Despite a raft of new measures announced by the government to support businesses through the Coronavirus outbreak, the national business helpline is stretched to its limit in responding to queries around the range of available options.

West London Business are gearing up to launch a dedicated business support helpline to field queries from local businesses that are struggling to navigate support from government and banks, as well as siginificant business change.  This will also offer more bespoke insight on support from our local authorities.  To deliver the project we are bringing together a team of skilled and experienced home-based volunteers.

This is a chance for you – or perhaps a friend or colleague – to make a real difference in supporting your local business community and provide business leaders with the information they need to make informed decisions at this testing time. If you have experience suitable for either of the two roles below and have time to help from home, please contact us today.  The first volunteer training session will be a webinar this Sunday evening.


Business Support Volunteer (Front-Line)
Are you an experienced business professional who can help answer business owners/ managers queries over the phone? Read more

Volunteer Information & Research Officers / Knowledge Manager
Are you able to help us identify and interpret the details of the latest government support in this fast-moving crisis? Read more

E-mail if you, a friend or colleague are interested in the Business Support Volunteer role and for Information & Research/ Knowledge Management e-mail

The NHS is looking for up to 250,000 Volunteer Responders to help up to 1.5 million people who have been asked to shield themselves from coronavirus because of underlying health conditions. As of Wednesday afternoon more than half that number have signed up. This is not intended to replace the vital work charities or community groups are doing but is an additional service. You can register your interest here

When further restrictions on movement and social contact were put in place by the government on Monday, there was no specific advice on how that would affect volunteers, especially those supporting vulnerable beneficiaries. This guidance from Volunteering Matters gives some fantastic tips and advice, as well as a risk assessment template that you can use to document and share how your organisation is taking the best steps to protect Its volunteers and beneficiaries. Read the guidance here.

This study investigates the barriers to physical activity in older adults and the aim is to identify strategies which might help them to be more active. This will build upon our previous findings which indicated that exercise adherence is influenced by exercise history, individual preferences, perceived benefits of exercise, relationships within the group and with the instructor, the location and the elements of the sessions in active older adults. In order to effectively tailor exercise to inactive older adults, further research is needed to understand their specific needs, barriers, and attitude towards exercise.

In this current study, I will ask participants to take part in an interview (45-60 min) at a public place (easily accessible to the participants) or over the phone. I’ve just created a link to an online registration form which is confidential and compliant with GDPR of the university.
The link is: Participants can sign up on this link, or via emailing me or calling/texting me.

The outcome of this study will help us to improve the current services and it might help to engage older adults to get more active.  Application ends June 14th.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

PhD research student| School of Applied Sciences |
London South Bank University | 103 Borough Road, London, SE1 0AA
t: +44 (0)759 843 2571 | e:

As you may know, LBHF staff are able to volunteer locally for up to 2 days a year to support local organisations in Hammersmith & Fulham. At a recent staff event with the council, Sobus was promoting Comoodle as a vehicle for staff to offer their skills to local organisations – and a number of staff are keen to sign up! For further information, click here.

Shapeshifter Productions, is a performing arts charity based in London. We are in our tenth year of delivering participatory singing workshops called The Smiling Sessions to residential sheltered housing schemes and care homes for the elderly in deprived areas of London. The sessions are delivered by three professional musicians who have many years experience in this field.

We are currently looking for volunteers who would like to gain experience working in adult social care, dementia, occupational therapy or community music, engaging with the elderly during the sessions to help them engage in singing and register weekly attendance. This will also include monitoring and evaluating the impact of music and song on well-being and dementia throughout the project.

Our project encourages people to become more active, and to try new activities in a safe environment. We have found that, through time, the sessions improve people’s; sense of well-being overall, stimulating them into having a happier social life, share experiences and feel more supported.

We ask for a commitment of 2hrs a week for 6 fortnightly sessions if possible. We are currently delivering in the London Boroughs of Lambeth, Rotherhithe, Hammersmith & Fulham and Waltham Forest. We can reimburse travel expenses.

You can also learn more about our work on the website,

and on this youtube link:

Zara Hussain, Social Media and Volunteer Coordinator: T: 0207 018 2927

Carers Network have launched a new project called Carers Cuppa in partnership with Charing Cross Hospital. Each hospital will have a designated “Carers Cuppa” table within the hospital cafés, offering a place to support unpaid carers of the sick and disabled.

Carers Cuppa Volunteers will reach out to hidden carers and highlight that the Carers Cuppa table is designated place to meet other unpaid carers in a similar position, whilst networking with hospital staff to promote the project to patients. The volunteer will also promote our services and facilitate referrals to Carers Network.

For more information,click here.

If you are interested in learning about our Office Volunteer and Dignity Champion opportunities, you can check our website here , or email for more details. – register your interest now!

Working with over 70,000 employers across the UK, The Changing Education Group is at the forefront of Work Experience excellence and can support our next generation of talent in accessing leading opportunities. If you’re passionate about bringing the working world to life, get in touch today – click here.

After years of dedication from the current Chair, we are now seeking a new Chair to lead the organisation. At the same time we are presenting a great opportunity for up to two new trustees to join the Board.   

Trustees are appointed on a three year basis. Currently we are a diverse board of 8 which includes local residents and trustees from across the voluntary, statutory and private sectors.

The positions
We are currently recruiting three new trustees. We are seeking a new chair to lead Sobus and two trustees with knowledge in the either Contract Law or Property management.  All Trustees are expected to demonstrate a commitment to equalities and diversity, and be active contributors to the running of the organisation.

How to Apply
To find out more or to receive the Chair or Trustee job description, please contact Sue Spiller, CEO of Sobus on 020 7952 1230 or email her at

To apply send your CV and a covering letter, including the details of two referees to Sue Spiller.