Due to popular demand our free digital marketing workshops have returned! With the Covid-19 national lockdown requiring many businesses to close, Hammersmith & Fulham Council is helping local businesses to boost their online presence asas the nation emerges from the latest Covid-19 lockdown. The virtual workshops will be delivered by Samer Bata from the Knowledge Acedemy to give business owners the essential digital skills they need to promote their business online.

Who can attend?

The training is open to all businesses in H&F and local residents looking to start a new business.

What will I learn in the workshops?

The workshops will focus on –

Building simple and effective marketing strategies
Mobile marketing platforms
Social Media
Email Marketing
Search Engine Marketing
When will the workshops begin?

There are five separate course dates to choose from with each course consisting of two sessions (each session lasts three hours and will take place via Zoom). Each course is open to 30 people. The time and dates are:

Course 1 : 26 and 27 April 2021, 6pm to 9pm

Course 2 : 3 and 4 May 2021 , 6pm to 9pm

Course 3: 10 and 11 May 2021, 6pm to 9pm

Course 4 : 17 and 18 May 2021, 6pm to 9pm

Course 5 : 24 and 25 May 2021, 6pm to 9pm

Please note, the content for each course is the same so please do not sign up for more than one course. For more information, please contact Sam Ridley at sam.ridley@lbhf.gov.uk.

We are happy to welcome you to The London History Festival again this year, despite the strange times we are living in – this time we are inviting you to join us virtually, from the comfort of your own home. This literary festival aims to bring the work of the finest historians to the widest possible audience. 

Established in 2009 and hosted by Kensington Central Library each November, the Festival enables you to engage with some of today’s most popular and most highly regarded historians. This year we are putting on eight evening talks with eight wonderful authors presenting their latest books, in a programme of virtual events we hope will both entertain and enlighten you. So why not come along, this is a real treat for all history buffs!

Monday 16 November to Thursday 26 November 2020. Find out more here

Please see below to register for our family half-term science activities taking place at The Invention Rooms, information on an exciting Children’s Creative Challenge and details about the next Deep Tech Networking event.

Oct Half-term – Amazing Molecules

We are super excited to let you know our holiday family science activities are re-starting this October half-term for local children aged 5–11 and their families. We’ll be running a range of hands-on science experiments and making activities where we’ll be discovering dyes, exploring atoms, making bath bombs and hosting our brand new Amazing Molecular Science Show.

The sessions below will take place in The Invention Rooms. There are fewer places that normal as we’ll be running the activities socially distanced to ensure everyone is safe.

  • Discovering Dyes

Explore the science of colour at The Invention Rooms this half-term with Richard Kong and Tom Clough. Most of the colour we see around us is caused by molecules absorbing light. This means if we want new colours we have to ask a chemist! Join our amazing researchers and discover how scientists can use chemistry to make new dyes to colour everything from paint to clothes. You’ll also be able to explore your own chemical dyes by making your own t-shirt which you can take home.

When: Tuesday 27 October 10.30 and 13.00

Where: The Invention Rooms

Age group: 6 – 11

Register: via Eventbrite here

  • Brilliant Bath Bombs

Join our fantastic scientists Emily Xu and Helena Dodd as we design and explore the chemistry of bath bombs. In this activity, we’ll learn about acid and alkaline reactions before making your very own fizzing bath bombs. We’ll explore the science of scent and colour as you measure ingredients to make your bath bomb not only react perfectly, but look and smell amazing.

When: Wednesday 28 October 10.30 and 13.00

Where: The Invention Rooms

Age group: 5 – 11

Register: via Eventbrite here

  • Amazing Molecular Science Show

Be the first in the world to see our Amazing Molecular Science Show and join presenter Dan to explore the amazing world of molecules. Dan will be joined by scientists from our Molecular Research Hub  in White City as we discover more about the tiny world of atoms and how they have a huge impact on our lives! We’ll learn about polymers, catalysts and see explosive reactions and more in this exciting show.

This event is a special sneak preview available just for our White City families. Afterwards those who attend can share their feedback and shape the show before it goes global!

When: Wednesday 28 and Thursday 29 October 17.00

Where: The Invention Rooms

Age group: 5 – 11

Register: via Eventbrite here

  • Atoms and Art

Join artist Geraldine Cox in this introduction to the tiny particles that make up the world. You will be Zoomed in live to a laboratory where physicists are working with small numbers of atoms at temperatures colder than outer space, learn about the origins, size and make-up of atoms, and then make print artworks to share what you have learnt.  Your creations will be assembled into a poster-book which will be sent to you after the event!

When: Thursday 29 October 10.30 and 13.00

Where: The Invention Rooms

Age group: 5 – 11

Register: via Eventbrite here

Please note, we are keeping a close eye on COVID-19 guidance. If changes in circumstance mean that our face to face workshops cannot run, we will move the sessions online. If you have any questions about the above sessions, please contact Sam on s.allen-turner@imperial.ac.uk

Superhero Children’s Creative Challenge  

Do you know an 8-12 year old who has recently been to the hospital? Do you think they’d like to share their experience through drawing or writing? If so, please consider helping them enter Imperial’s Superhero Children’s Creative Challenge!

The research team at the Centre for Health Policy Imperial, have launched an online writing and drawing activity which gives children the opportunity to communicate their hospital experience through superhero ‘missions’. A panel made up of researchers and children will pick 10 designs to be digitalised by an award-winning children illustrator, while the top three superheros will be brought to life as a custom-made soft toy!

When: 7 October – 25 December.

Deadline: Sunday 25 October, 23:59

Apply: to find out more or to submit any application, click here

Do you need help applying or have any questions? Please contact Lisa on: l.aufegger@imperial.ac.uk

Deep Tech Network Showcase Event

Imperial College London and Upstream invite you to join them for a series of online talks and Q&As with the leading minds of the deep tech community. The Deep Tech Network series represents an exciting opportunity to discover a community full of innovative start-ups, academics, entrepreneurs and businesses using science, engineering and technology to tackle global challenges. Hear from incredible panellists including AeropowderScale SpaceMultus Media and more to be announced!

When: Thursday 15th October at 16.00

Where: Online

Register: via Eventbrite here

Please sign up to our White City Community E-Newsletter here

As part of Gift Aid Awareness Day Charity Finance Group is hosting a free Gift Aid webinar on 8th October, with experts from HMRC and accountancy and HR consultancy Buzzacott to answer any questions you might have on this tax relief. The webinar will also provide an update on CFG’s joint campaign to introduce emergency Gift Aid Relief. Find out more here.

There are plenty of things you can do to give your entry the best chance of winning. Perhaps the most important is to read and understand the judging criteria, and make sure you respond to these in your entry. You’d be amazed how many people don’t! Informing the judges should be at the heart of your thinking when preparing your entry, as it is they who make the decision.  Here are our Top Tips…

  1. READ THE INSTRUCTIONS – All awards schemes have small print, and it’s important to read it!
  1. HIT THE DEADLINE – Your nomination must be submitted by 10pm Friday 23rd October 2020, Don’t miss out by leaving it to the last minute!
  1. GET THE JUDGES’ ATTENTION – A precise, well-written entry will always do better than one with no focus (think of it like a sales pitch!). Address the criteria individually and data use to demonstrate why your business should win.
  1. MATCH THE JUDGING CRITERIA – Read the awards criteria for the particular category you are entering.
  1. SEEK ADVICE ON COMMERCIALLY SENSITIVE DATA – When including statistics and data in your entry be sure to check that these aren’t confidential. We strongly encourage you to use this type of information, but all businesses need to keep some things private!
  1. DON’T WRITE YOUR ENTRY ‘ON THE SIDE’ – Ensure that you allocate enough time to put together a high-quality nomination.
  1. PUT PEOPLE IN IT – Staff can embody commitment and excellence. Customers can say why you’re great in a single sentence. Use your own people, and your customers to tell your story.
  1. LOOK AT LAST YEAR’S WINNERS – Read about last year’s winners What singled them out as the winner in your category?
  1. KEEP IT BRIEF – Be efficient with your words and space. A well phrased sentence can often communicate why you should win better than a whole page.

Entry Deadline – Friday 23 October

Enter the awards



Free Online Community Workshop – Raising Awareness of Modern Slavery in H&F

Tue, 20 October 2020

14:30 – 16:00

Register via Eventbrite

Delivered on Zoom

This a gentle reminder that the Young Muslim Writers Awards 2020 closes today at midnight.

To submit an entry please visit https://muslimhandsuk.wufoo.com/forms/young-muslim-writers-awards-2020.

  • Pupils aged 5 to 11 can submit a short story and a poem
  • Pupils aged 11 to 16 can submit a short story, poem, article, screenplay, and a play script.

A panel of acclaimed judges will be selecting the winners over autumn, to be announced at the awards ceremony later this year. Shortlisted writers will be invited to the awards ceremony, receive a certificate to mark their achievement, and be awarded a gift bag filled with books to further encourage their love for reading and writing. Extracts from the shortlisted entries will also be featured in our annual anthology, past copies of which are available at www.issuu.com/ymwawards.

For the third year we are proud to be partnering with the Institute of English Studies at the School of Advanced Study (University of London), and are supported by our Official Media Partner, Islam Channel who broadcast our awards ceremonies to millions around the world.

We look forward to receiving entries from pupils at the school.

Dear friends and colleagues,

We recently held the first series of information & action round tables looking to the future:

  • Opening Up our activities and programmes
  • Racism & BAME Issues
  • Children & Young People
  • Poverty & Economic Divide
  • Green New Deal for London
  • Enabling Resilient Communities – Building a Strong Civil Society

Thank you to all who participated and we will complete the series with round table discussions on

  • Health & Wellbeing – Thursday 15th October – see below
  • Spiritual & Cultural Renewal – date to be confirmed

Our plan is to complete a full action report around mid-October and will launch with an event in November.

But wheels are turning again and we are aware that, as well as thinking about creating a “new better” for the future, we may all be faced with responding to another set of urgent needs within our communities.

In the next few weeks we are planning several initiatives:

  1. Tuesday 29th September. A snapshot survey to gauge your pressures and priorities at the moment.  When you receive it please take the 5-10 minutes it will take to complete and return.
  2. Thursday 8th October. A pan-London Briefing meeting on current issues and concerns, challenges and achievements.  We will hear from our partners in the public sector at local and regional level, and enable your voices to be heard.
  3. Thursday 15th October. In partnership with Healthy London Partnership and Good Thinking, we will hold our next round table on Health and Wellbeing.

More details will be sent out next week.  In the meantime you may contact us with any questions or issues you would like to raise at convener@lbfn.org.



Our hugely popular Funds Online free webinar returns on Wednesday 30 September. Getting your hands on funding is #NeverMoreNeeded so find out how to get your share of £8 billion from more than 8,000 funders. Find out more and book here.

Celebrating Silver Sunday Week at Open Age. Grab your dancing shoes and join us online Friday 2nd October! See flyer for details.



Announced earlier this year, the Kickstart Scheme is a £2 billion investment by the government to create job placements for 16 to 24 year olds.

Businesses are now able to sign up to be part of the landmark scheme, aimed at giving young people a future of opportunity and hope by creating high-quality, government-subsidised jobs across the UK.
