Team London are offering grants of £10,000 – £30,000 per year, for up to three years, to community groups, small charities and voluntary sector organisations to run projects which encourage young Londoners to volunteer or take part in social action.

Funded projects will:

  • Work with 10 – 20 year olds on volunteering and/or social action projects which promote wellbeing and emotional resilience.
  • Demonstrate how volunteering and/or social action positively impacts on young people’s wellbeing and emotional resilience.
  • Work with groups that are disproportionately affected by mental health issues such as those within the criminal justice system or young refugees or asylum seekers.

Click Here for more information.

Deadline to apply is 9th July 2018.

Chloe Holness
Youth Social Action Project Officer, Team London
City Hall, The Queen’s Walk, London, SE1 2AA
020 7084 2546 or 07522 218 637

Sign up for our Team London newsletters

Nominate a volunteering hero for a Team London Award

Family Friends Logo

Family Friends are currently looking for a fundraising consultant to maximize the generation of funds for our charity. The role is primary to prepare applications and reports for Trusts and Grant-Making Bodies. We are ideally looking for someone that is London based with at least two years’ experience of grants and trusts fundraising. This is for one day a week.

Click here for a PDF document with more info

Click the logo above to go to the Family Friends Website

West Trans are looking to expand their e-bike programme.

Electric bikes now account for over a third of bicyle sales in Germany, with the Netherlands and Holland not far behind. These countries have embraced the convenience of the e-bike, and its potential to expand cycling to people who wouldn’t, or couldn’t, ride a standard bicycle.

However, e-bike popularity is very low in the UK, despite the benefits they can provide to older people, people recovering from injuries or illness, people who want to cycle but live in a hilly area, commuters, and many others. They also have potential for business use, especially e-cargo bikes.  

 They are hopeful that running this trial will encourage greater adoption of e-bikes, and wider cycling, particularly for groups who have low cycling levels at the moment.

 To encourage the take-up of e-bikes in West London, and to gauge the different uses they could serve, WestTrans is running a trial. This will initially involve providing free e-bikes to employees of businesses in West London to use to get to and from work, and for site visits. Contact Emily Shovlar: if you’re interested.



We are working with Accenture on a board-matching event which will take place on Monday 18th June, from 6.30-7.30pm in central London. The event will introduce charities looking for new trustees/board members with Accenture employees who would like to become trustees. 

The expertise of the Accenture employees could include digital, marketing and comms, strategy, business planning, business development, finance, HR and more.

We are going to select the charities to get a range of causes, and to match skills available with charity needs. Your board meetings need to be held in London since that is where the Accenture employees are based. If you are interested in attending, please register your interest at:

Penny Wilson
Getting on Board
Registered charity 1112013




Diabetes Week LogoDiabetes afflicts more people in the U.K. than any other serious health condition. There are 4.6 million Type 1 sufferers and an estimated 12.3 million people are potential type 2 diabetics. Help to raise awareness, participate in an event or alternatively share your experience on line.

Click here to find out how you can get involved.

Carers Week LogoThis Carers Week is looking at all the ways that support can be given to carers to stay Healthy and Connected. Building communities which support carers to look after their loved ones well, while recognising that they are individuals with health and wellbeing needs of their own.

Click Here to find out how you can help carers to become Healthy and Connected.




In the NCVO update for May:

  • Get our new simple compliance checklist for trustees.
  • The Charity Commission have introduced a welcome pack for new trustees.
  • There’s a new support programme for Chairs at small charities.
  • Data suggests there is a diversity problem in trusteeship
  • Find out about our upcoming training.

Click here for the update

We are looking for an efficient and dynamic part time administrative assistant to support the core team at the Dalgarno Trust.   The job is for 20 hours per week – Monday to Friday.  There is some flexibility on hours worked.

Our community centre is in North Kensington and is a lively and active place where we run a range of activities for everyone in our community and beyond. 

You can find out more about what we do on our website:

Have a look at the job description and if this sounds like the job for you, please fill in the application form and return it to us by Monday, 4th June 2018.

Click Here for the Job Description.
Click Here for the Application Form.



Feedback on GP extended hours services 2018
Across England the NHS is looking to improve how patients can access their GP surgery including the use of technology, increasing the number of appointments available and making sure that those appointments are at more convenient times.

In North West London all patients now have access to GP appointments at the evening and weekends. Generally these extended hours appointments will be available from 6pm to 9pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 8pm over the weekend.

Please help by completing the survey at this link

NHS North West London CCG Logo

We all get stressed from time to time but talking about it can really make a difference.

This Mental Health Awareness Week (14 – 20 May) we are focusing on how NHS talking therapies services in North West London help people who may be feeling stressed or generally low.

Talking to a therapist or undergoing self-help courses can help people learn new ways to help themselves feel more able to cope with their problems.

A recent user of talking therapies support said:

“I was really struggling and never thought I needed intervention, support or treatment. But after a suggestion from my GP to try talking therapies, I decided I had nothing to lose.


 “Since undergoing therapy my life has completely changed. My experiences with my difficulties have shifted my perspective and I do not find my situation unbearable anymore.


“With the help of my therapist, I have managed to set realistic goals, and keep to them, despite setbacks.”

Talking therapies services are easy to access through self-referral or GP referral and they are available across all North West London boroughs. To find out more, contact the relevant service for your borough:

Borough Contact number
Brent 020 8206 3924
Harrow 020 8515 5015
Hillingdon 01895 206 800
Hounslow 0300 123 0739
Ealing 020 3313 5660
Hammersmith and Fulham 0300 123 1156
Westminster 030 3333 0000
Kensington and Chelsea, Queens Park and Paddington 020 3317 4200

People registered with a GP in either Harrow or Brent can also use Health Help Now, a free digital patient app to monitor how they are feeling. The mood tool feature asks basic questions about your mood and how you feel and will signpost you to relevant services based on your responses. The app can be downloaded here: App Store or Google Play.

To date, almost 6,000 people in Brent have used talking therapies to deal with stress, anxiety, and depression.