For full details of the move on 8th January click here.
Hestia, in partnership with One Voice Community Collective is open at the Village and Recovery Café for support and a wide range of activities
Over the festive period, hotel counselling will be available and the Village and Café will be open, with hours every afternoon and evening. They have also planned a wide range of activities for all ages/abilities ranging from Drumming to Yoga, family gatherings and meals, writing workshops, meditation, Buddhist chanting, massage and much more. Poster with opening hours and the activities schedule is attached to this email.
This includes activities on Christmas and New Year’s Day.
For more information Click Here or to book activities, email or ring 0203 879 3605
Creative Winter Camp for children aged 5-12 at the Playground Theatre
Grief Encounter is running a winter camp for children ages 5 to 12 at the Playground theatre. There are 2 sessions daily (basic details are below and a flyer with the full programme is attached to this email). Activities include theatre, play and movement, song-writing and performing, and even comedy for kids!
Each day includes lunch. Click Here to see the poster. To book, or speak to someone about what’s on offer, call Helene on 07480 051 991 or email
Qwell (for adults) and Kooth (Young people) is available for 24/7 online self-help, peer to peer support and online 1-1 Counseling
Click Here for the Qwell Poster or Click Here for the Kooth Poster
The Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew have teamed up with Lemos & Crane to help community groups around the country transform their local spaces into beautiful, inspiring and colourful wild flower havens.
Apply for £2,000 – £4,000 funding before January 15th 2018
Click Here to find out more
“A&E is not always the best place to be taken if you call 999, and thanks to an improved way of working more patients are now getting the care they need in their own home.”
London Ambulance Service has been working closely with NHS rapid response teams across North West (NW) London, helping more patients to get the treatment they need in their own home.
This enhanced way of working has seen up to 100 additional people being cared for at home a month.”
Please Click Here to read the full press release.
Dear Arts Partners
The HF ArtsFest is proud to back the Hammersmith & Fulham Bid for London Borough of Culture 2019/2020!
You too can register your support and share some of your thoughts and ideas as well as keep up-to-date with everything that is happening in Hammersmith & Fulham.
Here’s how to do it:
* Copy and paste the link to the website:!/backthebid
* For more information email:
* Send your ideas email:
* Share on social media using the hashtags #hfculture and #MyLocalCulture
Let’s make Hammersmith & Fulham the most creative, innovative and inclusive arts destination in London!
We wish you all a very merry Christmas and a very prosperous, happy, creative New Year! From all of us to all of you!
HF ArtsFest Team
Registered Charity No: 1162116
c/o Riverside Studios, 65 Aspenlea Rd, Hammersmith W6 8LH
The Holiday Grants programme provides grants for recreational trips and holidays for groups of children aged 13 and under in the UK who are disabled or disadvantaged.
Key Grant Details
Grant size: £500 – £2,500
Length: One-off short grants
Decision timescale: 6 weeks
Deadlines: Submission dates vary depending when trips or holidays take place
Qualifying criteria
Please only apply for this grant if you meet the following criteria:Location: UK-wide, with priority to the 20% most deprived areas
Funding covers: Short holidays and recreational trips
Organisation type: Schools, small charities and not-for-profit organisations
Click here for more information
Contact us
Please contact us if you have a question.
Call: 020 7264 4970
Sobus opened our new Freston Road Hub on 11th December. We are open for business from 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday.
The hub offers; 40+ workspaces for enterprises, charities and social businesses, hot desks, meeting rooms, mailing addresses and reception services. Click here to learn more.
Address: 196 Freston Road
North Kensington
W10 6TT (click here for map)
Phone: 020 7952 2610
Email: (for room booking, mailing address and general enquiries)
or (for office space enquiries)
Hammersmith & Fulham residents advised to visit pharmacy for winter illnesses
Christmas and New Year can be a busy time when mundane chores like checking medicine supplies can be overlooked. But local GPs are warning people to order repeat prescriptions early to ensure they have enough to tide them over the holiday period when many GP practices and pharmacies are closed.
Patients on repeat prescriptions are advised to request them ten working days before the winter break to allow enough time for processing by both GP and pharmacy. This means that all repeat prescription requests should have been made by 10 December.
For added convenience, patients are encouraged to register for GP online services to order repeat prescriptions or even book practice appointments from a smartphone, tablet or computer.
With the weather turning colder, people are recommended to seek advice from their pharmacist at the first sign of a winter illness, even if it’s just a cough or cold.
Older people can be more susceptible to developing serious health problems when it is cold outside so they are reminded to think about keeping their houses warm7 and staying active. At the same time, the general public is asked to keep an eye on elderly neighbours in the cold weather.
Dr Tim Spicer, Chair of Hammersmith & Fulham CCG and GP at Richford Gate Medical Centre in Hammersmith, commented:
“It’s important for patients that rely on repeat prescriptions to stock up in good time for the winter holidays. That will help them to stay well over the break.
“We recommend that people with an underlying health condition like bronchitis, emphysema, diabetes, heart disease, stroke or kidney disease; or who are aged 65 or over, take extra care in the cold weather.
“At the first sign of a cough or cold, it’s worth asking your high street pharmacist for advice. If they can’t help you, they’ll be able to refer you to a service that can.
“And if you’re eligible for a free flu vaccine, it’s not too late – contact your GP practice or pharmacist to organise it.”
Christmas and New Year can be a busy time when mundane chores like checking medicine supplies can be overlooked. But local GPs are warning people to order repeat prescriptions early to ensure they have enough to tide them over the holiday period when many GP practices and pharmacies are closed. Patients on repeat prescriptions are advised to request them ten working days before the winter break to allow enough time for processing by both GP and pharmacy. This means that all repeat prescription requests need to be made by 10 December. For added convenience, patients are encouraged to register for GP online services to order repeat prescriptions or even book practice appointments from a smartphone, tablet or computer.
With the weather turning colder, people are recommended to seek advice from their pharmacist at the first sign of a winter illness, even if it’s just a cough or cold. Older people can be more susceptible to developing serious health problems when it is cold outside so they are reminded to think about keeping their houses warm7 and staying active. At the same time, the general public is asked to keep an eye on elderly neighbours in the cold weather.
Dr Tim Spicer, Chair of Hammersmith & Fulham CCG and GP at Richford Gate Medical Centre in Hammersmith, commented:
“It’s important for patients that rely on repeat prescriptions to stock up in good time for the winter holidays. That will help them to stay well over the break.
“We recommend that people with an underlying health condition like bronchitis, emphysema, diabetes, heart disease, stroke or kidney disease; or who are aged 65 or over, take extra care in the cold weather.
“At the first sign of a cough or cold, it’s worth asking your high street pharmacist for advice. If they can’t help you, they’ll be able to refer you to a service that can.
“And if you’re eligible for a free flu vaccine, it’s not too late – contact your GP practice or pharmacist to organise it.”
More than two million North West London residents are benefiting from improved GP services, with extra appointments being made available over Christmas and New Year including 24, 25, 26 December and 1 January.
In addition to normal opening times, GPs and nurses are offering patients appointments in the evening, on weekends and bank holidays.
Click Here for more Information
Click here for the NHS Festive advert
20 Dawes Road, London, SW6 7EN
Telephone 020 7952 1230
Registered Charity No.1071089
and Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered in England No.03471416
Sobus is a new Community Development Agency for Hammersmith & Fulham. It has been created through the merger of the Community and Voluntary Sector Association Hammersmith & Fulham (CaVSA) and the Fulham Community Partnership Trust (FCPT). Building on the strengths of both organisations, sobus aims to provide a wider range of support services for local charities, community groups, social enterprises and start up businesses.