“Community Organisers at Sobus have been actively supporting residents and community partners in establishing a Neighbourhood Forum in Old Oak for over twelve months. In order to be designated a neighbourhood forum a consultation process is now in place. The consultation process runs from 3rd May 2017 through to 15th June 2017.
If you are working with residents that live, work or interested in activities in the Old Oak area please inform them of this.
For further information please contact Old Oak Interim Neighbourhood Forum on oonforum@gmail.com or visit www.oldoakneighbourhoodforum.org

It’s Mental Health Awareness Week 8 – 14 May 2017. H&F MIND are the borough’s leading resource for mental health support and information and Rich Green from Mind has supported the beginning and growth of ‘HANDS’, a peer led, co-produced support group for people living with anxiety and depression. The group has now just celebrated it’s 1 year anniversary and meet bi-weekly on Thursday afternoons at Blythe Road. To find out more, please contact susan@hfmind.

Joy Goddard set up the group because there was nothing like it in Hammersmith and Fulham when she really needed it. (See her moving personal journey here.)


A group of entrepreneurial children from West London are fighting food waste by selling surplus food in the school playground and to the local community. The initiative is led by 400 children aged 5 to 12 year old’s from Old Oak Primary School & Old Oak Community Centre in East Acton. They have named their social enterprise ‘Bubble & Squeak’, a nod to the traditional English dish made using leftover vegetables. Emphasising healthy eating, their aim is to take edible surplus food such as fruit and vegetables from local businesses, markets and supermarkets and redistribute it to the local community on a ‘pay as you feel’ basis. The kids want to get their whole community involved in changing attitudes towards food waste. They launched a crowdfunding campaign on the 24 April to raise £4,500 for a customised shipping container to store and sell the surplus food. Helping the children with the project are adult coordinators Elly Harrington and Lydia Gandaa.

For more information contact Elly Harrington at bubblesqueakeat@gmail.com / 07515946486, or Lydia Gandaa 02087437629 at Old Oak Primary School.



We have caught up with our backlog and we now are taking referrals as usual. If you have any adult clients who are over 65 or have a disability that you feel we can support with safety, security or fire safety issues in their own homes (Including fire retardant bedding for smokers who smoke in bed and are at risk to themselves or others by doing so), then please refer them to us.
Once we have received your referral we will make contact with your client as soon as we can to book an appointment to complete a safety, security and fire safety assessment.  Once the assessment is done any work identified will also be completed by us FREE for those who are in receipt of benefits or a one off £10 fee for those who are not on benefits .

Draught proofing –limited funding – encourage clients now before the winter months and funding runs out!!!
Bishop Creighton House can provide and install draught proofing and help you with energy saving to make your home warmer – and save a little on energy bills.
Draught proofing is free for H & F residents who are 65 and over, or has a disability or long term ill health. For all other H & F residents the cost of draught proofing a door is £5-£15 and £5 per window (a discount of 50% is given to those receiving benefits)

The 18th annual Charity Times Awards 2017 are now open for entries –  click here. The deadline for entry is 9 June 2017. The winners will be announced at the celebratory gala dinner and ceremony on 4 October 2017 at the prestigious Park Plaza Westminster Bridge, London

Following the ICO’s first publication of the GDPR guidance in March, Elizabeth Chamberlain breaks it down and puts forward recommendations –  click here.

The research team are putting the finishing touches to this year’s edition – all the facts and figures on the voluntary sector you could ever need! For further information click here.

Look out on 9 May for the refreshed data at data.ncvo.org.uk.

In November the NHS in North West London was awarded national funding to continue improving maternity services in-line with new national maternity guidelines.
Before we start investing and improving services over the next two years, we want to hear from women who have recently used maternity services. To do this, we have today launched a  new online engagement site encouraging mothers-to-be and new mums to share their experiences of maternity care in North West London.
The attached press release has been issued and we would be grateful if you can share this engagement site link through your networks, so we can reach as many mums as possible.

More information
The NHS in North West London was awarded national funding following work that has already taken place to improve maternity services across our eight boroughs.
In 2015, improvements were made providing all women with better access to senior doctors, a better environment to give birth in and more time with midwives whose numbers have increased since the changes were made. These improvements have made sure that North West London is already delivering many of the standards set out in the new National Maternity Guidelines ‘Better Births’, and with the help of national funding we can make sure we have better continuity of care during all stages of pregnancy, birth and support for mother and baby.

You may also wish to read the recent Healthwatch Hillingdon maternity review.

Press release

Sobus will soon be opening a second, larger site in Kensington and Chelsea on Freston Road. Freston Road Hub is a modern shared office space for enterprises, charities and social business offering over 40 workspaces and with 4 high quality meeting and training rooms, gallery space and mailing services. Watch this space for our opening date!

For more details click here. For enquiries, please email info@sobus.org.uk.