We are now planning to open Freston Road Hub in mid November and urgently need to recruit another Receptionist/Administrator primarily work from there. Ideally, we are looking for a local person with some relevant experience.

For Job Description and Person Specification, please click here.

Application is by covering letter and CV to carita.magnani@sobus.org.uk.  

We will look at each application as they come in, as we are looking to appoint as soon as possible.

We can assist groups with I.T. Grant’s – UK Wide for the provision of:

PC’s, Laptops, Smartboards, Projectors and Networks.
Most Main Stream Capital I.T. is Eligible.

We have been assisting the Third Sector for over 20 years and work on the basis of supplying the Awarded Kit (At no cost to your Organisation or Ongoing commitment).

Any UK NFP group or Charity with UK Beneficiaries is eligible.
One Application per Year.

-Type. Grant – 100% Aid
-Term. Spend within One Year
-Covering. Grant Aid to UK Voluntary groups / Charities
-Support. The Grant’s are for I.T – Full Support

Please see – www.netsolutionswales.co.uk/e-nsw-2/grants.html

Applicants to email: Triana@netsolutionswales.co.uk

Project and Development Manager (CEPN) I year Fixed Term  23,000 – 25,000 dependant on experience

An exciting opportunity has arisen within Hammersmith & Fulham GP Federation. We are looking for a dynamic Project and Development Manager to work closely with the Clinical Education Provider Team and CEPN partners to develop quality improvement for a range of clinical and non-clinical services.
You will be the first point of contact for members and external agencies in relation to training activities within Primary Care.

Working closely with the Clinical Nurse Lead you will design, develop and deliver a range of training placements including Practice Nurses, Healthcare Assistants and Apprentices.
Under the direction you will be involved in collecting and analysing data, updating project plan along with report writing and administrative duties as required

If you want to work in a fast moving, challenging and cutting edge environment and met the requirements of the specification, send your CV and a covering letter to carolinedurack@nhs.net

Closing date Monday 18thth September 2017
Interview date 25th September 2017

Job Description

Don’t miss your chance to make an application for November/December store voting!

The money raised by the 10p bag charge in Tesco stores continues to fund community projects across the UK. Your organisation can make an application for up to £4,000 for any project that benefits the community. These can include:

  • volunteer training
  • equipment purchases
  • community events
  • physical improvements of open spaces
  • sports and leisure activities

Following each public vote, three projects in each Tesco region will receive a grant award, with first place receiving up to £4K, second place up to £2K and third place up to £1K.

Voting occurs bi-monthly in-store. We are currently receiving applications for November/December voting. You can take our eligibility quiz  and apply online at the link below:


As your local West London Bags of Help Enabler, please don’t hesitate to contact me or our team at Groundwork London on 020 7021 0492 for further information or guidance regarding the programme. Please see attached a flyer for distribution to your networks with more information about Bags of Help – pass it on to anyone you think may be interested in making an application!

The One Westminster Volunteers’ Fair will take place on Tuesday 3 October from 1pm- 3.30pm at Stowe Centre, W2  5ES (nearest underground- Royal Oak, Buses 18 and 36). It will be an ideal opportunity for your organisation to promote volunteer opportunities to people living, working and studying in Westminster.
It is free to have a table and lunch will be provided.
Quotes from organisations who attended last year’s Volunteers’ Fair included:  ‘Absolutely brilliant’  ‘Achieved goal of recruiting volunteers and raising awareness of charity’ and ‘Great to see such a great turn out’.
If you would like to book a table, please email info@onewestminster.org.uk or phone 0207 723 1216


Notum has been helping place managers from companies like Talk Talk and GlaxoSmithKline with charities in Hammersmith and Fulham. Two local charities have already benefited from the services of Notum and they are looking for more charities to help and best of all the service is FREE for charities.

For more information read here or email support@notum.co.uk

Further information

Sobus have received a large donation of brand new books for both adults and children in a variety of genres and languages to give away. If you are interested, please call 020 7952 1230 and arrange to come and browse!

Following our recent announcement of the launch of the Small Charity Training Programme, supported by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport, we are excited to offer our series of 1.5 hour webinars. These online learning opportunities will focus on a variety of essential fundraising topics to help support your organisation. Please note, spaces are limited to 20 attendees per session.

For more information and to book your places, follow the links below:

Topic: Developing Your Fundraising Strategy
Date: Thursday, 10th August 2017
Time: 9.30am-11.00am
Venue: Your desk!
Booking: Follow this link to book your place

Topic: Fundraising from Trusts & Foundations
Date: Thursday, 10th August 2017
Time: 12.00pm-1.30pm
Venue: Your desk!
Booking: Follow this link to book your place

Topic: Developing Your Case for Support
Date: Thursday, 10th August 2017
Time: 2.30pm-4.00pm
Venue: Your desk!
Booking: Follow this link to book your place

17th August 2017

Topic: Developing Corporate Relationships
Date: Thursday, 17th August 2017
Time: 9.30am-11.00am
Venue: Your desk!
Booking: Follow this link to book your place

Topic: Major Donor Fundraising
Date: Thursday, 17th August 2017
Time: 12.00pm-01.30pm
Venue: Your desk!
Booking: Follow this link to book your place

Topic: Community & Events Fundraising
Date: Thursday, 17th August 2017
Time: 2.30pm-4.00pm
Venue: Your desk!
Booking: Follow this link to book your place

Cost: On booking you will pay a deposit of £15 per delegate place.  £10 of this will be refunded to you after you have attended the webinar in full and completed the surveys. Deposits will not be returned in cases of partial attendance or incomplete survey responses. We will refund the deposit, retaining £5 which contributes to deposit and refund processing and administration costs.

Healthwatch Central West London is holding an event on Wednesday 18th October, from 11:00am – 3:30pm at the Irish Cultural Centre to bring together people that use or might want to use mental health services in Hammersmith & Fulham, their carers, and those that provide those services.
This will be an opportunity to explore what support services are available, how to access them and if they met our needs. There will be free lunch and refreshments. Help us make this a great event. Get involved by answering our survey by Sunday 6th August to enter a raffle.

Take Our Survey

If you wish to attend this event or if you require a paper version of this survey please contact the Engagement Lead for Hammersmith and Fulham,  eva.psychrani@healthwatchcentralwestlondon.org or 07734 962 255

In September, CQC will be launching a maternity campaign, which focuses on women who are pregnant, are looking to be pregnant, or have recently used maternity services in England. Last year there were over 663,000 births in England. All women have the choice to have their baby at home, in a midwife led unit or in hospital, however, some women are not aware they have a choice when it comes to giving birth. Through the campaign we will be raising awareness of our independent inspection reports which can help women make an informed decision – to help make the right choice in where they give birth. We will also be encouraging people to share their experiences of care – good or bad, as this information supports our monitoring, inspecting and rating of services.

We are looking to be recruiting 3-5 people to take part in video cases studies, plus extra we’ll use on online channels and broadcast media.

Click here for more information