allowing for “slippage” which may result in 3SIF being awarded against the timescale below

Governance and decision-making

Officer governance & challenge (CAB, CMB, SLT)

April 23 to May 23

Cabinet approval of procurement strategy and business case

June 23

Development of documents

July 23

Tender submission and evaluation period (at least 6 weeks for tender and 4 weeks for evaluation

Sept 23 to Nov 23

Cabinet Member approval for contract award

Nov 23 – Dec 23

Contract mobilisation

Jan 24 to Mar 24

Service commencement

1 Apr 24

Find our notes from the event here: https://sobus.org.uk/3sif/event-notes-15-12-22/

Services available over Christmas

  • Sobus is compiling information on local services open over Christmas and New Year.
  • The latest version of this can be found here. https://sobus.org.uk/2022/12/christmas-season-services/
  • To add any information about your services, please contact us by Wednesday 21st

H&F Winter booklet 2022

LBHF have produced a winter booklet: https://www.lbhf.gov.uk/councillors-and-democracy/your-christmas-and-new-year-booklet

Volunteering opportunities for Duke of Edinburgh Award participants

Sobus has been approached by young people (age 14-16) looking for local volunteering opportunities as part of their Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme.  However, most places they’ve tried will only take volunteers age 18+.  Does your organisation offer any volunteering opportunities for young people between 14-18?  If so, please let us know.

H&F Health & Care Partnership event, 24th January

This will benefit those colleagues who would like to learn more about the H&F Health and Care Partnership and understand what we do and how we work together.  4 spaces are available for voluntary sector colleagues.  Please contact us by 6th January if you’d like to attend.  First come, first served!

Strategic involvement opportunity – 3rd Sector Together

What is 3rd Sector Together (3ST)?

  • A group of like-minded charities that have been working together since 2019 across the eight boroughs of North West London (NWL / NW London)
  • Our structure has been designed to mirror that of the external stakeholders we most commonly interact with – the NHS and local authorities.
  • It also reflects the diverse range of organisations we represent with regional, borough and neighbourhood level groups.
  • This ensures we develop and maintain effective, transparent communication channels, so that all organisations have a voice, regardless of size.

3ST Strategic Group

  • Membership consists of infrastructure support bodies as well as delivery partners to ensure we can access established communication channels and the support that these bodies offer for smaller groups and organisations.
  • 4 representatives from each borough, with the CVS from each borough automatically agreed as a representative

H&F Representation

  • Age UK H&F has been involved from the outset
  • Cross borough organisations are also members of the Strategic Group, including Mind and Open Age
  • Opportunities for other groups to be involved

The main criteria for membership is that members have the strategic understanding required to engage at a systems level and the capacity to release senior management time in support of our collective endeavours

Would you like to be involved?

Please submit a brief expression of interest by 20th January to info@sobus.org.uk, outlining

  • Your area of expertise in terms of client group (BAME, disability, youth etc.)
  • Your ability and capacity to engage and represent the voluntary and community sector at a systems level
  • Your capacity to release senior management time in support of 3ST’s collective endeavours

If we receive more interest that there are vacancies available, Sobus will invite organisations to vote for their preferred representatives in January 2023.

Most services are closed over the Christmas holiday period – but some remain open, providing much needed support for residents during what, for many, is a particularly difficult time of year.  Please find details here of local services open at various times between Saturday 23rd December and Monday 2nd January. 

If you would like to add any information about your organisations services to this – please contact Sobus to let us know. 

Resources For Autism are recruiting volunteers. No experience needed. 


 In addition to a variety of workshops in the coming weeks focused on Economic Abuse, employability and women’s legal rights, we are pleased to invite you to our summer Labyrinth Learning Series online skills-sharing session on Social Media Tips for women’s groups and organisations, taking place on July 26th at 1pm. The session will be led by the Labyrinth Project Communications Coordinator Zainab Mahmood and cover:

  • Social media schedules
  • Free social media tools
  • Tips for livening up your social media
  • Introduction to social media accessibility
  • Analytics and tagging

Click here to register

Training for staff and volunteers: Click here to register

Training for community members: Click here to register