This is why you should get involved: 

Small Charity Week celebrates the amazing work of the small charity sector and shines some light on the charities on the smaller spectrum by raising your profile with the public, businesses and local and national government. Each day of the week (19th-24th June) is themed to make sure there is something to benefit all organisations. To register your interest or to have any queries answered, please email us at or call us on 0207 3244 777.

Article 50 has been triggered, beginning the process for the UK formally departing the European Union. Whilst a remarkable exercise in democracy, the result of the EU referendum has left the UK small charity sector with more questions than answers. As the UK begins the complex negotiations of Brexit, the FSI is conducting research titled “Brexit: The Small Charity Sector”, which aims to inform policy and public debate from the view of small charities.

The FSI is already engaging with MPs on the subject, and we are sure you will be having your say locally, but we want to make sure that the collective voice of our members is heard in Westminster on this immensely significant issue. The focus of the survey will be about understanding how the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union may affect small charities. Your early input into the survey would be appreciated and aims to give greater attention to issues that are important to your small charity. Click here to complete the survey.

Last June improvements were made to children’s services across North West London, this led to the closure of the children’s overnight ward and children’s A&E at Ealing Hospital. For information about the changes, please click here. We would like your feedback on the communications issued around this change. All responses are in total confidence and the survey should take no more than five minutes of your time. The survey will remain open until 15 April 2017. To complete the survey please click here.



The Information Commissioner’s Office is currently holding a consultation inviting feedback on it’s draft GDPR consent guidance. The guidance is designed to give more detailed, practical help for UK organisations on consent under the GDPR. The GDPR is planned to come into effect from May 2018 and the consultation is open until March 31st. For further information click here.

The European Commission has published the 2017 Annual work programme for the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme. In this document, you can find the types of project that the Commission will fund in the next 12 months. For more information on each of these calls click here. For information about open calls within this and other programmes, please see our website.


People with learning disabilities often have poorer physical and mental health than other people. However this doesn’t need to be the case. The Annual Health Check scheme is for adults and young people aged 14 or above with learning disabilities, who need more health support and who may otherwise have health conditions that go undetected. To view the current campaign click here.

North End Road market is a traditional street market running since the 1880’s and managed by H&F Council. The council also hosts regular traffic-free seasonal markets as part of its drive, together with residents in the North End Road Action Group to revive this major high street. This is also an opportunity to showcase your wares on a major London stage.

The next traffic-free market in North End Road is on Saturday 29 April.  For further details click here.

The PEACE (People, Ethnicity, Age, and Community Engagement) Project is a cross borough partnership between PLIAS Resettlement and Nubian Life Resource Centre. They have been awarded £10,000 from Big Lottery Fund’s Celebrate programme, which will be used to create a PEACE Wall to be unveiled in September 2017 to coincide with World Peace Day. To find out more and how you can get involved, please click here.

For information relating to local cardiology services available through Imperial College Hospital Trust, click here and for respiratory services click here.

Good news for those who haven’t been able to make the time yet to compose and send in their nominations for this year’s awards. The deadline has now been extended to 11.59pm on Wednesday, 22 March.

So get nominating now to give local heroes the recognition they deserve for their life-changing work. There are no fewer than seven awards, including the City for All Volunteer of the Year award, that recognise both people and organisations. Click here.