We formally launched the Freston Road Hub on Friday 17th August, with tea and cake on the terrace and a buzz of friendly visitors throughout the afternoon.  Guests met our current licensees and spent a relaxed few hours networking and chatting with likeminded people from a range of different organisations and backgrounds.

The hubs already attract an eclectic range of businesses including youth organisations, interior designers, IT companies, a hat designer, health care trainers, NHS partners and accountants.   IT consultant Derek White, of Banana IT Solutions, which has space at the Freston Road Hub said: “As a local resident and formerly a member of a local residents’ association, I’ve been involved in the development of this space for the last four years. It’s fantastic to finally see it open and to now be involved as a small business, making use of this amazing facility. I love that I can come and go as I please, and have space to hold meetings, deliver training and grow my business.”

An Experiment in Funny. Charity Show At The Queen’s Tavern, White City

A live comedy night, with Imperial scientists and residents of White City performing together for a local charity. Thursday 20 September, 19.00

Click the image above to view the event banner

Dear Sobus Community,

My name is Zoltan, I’m a Social Entrepreneur and the Founder at ECHO an innovative online movement, and I am here to shake things up in the non-profit sector.
I’m currently mapping out charities in London, and I am looking for potential partners to collaborate with.

The main reason for that because we sadly realised there is an injustice in the UK charity sector where the largest 1.2% of charities in the UK receive 70% of the donations. Medium and small-sized charities have no chance to keep up with the marketing battle for publicity.

Have you ever experienced that too? I bet you have.

Our aim is not only to help you raising money but to reach out for the wider public by introducing them your goals, achievements, dedication and passion.

Did you know, that
– by 2019, global consumer Internet video traffic will account for 80% of all consumer Internet traffic?
– YouTube reports mobile video consumption rises 100% every year.
Incredible numbers, aren’t they?

Also, current donation systems are outdated, and they don’t allow the engagement, the transparent communication and the satisfaction people expect from non-profits.
That is why we are launching a whole new cycle of crowd-accelerated innovation, called ECHO.
We believe the word needs to be spread through cinematic short stories where donors can interact with you in person and share your story with the rest of the world to invite them on an educative journey and mobilise them to become actively involved.
These viral videos would provide you and the cause you fight for a well-deserved visibility in a way that all the participants could greatly benefit.

Oh, and it wouldn’t cost you a penny as ECHO is established to support small and medium-sized charities like yours.

It is pretty much a no-brainer, isn’t it?

If you’d like to come on board, please send us a message on
visit our website, www.echofriends.org.uk,
or follow us on social media, Twitter and Facebook.

Join us, and together we will truly be able to “Spread the World”!

Want to get involved?

  • Are you aged between 57 – 66?
  • Would you like to help make the bowel cancer screening programme more effective and more efficient for the NHS?
  • Interested in learning more about the research process?

If so, we would like your help! The Cancer Screening and Prevention Research Group (CSPRG) at Imperial College London are looking for individuals from a diverse range of backgrounds to become  Public Patient Representatives for their new research project called FIT for Screening.

This year, the NHS English Bowel Cancer Screening Programme (BCSP) is introducing a new bowel cancer screening test called FIT (faecal immunochemical test) to all men and women aged 60 years and over. FIT detects blood hidden in stool, and currently no evidence or research exists that indicates the ‘ideal’ level which the BCSP should use, to indicate a positive result and detect as many bowel cancers as possible. The FIT for Screening study aims to look into this further. Imperial would like to research what this ideal level should be and would like members of the public to help them shape their research proposal and plan.

The Public Patient Representative role is initially for 1 year and will be reviewed annually. The role involves reading about the study and a simple summary and providing us your thoughts on our research plans. You will need access to a computer and email to receive these documents. You will also be required to attend two half-day workshops at the CSPRG office and participate in activities and discussions with other patient/public representatives. The CSPRG is based at St Mary’s Hospital in Paddington.

You will be reimbursed for your time and reasonable travel expenses throughout the duration of your involvement. Payment for reviewing documents will range from £50 – £200 depending on the length of the document. For attending workshops and completing shorter study activities, payment will range from £25 – £150.

Please note, this role does not require any previous experience in public/patient involvement or clinical research. You will be supported and trained on all aspects of the study, with a member of the CSPRG team appointed as a point of contact at all times.

If you would like to know more, please contact: Bhavita Patel. Email: cancerscreen@imperial.ac.uk

Healthwatch Logo

Annual Meeting 2018

We are holding our fifth annual meeting on the 17th September 2018. It will run from 5pm to 8.30pm and will be held at Central Hall Westminster. If you would like to attend, please register by going to our website and clicking the link. Alternatively, you can email info@healthwatchcentralwestlondon.org or phone 020 8928 7049.

Health Apps in North West London

The NHS in North West London want to hear what you think of health apps and if you would use them.

Click Here to go to the Survey

NHS – Grenfell Night Support Services 

Help Hestia and the Notting Dale Residents Advisory Board, understand how the service is working for you.

Click Here to take the Survey

Help shape mental health services in London

The Advocacy Project are looking for passionate service users and carers across London to take part in exciting engagement activities that will help shape and influence a London-wide mental health programme called the Adult Mental Health Transformation Programme.

Click Here to find out more

Community Champions Fair

1st September: Join Community Champions from Hammersmith & Fulham for their summer fair.

Click Here to find out more

NHS – Grenfell Health and Wellbeing Service 

12th September: The Grenfell Health and Wellbeing Service is having an open evening to welcome the community to its newly designed therapy space.

Click Here to find out more


Who are we?
The Homeless  Dental Service  provides  dental care for anyone who is homeless and in temporary or supported housing

Where are we?
We are based at the Great Chapel Street Medical Centre for the homeless

13 Great Chapel Street

Tel: 020 7437 9360
Fax: 0300 008 3279
Email: CLCH.dental@nhs.net
Web: www.clch.nhs.uk

How can I get seen?
Patients can make an appointment at  reception at Great Chapel street for a new patient assessment

What if I’m in pain?
Telephone the clinic to get a booked emergency appointment and we will do our best to get you out of pain

Click here for the Homeless Dental Service Poster


Click the links below for updates from the NCVO

Charity Governance

Dan Francis
NCVO Senior Governance Consultant
T: @mynameisdanfran


James Loan-Clarke
Policy Officer



Click the image abov to access the Carnival Information Booklet


If you live in the area near Carnival don’t get caught out by road closures – check the interactive map to see if you are affected: goo.gl/8cdDJ3

2018 Carnival Infographic

carers network logo

The new editions of Carers Network’s August 2018 – October 2018 newsletters are out now.

  • Download the Westminster edition here
  • Download the Hammersmith and Fulham edition here
  • Download the Kensington & Chelsea email here

We hope you find the newsletter an interesting and enjoyable read.

Mark Bradford
Communications Officer
020 8960 3033


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