HUDC’s International Festival on Saturday 4th June 2016,

 4pm to 9pm

Harrow Council, Civic Centre, Station Road, Harrow, HA1 2XY



Harrow United Deaf Club will be hosting an international festival to bring people together to celebrate their cultures and the Queen’s 90th birthday.

The event will take place on Saturday, June 4, from 4pm to 9pm at Member’s Lounge, Committee Rooms and the Council Chambers of Harrow Council Civic Centre in Station Road.

The Mayor of Harrow will open the programme, which includes a range of information and cultural stalls, guest speakers on international themes, variety of performances and cuisines from around the world.

Asif Iqbal, president of Harrow United Deaf Club, said: “We wish to congratulate the Queen on her 90th birthday. She is a great inspiration to us all in UK and worldwide with so much achievements in her reign.”

Harrow College will be providing a range of hair and beauty session including make-up, nail-painting for people who wish to be pampered.

Karan of KSPARK entertainment will be running a Bollywood masterclass and dance workshop for guests to have fun throughout the afternoon.

Hasnian Somji of Caketastic will make a special birthday cake for the Queen.

Evening cultural performances include Bollywood dance from KSPARK entertainment, Bengali dancers, Flamenco dancers and dance performance from Harrow Tamil School Association.

Speakers will talk on teamwork, ,black history, celebrating Chinese New Year, sharing the pride (LGBT), sharing Asian woman experience, Muslim men embracing Islam and meeting communities around the world.

Sylvia Simmonds, one of the guest speakers for the event, said: “Awesome event. It is rare and unique opportunity to gather with both deaf and hearing to celebrate this event. Come and join with us to celebrate our identities in many ways – most of all – enjoy and treasure our values.”

Entry is free for all and guests are encouraged to wear cultural dress or international costumes of their choice.

The Hammersmith and Fulham Health and Wellbeing Board is currently developing its Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy for 2016-2021


Through this strategy, and the hard work which will follow, the Health and Wellbeing Board aims to drive forward even closer working between health, social care, the voluntary sector and other partners, improve people’s experience of health and care services and ensure the financial sustainability of the local system into the future.

This process provides an opportunity for all partners across Hammersmith & Fulham to agree collectively how we will work together to improve our resident’s health and wellbeing over the next five years and transform people’s experience of health and social care services.

To inform the development of our strategy, we are hosting a workshop with local stakeholders to discuss collective ambitions for the borough and how we will transform health and care services locally over the next five years

The workshop is an opportunity to hear from senior directors, managers and commissioners and feed your views and comments into the strategy development process.

We are very pleased to invite you to this workshop which is taking place on:

Tuesday 24 May  from 10:30am to 12:30am at

Linden House, Corinthians Rowing Clubhouse,

Upper Mall , Hammersmith , London W6 9TA .

I would be grateful if you could confirm your attendance in the first instance by emailing me ( by Tuesday 10th May  and then clicking onto the

appropriate link below where you can book your place online.

Hammersmith and Fulham Staff

Westminster City Council Staff

Kensington and Chelsea Staff

Non-Council Staff (You will need to create a profile)


Please click on links below to see supporting documents and workshop outline

H&F Strategy Work Document

North West London Integrated Care Outcomes Framework

Workshop Outline

If you encounter any difficulties please email

Please note some of you will also receive an invitation to attend the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy Workshop Invitation in RBKC Weds 25 May 10.30am-12.30pm and others to be invited to lead on the same workshop outline sessions you hosted in the Westminster event In April


BME Health Forum  warmly invites you to their  next quarterly meeting on Domestic Abuse among BME Communities on the 25th May 10-1 at Greenside Community Centre, 24 Lilestone Street, London NW8 8SR.

We will explore the issue of Domestic Abuse from many different angles such as the barriers around housing, the particular difficulties for people with no recourse to public funds and the psychological issues for young people who have been exploited for domestic servitude. We have confirmed presenters from Al Hasaniya, African Women’s Care, Afruca, Justice for Domestic Workers and Standing Together. At the end of the meeting there will be an opportunity for delegates to give feedback to commissioners and providers about what we think the key issues are on this complex topic.

A hot and delicious lunch will be served at 12.30

Everyone is welcome.

Unlock the healing potential of your kitchen or garden with our award-winning course!
Kitchen Pharmacy  The Basics of Self Care

Fulham Palace, Saturday 7 May, 1pm-5pm

Join Alex Laird from Living Medicine for the first of two inspirational afternoons on how you can use certain foods and herbs to improve everyday self care and health.
Learn through practical demonstrations and a plant medicine walk through the historic Fulham Palace Walled Garden.
This is the first in a five part series; it is possible to receive a Certificate of Attendance should you choose to pursue the full course with Living Medicine. The second session is on Colds & Allergies on Saturday 10 September.

Booking essential places limited to 15, so first come, first served! Cost is £50/£45 for unemployed adults, including handouts and starter kit.

Book & pay for Kitchen Pharmacy:

Book & pay for Colds & Allergies:

Venue: Jessie Mylne Education Centre
Fulham Palace, Bishop’s Avenue, SW6 6EA


See flyer

Black on Boards: An Open Evening 5th May

Black on Boards: Open Evening promoting Board readiness in BME community

Black on Boards is a project that seeks to recruit and strengthen,diverse, high potential talents from local Black and Minority Ethnic communities to make a contribution within UK private, public and non-profit boardrooms.
HFVC is hosting an open evening session where you will be briefed about this intriguing subject by the NIAS Director. This session will include two guest speakers and aims to give you an overview of Boardroom Experiences and Tactics, Speed Networking and Personal Experience of rising through the ranks. An interactive Q&A will follow this explanatory session. The event will take place:
Thursday 5th May 2016 from 6.30 pm to 9.00pm
At The Triangle, 5 Hammersmith Grove London, UK, W6 0LG

To register please visit

Enquiries: .



Help Like Minded explore they can support North West London’s carers on Monday 25th April from 17:00 – 21:30 in Hammersmith.

Carers and the community play a central role in the new Mental Health strategy for NW London.

What impact will the changes to how all people with mental health needs are supported have on the lives of those who care for them, on their homes and on their families? Is there a strategy to support those who do the caring?

We are delighted to invite you to join Like Minded and West London Collaborative whilst we use forum theatre discussions to ask Who cares about the carers?

Outline agenda for the event:

5.00pm: Welcome & Introductions
5.10pm: Round table discussion: The impact of the Like Minded strategy on NWL’s carers
6.15pm: Ruth Hanan, Carers Trust
6.30pm: Forum Theatre with Heart to Heart Theatre
8.30pm: Socialising and nibbles

Who cares for our carers flyer


If you’d like to attend, please book a place via  Eventbrite. Do forward to any relevant individuals, service users and/or colleagues as appropriate.


Milson Road Health Centre Co-Design Workshop

Membership Engagement Services  have been appointed by Hammersmith & Fulham Clinical Commissioning Group  to facilitate a co-design workshop on the future use of Milson Road Health Centre (1-13 Milson Road, W14 0LJ) and would like to invite you to the Co-design workshop.

Details for which are:

When: Thursday 14 April, 6pm-9pm

Where: Masbro Centre, 87 Masbro Road, London, W14 0LR

The co-design approach looks to involve all stakeholders in the design process of what the future of Milson Road could look like. It is hoped that this will ensure that the Health Centre meets the needs of the local and wider community providing a long-term, locally designed solution to a local issue.

If you would like to attend the workshop, please email either or to register. Please note, refreshments will be provided on the day.

See flyer

fulham good neighbours

Fulham Good Neighbour, local charity supporting older people, will be celebrating its 50th anniversary later this year. We are looking for previous staff, trustees and beneficiaries who would like to come forward and share their stories of the organisation as well as any photographs or documents they might have. Anyone who has any materials to share or simply wishes to reconnect with old friends is encouraged to contact Krzysztof Mikata-Pralat at or on 020 7385 8850

fulham good neighbour logo