Child Outcomes Research Consortium (CORC) is the UK’s leading membership organisation that collects and uses evidence to improve children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing. We hold data relating to mental health and wellbeing outcomes of more than 400,000 children and young people in the UK, representing the largest data set of this kind worldwide. For more information about CORC please go to

In partnership with the Anna Freud Learning Network, we have recently developed a free eLearning module for children and young people’s mental health services staff, ‘Measuring mental wellbeing to improve the lives of children and young people.’ Suitable for voluntary sector staff, data managers, researchers, administrators and those working in schools, the 3rd sector was one of the sectors that we primarily wanted to target when developing the module. I was hoping that you could please disseminate this opportunity to your members in your next newsletter or bulletin? I’ve attached a graphic and also a text blurb below if preferred:

The Child Outcomes Research Consortium (CORC), in partnership with the Anna Freud Learning Network, has developed its first ever online eLearning module: ‘Measuring mental wellbeing to improve the lives of children and young people’

This eLearning aims to increase the awareness, understanding and confidence of non-specialist and school staff who support the wellbeing and mental health of children or young people to access the benefits associated with measuring mental wellbeing. This free interactive short course aims to demystify and simplify the whole process of using outcomes and feedback measures to monitor mental wellbeing and is laid out in six easy to follow parts:

  1. Understanding mental wellbeing
  2. Introduction to outcome measures
  3. The benefits of measuring mental wellbeing
  4. Selecting and using measures
  5. Best practice using measures
  6. Using and interpreting data

Outcome measurement has become a focus of funders, commissioners and policy makers, as a tangible and reliable way in which to assess the welfare of children and young people in the care of wellbeing services and schools. The process can also have important benefits for the children and young people themselves as well as for associated professionals, projects, interventions and services.

This course features engaging activities and quizzes to illustrate how staff can choose and use measures to monitor wellbeing and how to analyse wellbeing information to drive improvement and demonstrate effectiveness.

To access the eLearning module go to for more information.

Danielle Antha

Projects and Membership Officer

Child Outcomes Research Consortium (CORC) | Jordan House, 47 Brunswick Place, London, N1 6EB | T: 020 7433 2981 | E: |

We are pleased to announce funding from RBKC for ACAVA to deliver Flourish: Arts for Wellbeing workshops at The Curve until the end of the summer term.

In response to our taster sessions delivered at The Curve in November and December 2017, we have programmed the following activities and courses for North Kensington residents, which include opportunities for adults, children and the whole community.

We now have a dedicated twitter account @ACAVAFlourish to follow for regular updates.

Read on for further details and to book your place on one of our courses

The workshops will take place at:

The Curve
10 Bard Road, W10 6TP

If you have any questions, you can email us here
Find out more about Flourish here

Imperial | Chelsea and Westminster | West London Mental Health Trust | H&F GP Federation | CLCH

We are holding an Introduction to Accountable Care and the H&F Integrated Care Partnership workshop for our leaders and managers across our healthcare providers, social care providers, local authorities and voluntary and community sector providers in Hammersmith and Fulham.

These workshops are for you to:

  • Learn more about integrated working and what this means for yourselves, your teams and our patients
  • Explore what integrated working looks like at Hammersmith and Fulham and how we can achieve this
  • Build relationships across organisational boundaries and decide how you will work together as leaders

Coffee and tea will be available from 8.30am, the workshop will run from 9am to 5pm and lunch will be provided. Topics for the day include:

  • Getting to know each other
  • What integrated working means
  • Accountable care: the national, international and local context
  • Working together across H&F
  • Leading integrated working at H&F
  • Action Learning Sets
  • Next steps and staying involved

The workshop will be highly interactive and participative as well as informative. It provides a great opportunity for you to meet your colleagues across the partnership and build working relationships that will form the foundations for working together in the future. We also aspire to create a network of Integrated Care Champions and this is the first step of that journey, so your attendance and contributions will be key to shaping this area of work and its success.

There will also be a limited number of places for participants to visit North East Hampshire and Farnham Vanguard site to see accountable care in action.

The dates and venues for the workshops are:

  • March 1st – White City Community Centre
  • March 6th – Hammersmith Town Hall
  • March 16th – White City Community Centre
  • March 22nd  – White City Community Centre

To sign up, please register your details online here and answer a short pre-course questionnaire.

The link to the latest update from the Ealing Advice Forum can be found by clicking here

Inside you will find;

  • Details of upcoming Meetings,  Conferences and free Training
  • Celebrating Iraqi Association 30th Anniversary
  • Links to Resources – Housing Matters and DWP Newsletter
  • Survey – The London Health Centre are conducting a short survey of migrant workers
  • Armenian/Iranian  & Middle-Eastern Cooking Workshop
  •  CONSULTATION | Ealing Council Strategies

EAF is part of the Ealing Specialist Advice Service (ESAS) project funded by Ealing Council

EAF c/o CAIA, Hayashen, 105a Mill Hill Road, Acton, London, W3 8JF

Click on the links below for information and to book:

31/01/2018 – Getting in shape for 2018 – help your charity to stay compliant

27/02/2018 – Data protection for charities – an introduction to the GDPR

With support from Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), the FSI is delivering a heavily subsidised three day training event in London on February 20-22nd offering small and local charities and community groups full & half day courses on key fundraising & governance skills.

A sampling of training courses include GDPR Essentials, Preparing Major Grant Applications and Tenders Successfully, How to Prepare your Annual Report, Demonstrating Your Impact and a variety of workshops. We also have standalone training days in London on January 15th and 30th, as well as workshops on January 17th and 25th. Places fill up fast, so book your place today to access this fantastic training opportunity: 

Feb 20-22: click here

Jan 15: click here

Jan 17: click here

Jan 25: click here

Jan 30: click here

Hestia, in partnership with One Voice Community Collective is open at the Village and Recovery Café for support and a wide range of activities

Over the festive period, hotel counselling will be available and the Village and Café will be open, with hours every afternoon and evening. They have also planned a wide range of activities for all ages/abilities ranging from Drumming to Yoga, family gatherings and meals, writing workshops, meditation, Buddhist chanting, massage and much more. Poster with opening hours and the activities schedule is attached to this email.

This includes activities on Christmas and New Year’s Day.

For more information Click Here or to book activities, email or ring 0203 879 3605


Creative Winter Camp for children aged 5-12 at the Playground Theatre

Grief Encounter is running a winter camp for children ages 5 to 12 at the Playground theatre. There are 2 sessions daily (basic details are below and a flyer with the full programme is attached to this email). Activities include theatre, play and movement, song-writing and performing, and even comedy for kids!

Each day includes lunch. Click Here to see the poster. To book, or speak to someone about what’s on offer, call Helene on 07480 051 991 or email

Qwell (for adults) and Kooth (Young people) is available for 24/7 online self-help, peer to peer support and online 1-1 Counseling

Click Here for the Qwell Poster or Click Here for the Kooth Poster

Taking place on 15th December 2017, Local Charities Day provides a platform to celebrate the work of small local charities and community groups across the UK. You can find out more about the campaign and get involved by downloading this digital toolkit.

You are invited to our Bring and Share Christmas celebration!!!

Come along celebrate Christmas with us, enjoy a day full of festivities and great food. Bring a dish and share it with everyone. Click Here for more information

Tuesday 19th December 2017 10.00am to 3.00pm at Courtfield House, conference room 1, St. Charles Centre for Health and Wellbeing, Exmoor Street, London W10 6DZ

Zumba / Raffle / Quiz

Please, confirm attendance by calling the office mobile: 0781 348 5607

Carers Network has partnered with Rethink Mental Illness to provide a new Carers Support Group in Hammersmith and Fulham.

This group will:

  • provide support to people who care for others with a mental illness
  • offer a range of workshops, which provide supportive tools and information
  • Have public speakers who can offer advice and guidance on issues affecting carers and mental health

The first meeting will be held Tuesday 9th January. To register please email or call 020 8960 3033.