Flying Start is an art agency based in London, UK. We run inspiring Graffiti Workshops and Graffiti Parties. We also make amazing Murals and create quality Private Commissions.

Led by a fully qualified teacher, our team of artists each has at least 20 years experience of creating graffiti art, large-scale murals and fine art and has achieved international acclaim for their work. We achieve fantastic results working with Young People to create graffiti canvases and colourful murals. Flying Start are experienced in fostering creativity, teaching teamwork and encouraging resilience. Our mural and private commission artwork is of a high quality and we have achieved consistent successes when working with clients.’

Phone: 07908 511 058

Interactive breakfast seminars which provide a unique forum for open debate and an opportunity to connect with your peers.

Said Dajani, head of digital at Diabetes UK will open the event discussing the power of personalisation when investing in new technology and share some of the struggles and successes involved in the process.

Tori Ellaway, service design programme manager at CAST and Julie Bishopdirector at the Law Centres Network will unpick the process behind developing a new product, discussing how clearly defining the problem and going through an iterative process that responds to service users’ real needs and behaviours is the key to successful technology design and implementation.

Nathan Baranowski, managing director at ojo solutions will explore some examples of charities applying new technologies and the wider scope for our sector.

Please click here to see full programme.

Refugee Council Logo and Link

The Refugee Council are running sessions for adult refugees who’s second language is English. We are currently running an outreach class in the Clem Atlee community hall in Fulham (click Here for a map) for adult refugees to come and practice their English and make friends.


Conversation Club Flyer

Click the link to View/Download the flyer


You are invited to a Creative Art and Wellbeing event at WAND UK.

It is a 6-week course starting on the 28th of January on every Monday 10.30 am to 12.30 pm (Dates below).

What is creative art and wellbeing?
The creative Art and Wellbeing project aims to complement our multilingual, multicultural practical emotional wellbeing one to one service. Train staff and volunteers, provide emotional support and practical help to clients who are experiencing a difficult time.

The opportunity to try out something new! Discover unexpected insights through the process of image making and reflection.

People who are generally stressed and overworked i.e. managers and staff, school children, young people, adults and elderly. Others that may also benefit are those with autistic spectrum disorders, substance abuse misuse, living with mental health or have suffered abuse such as bullying and trauma.

Starts Jan; 28th
Feb: 4th / 11th / 18th / 25th
Ends: Mar: 4th

Venue: Small Chapel, St Charles Centre for Health and Wellbeing, Exmoor Street, London W10 6DZ (Click Here for a map)

Limited spaces, please call to book:
 Tel: 020 8962 4132 or 07813 485607


  • Do you know the most common reasons for rejection?
  • Are you gathering the right evidence?
  • Are you making the right arguments?
  • Are you using the right terminology?
  • Are your numbers right?
  • Are you learning from rejections?


  • Are you assembling the right documents?
  • Do you know how to create a clear and succinct standard funding bid?
  • Are you communicating with people or just excluding them?
  • Do you know your own organisation well enough?
  • Are you thinking through your projects carefully enough?


  • Do you know enough about your competitors?
  • Do you know the trusts?
  • Are you answering the questions funders will ask themselves about your application?
  • Are you submitting applications correctly?

The workshop consists of talk, questions and answers. There are no power points or audio visuals used.

Click Here to see the current list of available Workshops

Back on Track Banner

Helping you to manage stress and lift your mood

Call: 0300 123 1156

Everyone feels stressed sometimes. If you are feeling on edge, finding that you’re snappier or more tearful than normal, we can help you get on top of your stress.

At Back on Track if you live in Hammersmith & Fulham you can join our free workshop program to learn relaxation techniques, find out how to get a better night’s sleep, learn to be more assertive and learn how to live life more mindfully. Our workshops teach you tried and tested techniques that really work. You can speak with one of our trained therapists to figure out the best way forward.



A new initiative to encourage more third sector staff and volunteers, to take up sign language as an extra language and skill is now available in Hammersmith and Fulham and surrounding areas. Signs4Life are showcasing this local initiative to help staff and volunteers, communicate with their colleagues and service users. Our next community workshop is taking place at Shepherds Bush Library, Wood Lane, W12 7BF, on Tuesday 18th December 2018 between 11:00 and 13:00.

“You never know when you will come into contact with a client, a colleague or member of the public who is autistic, deaf or visually impaired. There are over 9 million deaf and hard of hearing people registered in the UK. We are working with organisations as varied as Specsavers, The British Red Cross, prisons, supermarkets, museums, schools and hospitals. Each of our workshops help you comply with the Disability Discrimination Act and Equality Acts 2010 and encourage a ‘can do’ approach to the 12 million people in the UK who have a physical, sensory or learning disability,” explains Ms Sara Phillips, Signs4Life tutor.

If you would like further information about the Signs4Life workshops in Hammersmith and Fulham and surrounding areas, please get in touch with Sara on 07964 019 764 or you can send an email to 

Bluebird Care Logo

People across the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham have another opportunity to find out more about dementia, thanks to a series of free workshops over the Christmas season.

The local award-winning provider of personal care in the home, Bluebird Care Hammersmith and Fulham, is hosting Dementia Awareness Workshops across the borough during the month of December.

They are making themselves available to visit as many businesses, organisations and charities as possible this Christmas time!

Managing Director of Bluebird Hammersmith and Fulham, Soheila Amin, said:

“One in four people will be affected by dementia in their lifetimes, which is why it’s important to work with individuals and their families to try and make life much easier for those who have it.

A recent report made recommendations to the government about the need to continue to raise awareness of dementia, and the work that can be done to make our communities more dementia friendly.

With the specialist services we provide at Bluebird Care we are determined to do just that with these Dementia Awareness Sessions over the festive season.”

Set up by the Alzheimer’s Society, Dementia Awareness Sessions have been running across the country for a number of years and focus on improving inclusion and quality of life for people living with dementia. By holding information workshops in towns, villages and cities across the UK, the society’s ambition is to work with people affected by dementia and key partners to develop dementia-friendly communities.

By doing so people will be aware of and understand more about dementia, people with dementia and their careers will be encouraged to seek help and support; and people with dementia will feel included in their community.

Soheila added: “The Bluebird Care team want to meet as many people as possible and make them aware of dementia, its affects and how we as a community can support those who are suffering from it.”

Are you part of a community group, work with a housing provider, school or social club, or an individual who just wants to find out more about dementia? Would you like Bluebird Care to host a Dementia Awareness Workshop for you? If so, get in touch.

For more information and to arrange a dementia awareness workshop contact Nathan Hartley, Bluebird Care Communications Officer, by emailing

Elgin Close Resource Centre are holding a group of Christmas Workshop over a 4 week period for older people over the age of 65 who may be socially isolated or lonely. The workshops will run on Saturdays from 10.00am to 2.00pm and will include lunch and afternoon bingo.

Details of the workshops and dates are as follows:

  • Saturday 24th November, 10.00am to 2.00pm – Create your own Christmas cards and Christmas Box
  • Saturday 01st December, 10.00am to 2.00pm – Make your own Christmas Wreath
  • Saturday 08th December, 10.00am to 2.00pm – Make your own Christmas Snow Globe
  • Saturday 15th December, 10.00am to 2.00pm – Decorate your own Christmas Cake and make some Christmas Chocolates
  • Saturday 22nd December, 10.00am to 2.00pm – End of workshop celebration where we will have music, mulled wine (non alcoholic) and mince pies.

The aim of the workshops is to encourage people who may be socially isolated to meet new people, make some new friends and to create some of your own personal Christmas items and collect them in a Christmas Box for you to take home at the end of the programme. Therefore priority will be given to those who book for the full four weeks.

These workshops including lunch and bingo are free but places are limited to 10 people for the four week block so places will go quickly.  Unfortunately we are not able to able to provide transport.

Referrals can be made direct to the centre, for more information or to book a place please call 0203 815 2184 or email

Click here for the Event Leaflet to download.

Elgin Close Resource Centre
3 Elgin Close
Off Goldhawk Road
Shepherds Bush
W12 9NH