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Hammersmith & Fulham

Activity Programme-January-March 2016

Welcome to our New Programme for the New Year!

Start the Year as you mean to go on: Singing, dancing, Creating and Crafting with other local over 50s!

With a variety of weekly classes, including a monthly Film Club and some special one-off activities we have a variety of ways on offer. Take a look at our programme & we look forward to seeing you at one of our sessions.

Hammersmith & Fulham Link Up Service   

Link Up is a one-to-one signposting service Open Age offer local over 50s who need a little extra help to enable them to access activities, groups and services locally.
If you, a friend, relative or neighbour are over 50 and looking for a physical, creative or social group locally but don’t know how to go about finding this, this service is the ideal way to find an activity that can work for you:
Contact Elizabeth Goldrick at Open Age: 020 8962 4141

Please click on links below for more details:


Film Club

Steady and Stable class

Click here to view a full list of activities

mental health training for children and adoloscent logo

 Introduction to Child and Adolescent Mental Health training course

at the Lila Huset in Hammersmith on the following dates;

Course Day 1: Wednesday 20th January 2016
Course Day 2: Wednesday 27th January 2016


This training introduces key aspects of child development and mental health for those working with children and young people.


• Working with children, young people and their families
• Working in Hammersmith and Fulham
• from non-specialist mental health services

This two day course is for practitioners/professionals from non-specialist mental health services and aims to;
• Consider what is meant by mental health
• Develop an understanding of attachment and risk/resilience for children and young people
• Give an understanding of the key psychological models and key stages in child and adolescent development
• Give an understanding of mental health problems and disorders
• Increase confidence in identifying and discussing concerns around a child or young person’s mental health
• Identify local Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMH) services and referral processes
• Explore strategies and practical ways of working with children, young people and their families around emotional wellbeing and mental health

This course is provided free of charge to anyone working with children and young people in the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham and lunch will be provided. It is essential that participants attend both days. A charge of £100 will be incurred if participants do not attend both days without sufficient notice or reason

Please note that there are limited spaces available. Booking is not confirmation of your place. You will be notified 2 weeks prior to the training start date to confirm whether you have a place. Please note there is no parking facility at the venue.

Please RSVP to:  Ameenah Darbar   by 15 January 2015 the latest. Thank you         


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Introduction to Smartphone Classes

Are you aged 50 plus?

Starts Wednesday 13th January 2016 at Elgin Close Resource Centre


New for 2016

Week 1 – 13 Jan – 1.00pm to 2.00pm Cost – £2.00
turning it on and off, adjusting volume and connect to the WIFI available
Week 2 – 20 Jan – 1.00pm to 2.00pm Cost – £2.00
use the internet on your phone
Week 3 – 27 Jan – 1.00pm to 2.00pm Cost – £2.00
how to download and update app
Week 4 – 03 Feb– 1.00pm to 2.00pm Cost – £2.00
accessing text messages and messaging services such as whatsapp, emails
Week 5 – 10 Feb – 1.00pm to 2.00pm Cost – £2.00
how to use the camera and attach photos to emails and send them
Week 6 – 17 Feb – 1.00pm to 2.00pm Cost – £2.00
how to record video on your phone


Numbers are limited so please call to book a place
Call Elizabeth at Open Age: 07467235524 or Elgin Close: 020 8762 3007 We are also running a beginners class for IPad/Tablet in March 2016 Elgin Close Resource Centre, 1-3 Elgin Close, W12 9NH, 020 8762 3007






notthing hill housing logo

Please click on link below to view a list of activities taking place at Elgin Close Resource Centre this month.


December 2015 timetable



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We’re delighted to invite you to attend a free training session as part of their Healthier Homes project.

Healthier Homes training is available free of charge in the Boroughs of Kensington and Chelsea and Hammersmith & Fulham. The training is designed for frontline workers, volunteers and others who work with vulnerable local residents.

Training sessions will be held at Hammersmith Town Hall on:

– Friday 8 January, 2pm – 4pm
– Wednesday 20 January, 10am – 12pm

Book your place now at

Imagine living in a home which always feels cold and where you struggle with damp and mould on your walls. Imagine risking a fall each time you use the stairs because there’s no handrail, or a shock each time you use the lights because the wiring is so old. Imagine not having enough to eat, or not being able to eat a balanced diet, because you don’t have access to or money for good quality food.

Too many people living in our Boroughs face these problems every day, putting their health and wellbeing at risk. Healthier Homes training is designed to help. This winter, we have already trained almost 150 people and we hope you’ll join our movement.

By attending the training you will:

– Gain a better understanding of the health and wellbeing risks we find in people’s home, particularly related to cold and damp, home safety and poor nutrition
– Learn about ways to identify local residents who may be struggling at home
– Find out about solutions and support that are available for local residents and how to make referrals into local support services
– Help local people live more comfortably and safely in their homes, reducing their need for hospital and GP services

The training will be interactive and informative, giving you the chance to ask plenty of questions and practice your skills.

Bookings can be made online at or by calling 020 8469 1333.



Desta has secured match for a £2.0 million ERDF proposal to help the sector get competition ready. We’ve set up three round table events to discuss what kind of support would be most helpful to local organisations to help them compete for public service contracts. The events are open to any voluntary organisation based in north west London. You only need to attend one.

Tuesday 12 January 11-1pm One Westminster, 37 Chapel Street, Westminster, NW1 5DP (book)

Tuesday 12 January 2.30-4.30pm Ealing CVS, Lido Centre, 63 Mattock Lane, London, W13 9LA (book)

Monday 18 January 2.30-4.30pm White City Community Centre, India Way, London, W12 7QT (book)


Old Oak and Park Royal Community Charrette
Saturday 5th December, 11am-4pm
@Harlesden Methodist Church, 25 High Street, London NW10 4NE


The Community Charrette will be facilitated by JTP (architects and placemakers) in collaboration with London Tenants Federation, Just Space and University College London.

Through workshops and hands-on planning groups we will discuss key issues in relation to the development of Old Oak and Park Royal including how to shape a future strategy for community participation over the next 20/30 years to ensure “opportunity for all”. A key aim will be to enable the community to better and more positively respond to the forthcoming Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation Local Plan consultations.

A Charrette involves community members and stakeholders collaborating with professionals in a workshop setting to co-create plans and strategies for places. Charrettes are being promoted by Civic Voice, the national charity for Civic Societies in England, as a way of involving communities in shaping development processes in their areas.

Please RSVP as soon as you can to register for the event by contacting Eva Psychrani at or call/text 07784286809

A light lunch will be provided.

Charity and social enterprise management comes to the capital

It’s been a summer of discontent for the third sector – from fundraising malpractice to the closure of Kids Company, press coverage of charities and social enterprises does all seem a bit negative. Whether or not the coverage is justified, it’s clear that the need for good management, governance and leadership has never been greater.

Against this background, Anglia Ruskin University are bringing their specialist course in Charity and Social Enterprise Management to London. The course is designed to help third sector people to develop their management and leadership capability, while also gaining a higher education qualification.

Benefits of this course include:
• Fully supported online learning.
• Optional workshops at ARU’s campus in central London in February and March.
• The opportunity to network, support and share experience with other charity and social enterprise managers.
• Study topics such as leadership & management, marketing, finance, social enterprise, HR and social impact.
• All assignments are focused on addressing real issues in the workplace, ensuring that the learner and the organisation both benefit.

Hundreds of third sector managers from all over the UK have already benefited from Anglia Ruskin’s Cert HE in Charity and Social Enterprise Management. Could you be next?

To find out more please visit or call 01245 686 707.

H& F Law Centre are holding their 35th Annual General Meeting

14th December 2015 @ 6:30pm Dawes Road Hub 20 Dawes Road Fulham SW6 7EN




For more info click here