Safety Desk Consulting is offering massive discounts on health and safety audits and risk assessments. This is designed to help healthcare facilities comply with the Care Quality Commission’s (CQC) health and safety inspection requirements standards.



This Autumn, Carers Network will be running a weekly series of Future Planning Workshops for carers, starting with a session on Will Writing on Tuesday 5 October at 10:30am

This workshop series aims to highlight issues specific to future care planning and End of Life by providing introductory sessions.

There will be workshops on:

  • Will Writing
  • Funerals: Planning and Myth Busting
  • Do Not Attempt Resuscitation (DNAR)
  • Lasting Power of Attorney
  • Inheritance Tax
  • Pensions
  • Understanding Grief and Bereavement
  • Carers and Future Care Planning

Full details are available on Carers Network’s website:

For login details & more info, please email:

UR4 Driving Project Coordinator. Please see link for details:


Kensington and Chelsea Council and Open Age are working in partnership to coordinate a range of free Silver Sunday activities and events for older people.



London Health Regional Manager click here

Who we are click here


This is just to remind you that we are launching the Hammersmith and Fulham Disabled People’s Housing Strategy this Friday, September 17th, 12pm – 2pm. We hope you will be able to join us.

Click here


The BME Health Forum has opened a first funding round for organisations wishing to help communities in London experiencing racial inequality meet their immediate needs related to Covid-19. Grants of up to £20,000 are available for applications received by 12 noon (BST), Monday 26 July 2021.


This funding round is for charities and social enterprises with an average annual income of at least £100,000 but less than £600,000.


A second funding round for organisations with incomes less than £100,000

will be run no later than 1st September 2021.


Details of the opportunity and how to apply can be found here


Smaller organisations wishing to ensure they hear about the second round can join the BME Health Forum’s mailing list here


The BME Health Forum is acting as an intermediary partner for Comic Relief, in partnership with the National Emergencies TrustBarclays and The Clothworkers’ Foundation to distribute funds from the Global Majority Fund.