With the country going into the lockdown again from Thursday, we expect there will be changes to the library provision too.

For all the updates about the Library Service in Kensington and Chelsea over the next month, please head over to our website, where you will find the latest information and the most recent updates related to Covid-19 and the libraries service.

We are going to continue providing you with a full programme of online events – talks, workshops and book clubs, as well as a boosted virtual offer of sessions for children and adults on our social media platforms.

We are hosting the 12th annual London History Festival in the last two weeks of November, but before that, we have some fantastic events to help you through the lockdown.

Come along, enjoy and learn with us!

In response to the latest national lockdown, the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme has been extended for a month with employees receiving 80% of their current salary for hours not worked and further economic support announced. Find out more.

People suffering ‘long COVID’ symptoms will be offered specialist help at clinics, as part of a five-point package of support.

Respiratory consultants, physiotherapists, other specialists and GPs will assess, diagnose and treat thousands of patients who have symptoms such as breathlessness, chronic fatigue, ‘brain fog’, anxiety and stress.

NHS Chief Executive, Sir Simon Stevens, said: “It is now clear that ‘long COVID’ can have a major impact on the lives of a significant minority of patients weeks or months after they have contracted the virus. So just as the NHS quickly put in place specialist hospital care for acutely ill COVID patients at the start of the pandemic, now we must respond sensitively and effectively to these new patient needs.”

If you are eligible for a free flu vaccine, you are encouraged to take up the offer to protect yourself and others and help reduce pressure on the NHS.

The flu vaccine is the best protection we have against the flu, which is unpleasant and can trigger severe illness in those who are most vulnerable.

Due to high demand, there may be some delay getting a vaccination appointment, but there will be enough vaccine for everyone who is eligible. Your GP surgery or pharmacy will tell you when more appointments are available.

All patients with a learning disability can receive a free flu vaccine, and this easy read leaflet provides information on how to get a vaccination.

The latest NHS ‘Help Us, Help You’ campaign urges you to contact your GP if you are concerned about cancer and keep your routine appointments if you are already being treated for a health issue.

It also encourages pregnant women to keep appointments and seek advice if they are worried about their baby, and advises people experiencing mental health issues to access NHS services and support.

England’s top children and young people’s mental health doctor, Professor Prathiba Chitsabesan, is also encouraging children, young people and students to seek support.

Your NHS is here to see you safely, so please don’t delay getting help if you need it.

Watch this video to find out more about the signs and symptoms of cancer.

The chair of the Charity Commission, Baroness Stowell, will step down from the role in February. Civil Society have reported that she said: “It is a huge privilege to be chair of the Charity Commission, I will say that, and certainly between now and when I finish at the end of February I am going to keep on the mission that I have been on since I arrived.” Find out more.

Our working environments have radically changed, with many now working from home, or partly from home/ partly office.

Sobus can offer affordable and flexible office solutions with short-term licensed office space (one month minimum), pay as you go full day/ half day hot desks plus printing and laminating services. We can also offer tailor made packages to suit your needs.

Please direct enquiries to: carita.magnani@sobus.org.uk / 020 7952 1230.

Since so many people have restricted their movements during Covid, Zoom has, in many ways, become the new workplace. While many people love the flexibility that Zoom allows, it can also create its own set of anxieties.  And, without the support and resources of a physical office, mental health issues may go unnoticed and unaddressed. For discussion and tips to improve mental health in this new workplace, click here.

Repetitive self stimulatory behaviours like hand flapping, spinning, shaking are all very mysterious to someone without autism but what does it represent? In this guide we discuss everything you need to know about to stimming and how to manage it. Click here