It’s World Mental Health Day this Saturday, 10 October, with the theme of ‘dignity’. There’s a poster attached giving some ideas on how to bring dignity into the workplace – why not bear these in mind when speaking with colleagues?


On the day itself, Harrow Mind in North West London are going to receive a visit from the Duke & Duchess of Cambridge to visit some young Time to Change Champions.
Time to Change is a national programme to challenge mental health stigma and discrimination. They have several campaigns, including the ‘small things’ campaign, such as asking ‘how are you?’ or making a cup of tea for someone else. Why not think how you can do a small thing for someone else? It might just make a big difference….

Here are some tips on how to look after your own wellbeing, based on the five ways to wellbeing, and here are some for staying well at work. Why not try some?


See flyer here

How To Successfully Start Your Own Profitable Online Business


Starting your own online business can be an intimidating process requiring tons of hard work.

This seminar will show you:

  • How simple and quick it is to have your own online business without any previous experience or technical skills.
  • How you can operate the business 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, whether you’re working, relaxing, vacationing, or even while you’re sleeping…
  • How you could easily generate a residual income of £2,000-£5,000 plus per week from the business
  • How you can benefit from a £multi-billion business and free state-of-the-art management support systems to succeed online,
  • How you can operate the business globally.
  • How you can have your own online business set-up for you within days

We are already showing thousands of people how to create a life and business that they LOVE… Will you be next?…

Book your place here


engage london

An introduction to social investment for
the CYP voluntary sector in London

Venue: Lift, 45 White Lion Street, London N1 9PWDate: 22nd OctoberTime: 12.45 – 17.00


Work in the children, young people and families voluntary and community sector in London? Limited knowledge or experience of social investment?

This free half day event is an opportunity for you to find out more about social investment, what the risks and opportunities are, whether it might work for your organisation, and the different models of social investment and support that could help your organisation to access investment.
Hear from our great speakers, join in the discussions, and ask questions to social investment experts and practioners:
• Geetha Rabindrakumar, Big Society Capital: An overview of social investment
• Dan Gregory, Common Capital and SEUK: Balancing rhetoric and reality, risk and opportunity
• Joanne Hay, Teens and Toddlers: Social Impact Bonds
• Tim Wilson, City Bridge Fund: The Stepping Stones Fund
• John Clingan, Fit 2 Learn CIC: Crowdfunding loans from your community
• Azlina Bulmer, Charity Bank: Big Potential
An introduction to social investment for
the CYP voluntary sector in London

Click here to book now!

h&f logo  rbkc logo



Join us for Healthier Homes training:
helping local people live more comfortably and safely at home


The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham invite you to attend a free training session as part of their Healthier Homes project.

Imagine living in a home which you can’t keep warm and struggling with damp and mould on your walls. Imagine risking a fall each time you use the stairs because there’s no handrail, or a shock each time you use the lights because the wiring is so old. Imagine not having enough to eat, or not being able to eat a balanced diet, because you don’t have access to or money for good quality food.

Too many people living in our Boroughs face these problems every day, putting their health and wellbeing at risk. Healthier Homes training is designed to help.

Healthier Homes training is available free of charge in the Boroughs of Kensington and Chelsea and Hammersmith & Fulham. The training is designed for frontline workers, volunteers and others who work with vulnerable local residents.

Training sessions will be held on:

– Wednesday 7 October (10am – 12pm) – Kensington Town Hall
– Wednesday 14 October (10am – 12pm) – Hammersmith Town Hall

Book your place now at:

We can also offer dedicated training sessions for charities and frontline teams; please email to find out more.

By attending the training you will:

– Gain a better understanding of the health and wellbeing risks we find in people’s home, particularly related to cold and damp, home safety and poor nutrition
– Learn about ways to identify local residents who may be struggling at home
– Find out about solutions and support that are available for local residents and how to make referrals into local support services
– Help local people live more comfortably and safely in their homes, reducing their need for hospital and GP services

The training will be interactive and informative, giving you the chance to ask plenty of questions and practice your skills.

Bookings can be made online at or by calling 020 8469 1333.

quality care commission logo

CQC is the independent regulator of all health and social care in England. We are given powers by the government to register, monitor and inspect all health and care services.


As you may know we will shortly be inspecting services provided by London North West Healthcare NHS Trust, this includes:

• Ealing Hospital
• Central Middlesex Hospital
• Northwick Park Hospital
• Community services in Ealing, Brent and Harrow

Do give people the opportunity to share their experiences of these services with us we have organised a public Listening Event on 12th October. The full details are on the attached poster.

It would be much appreciated if you would be able to send out the attached poster to the members/users of your organisation, through any e-mail list, e-bulletin, newsletter and website you may have.

Like minded logo


Like Minded – The Mental Health and Wellbeing strategy for North West London




Like Minded News Update: September 2015


Why there’s a need to change

The launch of our Case for Change sets out why there
is a need to change, and how we support people with
mental health needs, as well as the wider population to
stay mentally healthy. It is not intended to provide the
answers – but rather to shape the discussion.

We welcome your input. If you would like to contribute
to the next phase of work email: You can view the full
document and summary on our website.


like minded pic

New public engagement report

In March 2015 NHS England launched a Taskforce to develop a five-year strategy to improve
mental health outcomes. Essentially, this will be a ‘Mental Health Five Year Forward View’ which
clearly sets out how national bodies will work together between now and 2021 to help people
have good mental health and make sure they can access evidence-based treatment rapidly
when they need it.

The summary of findings from the public engagement supports the work we’re doing and
echoes much that we’ve learnt through co-production.


In other news

In a recent speech, Simon Stevens, NHS England’s Chief Executive, announced a major drive
to improve and support the health and wellbeing of 1.3million health service staff. The £5 million
initiative stresses the importance of workplace wellbeing, which is also one of our priorities.
To read the speech in detail click here.


Thank you!

Play Association logo

You’re invited to our AGM!
Wednesday 4th November 2015 @ 7pm

Parsons Green Sports & Social Club, Broomhouse Lane (Daisy Lane Entrance),

Refreshments provided
RSVP by Mon 2nd Nov on

020 7736 3699

Rampage logo



RampAge Holiday Project Cordially invites you to its forth coming Annual General Meeting for 2014/15

On Wednesday 28 October 2015

At The Dawes Road Hub
20 Dawes Road
Fulham SW6 7EN

Refreshments at 10.00am
Meeting to start at 10.30am

RSVP: email
Phone Mary on 07941 939 918

Limited Company no: 02317041
Registered Charity no: 299666


white city play association logo

Do you have the skills and experience to drive forward the vision of White City Play Project?




If so then we are looking to hear from you. White City Play Project is seeking people with strategic vision and commitment to our values to join our new board of trustees for a new charitable organisation White City Play Association.


See full details here

People first logo


Silver Sunday is a day of fun and free activities for older people which celebrates the value and knowledge they contribute to our communities. Loneliness and isolation is an increasing problem and the day also aims to draw those at risk into the community for a fun, stimulating day out, meeting new people.

“If you don’t have anywhere to go you tend to think ‘I can’t be bothered to go out’ and get stuck indoors”

Visit the Silver Sunday page on People First to see what’s going on and let residents know about some of the huge range of activities on offer – there are over 100 across the 3 boroughs. Some will take place next week as well – it’s not just Sunday!

“The majority of people who attended had not engaged with us before. I spoke to at least two people who said they never leave the house”


What is People First?

People First is the core Information and Advice web service for residents, staff and fellow professionals, run by the Adult Social Care departments of Hammersmith & Fulham, Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster. Our aim is to provide easy-to-use, jargon free and engaging information in a bright visual way that will help keep people stay safe, well and independent.