Link to Lets unite for Autism

Click the image above to go to the Project Website

To see all children and young people on the autism spectrum meet their full potential with an emphasis on accepting the child for who they are and helping them understand and cope with the world.

Maisanda Logo

Is your business ready to grow?

Are you looking for support and information on how to sustainably develop your company?

The Maisanda Growth Club at Freston Road Hub is here to help.  Join our 8 week programme where you will receive expert training, resources and advice, and join a network of like-minded businesses and entrepreneurs.

The Maisanda Growth Club is suitable for all business types, and is suitable for companies with less than 5 employees, or a turnover of less than £1,000,000 per year.

For further information, please contact Ily of Maisanda and Co

Looking for meeting room space in the Shepherd’s Bush area?


Click the image to view / download the information flyer

Lack of human touch is a major problem for frail or ill elderly people. It causes negative feelings of anxiety, isolation, loneliness and lack of trust in their caregivers.  Hand and arm massage is quick, relaxing and provides immediate health benefits, such as improved range of motion for fingers and wrists, improved circulation and reduction of trigger points in hand muscles. It also relieves stress and anxiety as well as promoting sleep. As little as five minutes of hand massage has been found to reduce cortisol levels and produce a physiological relaxation response. Gently pressing the palm and rubbing the knuckles in therapeutic motions has helped dementia patients reduce their agitated behaviour during morning care routines. This practical demonstration and workshop will give you the skills, knowledge and confidence to help the person you care for. Touch can also be a good way of communicating that you care.

Before the workshop, we invite you to join staff from Carers Network to talk about the support and information they offer over a relaxing light lunch from 12:15 to 13:00 when the massage workshop starts. This event is free but please do call Caroline on 020 8740 8008 to book your place and let us know any dietary requirements for lunch.

DATE / TIMES: Tuesday 13th November 12:15 to 15:00

VENUE: Old Oak Community Centre, 76 Braybrook Street, East Acton W12 0AP (Click Here for a map)

Old Oak Community Centre is easy to find (Click Here for a map): take Central Line to East Acton Station, exit station and turn left along Erconwald Street and walk to end, turn right into Braybrook Street, cross road and Centre is on your left. The Centre has step-free access throughout.

Click the image to view/download the event flyer

Healthwatch Logo

Click the image to go to the main website

Aged 16-25?

Have you used an app or website to help manage your health and wellbeing, or would you prefer to see your GP in person?

As digital healthcare is increasingly used by the NHS and social care services, we want to find out how this is meeting the healthcare needs of young people.

Share Your Views

If you are aged 16-25 years old, Click Here to take part in our survey!

Want to hear more about this project and how to be involved?

Come to our Young Project Leads Meeting on the 8th November.
Contact Eva Psychrani for more information at

Do you work with young people in Hammersmith & Fulham

If you are working with young people, we would be happy to arrange a focus group with you to discover more about their views. Get in touch with us!

ArtsFest Logo


The first HF ArtsFest Arts Partners meeting for HF ArtsFest 2019 is scheduled to take place on;

Thursday 22nd November, 7pm – 9pm followed by open networking 9 – 10pm
Venue: Lyric Hammersmith, The Orr Room
Nibbles and drinks will be provided

For more info and to register please click on the eventbrite page

If you know of any other artists, venues or contributors that are interested in being involved in HF ArtsFest 2019 please feel free to pass on the invitation

Hammersmith & Fulham Brilliant Business Awards

We are very proud to announce that HF ArtsFest has been shortlisted for the Hammersmith and Fulham Business Awards 2018 – this is a great achievement in itself and we’d like to shaer this achievement with all our partners. This year there was a record number of entries, and judges felt they were of a very high quality, so we have beaten a large number of very strong entries to get to the shortlist.
The winners will be announced on November 7, at a gala dinner at Hammersmith Town Hall.

New ArtsFest Producer appointed

Flora Herberich has joined HF ArtsFest as the producer for 2019. Flora has a varied experience of working in the arts, producing projects, artists, and festivals and working with communities and organisations such as the Roundhouse, Jacksons Lane, Wandsworth Arts Fringe, Edinburgh Fringe, Brighton Fringe and others.

Flora can be contacted on

Ideally, applicants will be people living and/or working in the Borough, interested in promoting all art forms, for all ages and all abilities.  If you are interested, please contact Petrea on

Registration for the HF ArtsFest 2019 

opens on Friday 23rd November 2018.
Registration forms can be completed online at
or send an email to for a word version to complete and return.

Your Community, Your Artists, Your Festival
reaching 850+ artists, 300+ events and 20,000 audience members in 2018
HF ArtsFest 2018 share our post festival movie

Rescheduled for Sunday 18 November, the inaugural Fulham 10K is London’s flattest closed road 10K, offering you the perfect opportunity to sign-off an epic year of running with a brand new PB!

Whether you’re a running newbie or a seasoned pro, come and Beat Your Best with us at the fourth and final event of the 2018 adidas City Runs series.

All Fulham 10K runners will receive a free adidas tech t-shirt, free race day photos, a cool finishers’ medal, access to exclusive training events and discounts at the best restaurants and hangouts Fulham has to offer.

General Entries & Charity places are now SOLD OUT. Please CLICK HERE and join our waiting list for our 2019 events

Due to the scale and numbers participating in the Fulham 10K, it will be necessary to implement road closures across the full 10K route to facilitate the safe passage of the participants. The route and road closures have been carefully considered and selected through a partnership of all local authorities, emergency services and Transport for London to minimise the inconveniences of the necessary road closures. Emergency Services will be operating as usual and pedestrian access will be unaffected across the event route, but there will be no vehicle or bicycle access on the roads closed for the event.

Important Information for affect Residents

Living or working in LBH&F? You maybe directly on the event route, or adjacent to it, and we wish to directly notify you of the affected roads and their closure times (click here to see map) to assist in your planning for the day. Please be aware that the road closures could impact delivery arrangements or vistor arrivals that day and we would ask you to plan ahead around these times, and contact us directly if you have any key concerns which we will endeavour to address where possible.

If you have any other specific questions or require more information with regards to the event, please contact the Fulham 10K office directly at 0207 227 0972 (Mon-Fri 09.30 – 17.00), email or visit the website on

The adidas City Runs Team

The purpose of the H & F SAB is;

“to help, protect and promote the wellbeing of the borough’s adults who are experiencing, or at risk of, abuse or neglect, and as a result of their care and support needs, are unable to protect themselves against either the risk of, or the experience of abuse or neglect.”

The Board is making a difference but that can only be increased through your involvement with our work. I have organised an introductory meeting on Monday 19th November at 3.30 pm at Committee Room 2 at Hammersmith Town Hall. I will tell you more about adult safeguarding, the work of the Board and the two proposed subgroups, as well as answering any questions.

Click Here to view the full invitation letter


Mike Howard
Independent Chair

Hammersmith & Fulham Council
145 King Street
W6 9XY

RBKC’s inaugural Enterprise Week starts 12th November!  *For one week only* all the inspiration and advice your entrepreneurs could ever need brought together in one place.

For all the information and bookings check out our dedicated RBKC Enterprise Week website (courtesy of The Workary).

Come to the Enterprise Week Celebration at The Museum of Brands on Wednesday 14th Line up for inspiration and advice at Kensington Creates on Friday 16th  Make the most of the five, yes five, experts ready to help you with your business idea on Wednesday 14th at the Portobello Business Centre.  And there’s much more – start your Enterprise Week with David Fletcher on Monday 12th, local entrepreneur and inspirational speaker.

Sign up for updates, let your members, clients and customers know that their business ideas can grow in this Enterprise Week!  Go to the website now!


Click the image to download the event poster

Click the image to download the Event Flyer