Save the date, Tuesday 1st December 2015; 10 a.m. – 4 p.m, Ealing Town Hall

On Tuesday 1st December the West London Collaborative and Ealing, Hounslow and Hammersmith & Fulham CCGs will be hosting an event to evaluate Urgent Care Mental Health services. This will include scenarios that will showcase an imagined 24 hours in Urgent Care. The scenarios will present examples of patient pathways across the three boroughs during their interactions with Urgent Care over a 24 hour period. Service users, carers, family members, the community and voluntary sector will come together to find solutions to issues that exist with current services.

Please save the date if you are interested in attending. Please also forward this on to your networks. More details about the event will be sent out in due course. Please contact Olu Odukale ( if you’d like to know more about the event.

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Are you developing the Emerging Leader in your Charity and Social Enterprise?

Venue: The Islington Design Centre, 52 Upper Street London N1 0QH

There aren’t too many things that we can control in the future but there is one thing that you can do to help ensure the security of your organisation…

ella forums is running a unique leadership development programme specifically for emerging leaders of charities and social enterprises. We believe that in developing emerging leaders, CEOs and trustees are not just supporting personal development but also the growth and sustainability of their organisations.

Your chosen manager or director will benefit from expert speaker sessions on a variety of topics relevant to the sector. They will also have the opportunity to learn from sharing their issues, challenges and opportunities with other emerging leaders in similar situations. They will be equipped with techniques to help them to be the best leader they can be and supported to grow their own individual leadership style thus strengthening your existing team.

Keen to find out more or know someone that you would like to recommend?

We would like to invite them to our free taster meeting on
17th November 2015 at
The Islington Design Centre, 52 Upper Street Islington, London N1 0QH
9am – 1.30pm

To book a space or find out more information please email or call 020 7164 6206.

For more information on ella forums please visit

Join us on a walkabout to discover the history and heritage of the local area

A walkabout in the North Acton area from 1-3pm on Saturday 14th November led by John Goodier, Chairman of Hammersmith and Fulham Historic Building Group. The walkabout is for 25 people maximum, so please contact me to book your place. If more people are interested there will be an opportunity to repeat the walk.
If you are interested in attending one or both walkabouts please contact Eva Psychrani at or 07784286809. For the tour in Park Royal please let me know by early next week if you will need transport.

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Healthworks are hosting a conference Engaging men for gender equality on 28th October from 10am till 4.30pm in Kensington and Chelsea, although residents and professionals from all 3 boroughs may attend – full details here.



Men, on average, visit the GP 20% less than women, and younger men visit the GP half as often as younger women. Men are generally poor users of primary care. They are less likely to access other health services such as dentists, pharmacists, health trainers, smoking cessation services, weight management and contraception services.*

Women have higher GP consultation rates for a wide range of illnesses. Men use hospital A&E departments more often than women, suggesting that men wait till a crisis before seeking help.*

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Link Up Service Hammersmith and Fulham:

Link Up is a one-to-one signposting service Open Age offer local over 50s who need a little extra help to enable them to access activities, groups and services locally.
If you, a friend, relative or neighbour are over 50 and looking for a physical, creative or social group locally but don’t know how to go about finding this, this service is the ideal way to find an activity that can work for you. The process begins with a referral. This can be made via a health team, community worker, friend or the person themselves. Our Open Age Link Up worker Elizabeth Goldrick will arrange to visit you in your home and, based on your interests and needs, suggest groups and activities locally. She will tell you about the Open Age classes (a wide range of physical, social and creative sessions, all held in community venues and usually cost £1 per hour). She can also let you know about other local groups and services that might be beneficial.

Elizabeth will help with practical things -completing membership forms and explaining class locations. If transport needs to be arranged Elizabeth will help in completing Dial-a-Ride forms. For the first class Elizabeth can accompany you to the session. Elizabeth will visit up to three times and continue to check in by phone to see if you’ve continued to attend the group or, if not, can see what needs to be arranged to enable them to attend or find an alternative group.
Elizabeth is friendly, informative and here to help; to receive the referral form or have further queries you can contact her at the Open Age main Office: 020 8962 4141 or by email:

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Please find below some interesting information for carers, which we hope you’ll find useful.

Don’t forget we’ll be hearing from the Chair of the National Standing Committee on Carers at our AGM next week on Thursday 22 October at The St Paul’s Centre, Queen Caroline Street, London W6 9PJ, 3pm – 5pm

If you would like to attend, and haven’t RSVP’d already, please confirm attendance by replying to this email.

Please remember to follow Carers Network on Twitter or like on Facebook to keep up with all the latest news, events and training opportunities.

Kind regards,

Sarah, Lydia, June, Francis, Alix, Anita, Francesca, Eugenia, Dan, Bernadette, Rose, Mark and Temi.


To refer yourself to Carers Network please call: 020 8960 3033

Dear all

We will be holding an Advice Conference on Thursday 26 November in the Town Hall.
The conference will be for staff and volunteers working in the advice sector in Hammersmith and Fulham, will run from 10 am – 4pm and will be FREE to attend.
There will be a range of interesting speakers, workshops and an exhibition space – and lunch and refreshments will be included.

An invite and full programme will follow in the next few days but I am keen that you hold the date and make a note of it in your diaries.

Mandy Goodall
Hammersmith & Fulham Law Centre
363 North End Road, London SW6 1NW
mob: 07470 478986
t: 020 3080 0337
Usual working days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday



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Laughter Yoga

Open Age
Invite Hammersmith & Fulham over 50’s to
join in a Laughter Yoga Workshop

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What is Laughter Yoga?
It’s a revolutionary idea – Simple & Effective
Out tutor Laura guides you through techniques and you’ll discover how to laugh for no reason, bringing oxygen to the brain.
You will leave relaxed and revived!

Where: Elmgrove House Extracare 20 Brute Gardens W6 7DR
When: Wednesday 28th October
Time: 11.30am to 12.30pm

This is a one-off free workshop for Open Age Members.
Not a member of Open Age?….come and join up!
Most of our classes are £1 per session and..
Membership to Open Age is free.


Did You Know?
Open Age run a weekly programme that includes Line Dancing, IT Sessions, Falls Prevention Courses & Art Classes Become a member and join these groups.

For further information on this class and Open Age activities locally call Elizabeth at Open Age on 020 8962 4141

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White City Enterprise & Open Age Invite
Local Over 50’s to our New Monthly Film Club


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October 9th: Calendar Girls
To Celebrate Silver Sunday enjoy the hilarious
True story of a local Women’s who give their
traditional annual calendar an untraditional twist.

November 13th: Some like it Hot
The all time outrageous, satirical, comedy farce
favourite starring Marilyn Monroe &Tony Curtis.

December 4th: It’s a Wonderful Life
Start the Christmas season with this heart-warming
Holiday classic starring James Stewart.



Where: White City Community Centre , India Way , W12 7QT
When: Friday Monthly
October 9th—November 13th—December 4th
Time: 2—4.30 pm
Cost: £1 Suggested Donation


Tea & Coffee will be served
Plus Cinema Treats of
Popcorn & Choc-Ices!


Come along & Enjoy
For further information call
Elizabeth at Open Age:
020 8962 4141
Angela at WCE:
0208 811 2494

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