A new initiative to encourage more third sector staff and volunteers, to take up sign language as an extra language and skill is now available in Hammersmith and Fulham and surrounding areas. Signs4Life are showcasing this local initiative to help staff and volunteers, communicate with their colleagues and service users. Our next community workshop is taking place at Shepherds Bush Library, Wood Lane, W12 7BF, on Tuesday 18th December 2018 between 11:00 and 13:00.

“You never know when you will come into contact with a client, a colleague or member of the public who is autistic, deaf or visually impaired. There are over 9 million deaf and hard of hearing people registered in the UK. We are working with organisations as varied as Specsavers, The British Red Cross, prisons, supermarkets, museums, schools and hospitals. Each of our workshops help you comply with the Disability Discrimination Act and Equality Acts 2010 and encourage a ‘can do’ approach to the 12 million people in the UK who have a physical, sensory or learning disability,” explains Ms Sara Phillips, Signs4Life tutor.

If you would like further information about the Signs4Life workshops in Hammersmith and Fulham and surrounding areas, please get in touch with Sara on 07964 019 764 or you can send an email to info@signs4life.org 

Local Charities Day Banner

Click the image above to go to the main website

From Mims Davies (Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Sport and Civil Society)

‘It is my first Local Charities Day as Minister for Sport and Civil Society and I could not be more excited about building on the success of the last two years, where people, communities and organisations from across the UK have shown tremendous support for their local charities by getting so involved.

I urge everyone to follow our social media accounts (via Twitter, Facebook and Instagram) for more information and updates about the day. We want as many local charities and the people that support them to get as involved as possible, with each and every organisation celebrating their work and why they’re supporting the day alongside the #LocalCharitiesDay hashtag.

However you are involved, I am looking forward to celebrating Local Charities Day with you in December.”

Get involved:


Footer banner

Trustees Week Logo

Trustees’ Week: 12-16 November 2018

What are trustees?

Trustees are the people in charge of a charity. They help to make the UK the sixth most giving country in the world.

Click Here to see more on the Trustees’ Week Website


When we ask the public what they want to hear from charities, one thing comes through loud and clear.

They want to know about the difference their support has made.

They want to know how their donations, their volunteer hours, have helped.

We know thousands of charities around the country make a real difference every day. And we know that between us the impact we have on the country and the world is massive.

We want to remind people of everything that’s great about charities, and show them we’re very grateful for their support.

To do this, we’re asking every charity to use the hashtag #YouMadeItHappen on social media on Monday 19 November.

It’s an opportunity to thank your own supporters, and after a time when some charities have had media attention for negative reasons, for all of us to show the difference we make together.

Join us by thinking of the messages you want to highlight and using the hashtag on Monday 19 November.

For example:

  • This year, we helped over 300 homeless people in Manchester find permanent accommodation. We couldn’t have done it without your support #YouMadeItHappen
  • Thanks to your support, we re-planted 200 acres of forest last year #YouMadeItHappen
  • Eve’s village now has access to safe drinking water because of your donations #YouMadeItHappen

And of course you’ll probably want to add images to show people your work.

We hope you’ll be able to join us – NCVO, CharityComms, Small Charities Coalition, FSI, the Institute of Fundrasing and Acevo – and charities across the country in doing this.

Aidan Warner
External Relations, NCVO

PS – Don’t forget it’s Giving Tuesday the following week. #YouMadeItHappen is a great chance to say thank you to supporters and volunteers and show the difference you’ve made together ahead of Giving Tuesday.

The purpose of the H & F SAB is;

“to help, protect and promote the wellbeing of the borough’s adults who are experiencing, or at risk of, abuse or neglect, and as a result of their care and support needs, are unable to protect themselves against either the risk of, or the experience of abuse or neglect.”

The Board is making a difference but that can only be increased through your involvement with our work. I have organised an introductory meeting on Monday 19th November at 3.30 pm at Committee Room 2 at Hammersmith Town Hall. I will tell you more about adult safeguarding, the work of the Board and the two proposed subgroups, as well as answering any questions.

Click Here to view the full invitation letter


Mike Howard
Independent Chair

Hammersmith & Fulham Council
145 King Street
W6 9XY
Email: Lisa.Redfern@lbhf.gov.uk
Web: www.lbhf.gov.uk

West London Action for Children logo

Click the image above to go to the WLAC website

Jigsaw Club is a drop-in ‘stay and play’ for under 5s and their parents/carers which runs on Wednesdays, 10:30-14:30 during term time at the Chelsea Methodist Church on Kings Road. It is a chance for children and adults to socialise, play and eat a lovely, freshly-prepared lunch together. Volunteers are needed to help set up activities, run the craft table, supervise and play with the children, serve lunch and pack away the toys at the end of the session. It is a wonderful place to volunteer and a fantastic opportunity for someone with experience working with children to get involved in the local community.

Interested? Contact: team@wlac.org.uk.


H&F Logo

Residents aged over 55 who aren’t having lunch with anyone on Christmas Day are invited to join us at the H&F Big Christmas Day Lunch at the town hall.

H&F Council throws a Christmas Day lunch party for residents every year. This year we are expecting up to 350 guests.

Click Here for the full post on the LBH&F website


Would you like the opportunity to support your local community in an emergency situation?

CAMERA is a new and innovative emergency response & recovery volunteer team that has launched in the London Boroughs of Camden and Hammersmith & Fulham which will enable local people, businesses and organisations to help in a time of emergency through volunteering skills and experience as well as donating goods and space. The experience of the Grenfell Tragedy has highlighted that local people want to offer their skills and experience in an emergency, but were not allowed to as there was no time to vet their skills or train them. CAMERA will enable local people who have useful skills and experience, to offer their skills in an emergency, easily. Volunteers will be fully trained and will be called upon in an emergency situation.

There are a variety of ways to get involved in the project, depending on your skills and interests. Roles we have come up with include Rest Centre Officers, Social Media Assistants, Entertainers and Donation Sorting Assistants.

Click Here for the full leaflet and information

Philip Boye-Anawomah

Head of Volunteering

Hammersmith & Fulham Volunteer Centre
148 King Street, London. W6 0QU
020 8741 9876 – enquiries@hfvc.org.uk  -www.hfvc.org.uk

Registered Charity Number: 1062032

Advance LogoAdvance is a well-respected, award-winning and innovative women-only organisation, established in 1998, providing emotional and practical support to women experiencing domestic abuse and supporting women with custodial and community sentences to reduce offending. Our values are to listen and support, to empower and respect, to collaborate, innovate and be accountable. We have expanded our services significantly over the past 2 years, with annual income to over £3m and 75 staff, reaching over 3000 women and their children.

Current Opportunities

  • Treasurer – volunteer trustee. Click Here for the link to the Job Advert and information
  • Female* Peer Mentor- Voluntary position. Click Here for the link to the Job Advert and information

Click Here to go to the Advance Job website and to download the application form and Job Description for the above and other current roles.

Click the image above for your invite

Click Here for the advert for new Trustees.

Tina Mayers

Shepherds Bush Families Project & Children’s Centre
58A Bulwer Street
London W12 8AP
Telephone:  020 8749 2371