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You are invited to Join West London Business and the Park Royal Business Group on Thursday 6 December for an evening of celebration and networking at the House of Commons. Set in the beautiful Terrace Pavilion, and kindly sponsored by Rupa Huq MP (Ealing Central and Acton), join us for a great night of networking in magnificent surroundings as we bring in the festive season in style!

Bluebird Care Logo

People across the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham have another opportunity to find out more about dementia, thanks to a series of free workshops over the Christmas season.

The local award-winning provider of personal care in the home, Bluebird Care Hammersmith and Fulham, is hosting Dementia Awareness Workshops across the borough during the month of December.

They are making themselves available to visit as many businesses, organisations and charities as possible this Christmas time!

Managing Director of Bluebird Hammersmith and Fulham, Soheila Amin, said:

“One in four people will be affected by dementia in their lifetimes, which is why it’s important to work with individuals and their families to try and make life much easier for those who have it.

A recent report made recommendations to the government about the need to continue to raise awareness of dementia, and the work that can be done to make our communities more dementia friendly.

With the specialist services we provide at Bluebird Care we are determined to do just that with these Dementia Awareness Sessions over the festive season.”

Set up by the Alzheimer’s Society, Dementia Awareness Sessions have been running across the country for a number of years and focus on improving inclusion and quality of life for people living with dementia. By holding information workshops in towns, villages and cities across the UK, the society’s ambition is to work with people affected by dementia and key partners to develop dementia-friendly communities.

By doing so people will be aware of and understand more about dementia, people with dementia and their careers will be encouraged to seek help and support; and people with dementia will feel included in their community.

Soheila added: “The Bluebird Care team want to meet as many people as possible and make them aware of dementia, its affects and how we as a community can support those who are suffering from it.”

Are you part of a community group, work with a housing provider, school or social club, or an individual who just wants to find out more about dementia? Would you like Bluebird Care to host a Dementia Awareness Workshop for you? If so, get in touch.

For more information and to arrange a dementia awareness workshop contact Nathan Hartley, Bluebird Care Communications Officer, by emailing hartleypr@hotmail.co.uk


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The BBC Children in Need Emergency Essentials Programme which supports children and young people up to the age of 18 living with severe poverty as well as additional pressures such as domestic violence, disability or poor health in the family is currently open for applications from referral organisations that will be able to apply for grants on behalf of families or young people.

The fund will cover the purchase of critical items such as gas or electric cookers and other essential household items. The referrer’s organisation should also be able to administer and supervise the grant on behalf of the BBC Children in Need Emergency Essentials Programme.

All applications must be made by a registered referrer.

Register as a referrer

Start Here

Make an Application


Click Here to go to the application website for Eligibility, How we help and How to apply.


Important documents

Registered charity no. 1077265/1.
A company registered in England no. 3866129.
Registered address: 27 St John’s Lane, London EC1M 4BU

NHS at 70 Banner


Click the image above to view and download the update

virgin money foundation banner

Here at the Virgin Money Foundation, we’re on a mission to support community regeneration by backing people who can make big changes happen locally.

We love helping local communities thrive so every two months, we’re giving three local charities the chance to win £1,000 – with awards of £500 and £250 for the two runners-up.

The awards will go to the charities with the most votes from Virgin Money customers and Lounge members.

We’d love to support projects:

  • Run by smaller local registered charities. That means annual running costs of less than £500,000
  • Working in the parts of Inner London that need money the most
  • With strong local roots
  • Benefiting the wider community

Funds can be used to buy materials and equipment, make improvements to a community building or sports facility, clean up an area of wasteland or support an event. The money could also pay for staff to run an activity.

If you know of any local charities you think fit the bill and deserve to feature on our voting unit, they should apply to the Virgin Money foundation online.

DSC Logo

There are just 15 days to go until Fundraising Now (28-29 November).

With well over 100 charity professionals just like you signed up, it’s never been easier to network as well as hear from sector experts themselves.

There are still tickets available to attend on the day…

Fundraising Now 2018 Banner

Click the Image above to go to the event site


The Live Streaming package is now available

Can’t make it? The Live Streaming package is now available.

What does it mean for you?

Attend eight sessions from the office, and you’ll even be able to re-watch the footage for 30 days after the event!

Fundraising Now 2018 Streaming Banner Link

Click the image above to review the Streaming Options

LBHF logo and link

Don’t let Brexit mess with your business! Tell us your thoughts with our Brexit business survey

We’re asking local businesses about Brexit.

We want to make Hammersmith & Fulham the best place to do business in Europe and we’re already working with many local businesses to achieve this.

Our next step is to find out more about the impact of Brexit on you and our local economy and we’re keen to know what you think with our Brexit survey.

Answer our ‘Brexit and your Business’ survey below. Read more about the survey here.

Take our survey »

WAND UK logo and link

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On Wednesday 14th November 2018 WAND UK is pleased to invite you to participate in our Parliament Week programme. We would like to bring awareness of Harassment in public places. We would like you to join in the conversations on this issue, Barbara Karayi is going to talk us through about the law and what harassment in public places is.

Click here for the event leaflet


Please book your place to make sure you have a chance to tell your story and know more about how to go about making a difference.

Call: 020 8962 4132 or 0781 348 5607
Email: info@wanduk.org