Are you part of a community group, work with a housing provider, school or social club, or an individual who just wants to find out more about dementia? People across the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham now have the opportunity to find out more about dementia, thanks to a series of free workshops. To find out more click here.

Would you like Bluebird Care to host a Dementia Awareness Workshop for you? If so, get in touch. Contact Bluebird Care on 02087 435308, email or visit their website at

As part of our Info and Engagment day for Kensington & Chelsea, Healthwatch Central West London wants to hear your views on the new plans for NHS health and social care services. This questionnaire is open to anyone living in Hammersmith & Fulham, Kensington & Chelsea, or Westminster, and we would appreciate if you shared it with friends, family and colleagues. To take part click here.

What happens next? Now the work really begins. Currently the Board of Trustees are engaged in recruiting the CEO. Funding has been secured from John Lyon’s Charity and Hammersmith and Fulham Borough Council and further applications are in progress. The Board of Trustees are elected for a limited period of six months with the view to creating a strategic and diverse body that will be fully representative and able to drive the Foundation forward. Already there has been significant interest from across the borough for people to become involved, so watch this space. If you are interested then contact Nigel Jacques at Sobus.

For further information click here.

Do you have dementia or provide support to someone who does?

Valuing Active Life in Dementia (VALID) is a research study involving people with dementia, and the people who support them (a supporter could be a family member, friend or neighbour). They are looking at the possible benefits of a programme of occupational therapy for people who have been diagnosed with dementia and those who regularly support them.

Find out more and how you can be involved here

If you have diabetes and want more information, or simply want to share your experiences with those in a similar situation, you can attend two different groups in Hammersmith and Fulham, which are affiliated with Diabetes UK and sponsored by Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust.

Hammersmith Group: White City Community Centre, India Way (Off Australia Road) W12 7QT

Fulham Group: NHS Walk-In Centre, Parsons Green SW6 4UL

Find out times and more information here

Carers UK has teamed up with Nutricia to develop an e-learning course which aims to help carers understand the role of nutrition both for yourselves and for the person you’re looking after. Topics covered include:

  • what is good nutrition
  • our nutritional needs throughout life
  • identifying and managing a nutritional gap in the person you care for
  • ensuring you as a carer are meeting your nutritional needs

You can access the free course here

Join the national demonstration against cuts and privatisation called by Health Campaigns Together.

March to Parliament on Saturday 4th March. Assemble at 11am at Lyric Square or 12pm at Tavistock Square. For further information click here.

Earlier this year, Hammersmith & Fulham Council set up a Disabled People’s Commission to look at how to make life easier for disabled people living and working in the borough. The Commission is made up of local disabled people from across the borough.

We want to know about your experiences as a disabled person of local services and support and have put together a survey called ‘Nothing About Us Without Us’ , which may be viewed here. For help with completing the survey contact Kevin Caulfield (Policy Officer to Disabled People’s Commission) at or call 07789 095049. Closes 20th Mar 2017.


Just published for Westminster, Hammersmith & Fulham and Kensington & Chelsea, the Young Adults Joint Strategic Needs Assessment focuses on the health needs of local young people aged 18 to 25.  An interactive summary is available online, which will be updated as new data is published.  The consultation draft of the online annual highlight report is also available now and is open to feedback.

Social welfare law and tech charity Lasa is providing a free and easy-to-use adviser guide to personal independence payment regulations and case law. You can search by activity, issue or health condition to find out more about the legal framework and how the law has been interpreted – click here.