engage london

An introduction to social investment for
the CYP voluntary sector in London


Work in the children, young people and families voluntary and community sector in London? Limited knowledge or experience of
social investment?

This free half day event is an opportunity for you to find out more about social investment, what the risks and opportunities are, whether it might work for your organisation, and the different models of social investment and support that could help your organisation to access investment.

Hear from our great speakers, join in the discussions, and ask questions to social investment experts and practioners:
• Geetha Rabindrakumar, Big Society Capital: An overview of social investment
• Dan Gregory, Common Capital and SEUK: Balancing rhetoric and reality, risk and opportunity
• Joanne Hay, Teens and Toddlers: Social Impact Bonds
• Tim Wilson, City Bridge Fund: The Stepping Stones Fund
• John Clingan, Fit 2 Learn CIC: Crowdfunding loans from your community
• Azlina Bulmer, Charity Bank: Big Potential



Click Here To Book Now

The Heart and Lung Convenience Store – Kings Mall

Hammersmith, 19 October to 1 November
Find out what the future has in store for heart and lung healthcare at this pop-up science shop! The Heart and Lung Convenience Store will be a one-off collection of interactive exhibits and installations exploring how medicine is becoming more available, more personalized and more convenient. It is a unique opportunity for you to get closer to the medical research that goes on in your community, as well as what goes on within your own body. Visitors of all ages can discover all about the extraordinary experiments, marvellous medicine and sensational science happening at the National Heart & Lung Institute.
Website: http://imperial.ac.uk/convenience-store
Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheCuriousAct
Twitter: @TheCuriousAct

white city enterprise logo

White City Enterprise are hosting an Information & Activity day on 1 st October from 2pm – 5pm with our AGM following at 6pm, for which all will be welcome to attend.
Organisations who want to have a stall to show case their activities on the day should contact Mary Hennessy on 020 8743 4545 or via email: mary@whitecityenterprise.com

  AGM Leaflet

How effective is your
Business Plan?

Wednesday 23rd September 2015
2.00 pm – 4.00 pm
Centre for Armenian Information & Advice
105a Mill Hill Road
Acton, London W3 8JF

This practical workshop will focus on helping you to develop your Business Plan, to include the role of the management team, and financial analysis. More Trusts and Local Authorities now want a full Business Plan as part of the required documents with your funding applications.

Planning helps an organisation chart a course for the achievement of its goals. The process begins with reviewing the current operations of the organisation and identifying what needs to be improved operationally in the upcoming year. From there, planning involves envisioning the results the organization wants to achieve, and determining the steps necessary to arrive at the intended destination—success.


Speaker: Kathleen Egan, Programme Manager, Age UK London

Please book your free place early

Email Zara: zghods@ageuklondon.org.uk
or call on 0207 820 6781

Age UK London Logo CMYK C

london councils logo

The Co-production for Commissioning event on the 7th of September is now full, due to the venue capacity.
Only those that have booked will be able to attend. Information will be made available to those who were unable to attend, following the event.

Free, accredited 5 day course for young adults with an interest in faith and community in London starting on Wednesday 28th October 2015

Inquisitive and passionate Londoners aged 16-25 are invited to take part in a free 5 day training course on 28th, 29th, 30th October & 8th & 15th November based at Heythrop College in Kensington.

Catalyst is one of the UK’s most dynamic and interactive young leader training programmes. It involves a range of activities and learning opportunities based on themes such as: Networking, Leadership, Teamwork, Inter Faith, Communication and Community. The course runs between 10am-5pm each day, and it is required to attend all days (why would you miss out?!)

Catalyst allows young people to explore controversial and sensitive issues in an open, friendly and supportive environment. The programme develops teamwork and provides leadership skills in a non-academic environment that make a real difference in communities. It’s particularly good for:
• Youth, charity or community workers;
• those involved in or who’ve just finished formal education;
• those considering career options or;
• anyone who has been waiting for a chance to be challenged and identify their skills!

The programme is run by the St Phillip’s Centre in Leicester and is made available for free to young people in London through Near Neighbours. Don’t miss out! Email:applications@kingscentresouthall.org.uk for an application form – candidates must apply as soon as possible to secure a place.

Some views from young people who have experienced Catalyst:

“Through the course, I have improved my skills and learned not to judge other people. The course has made me more confident when interacting with people from different backgrounds & cultures”. Sital Patel, student at Leicester College

“We’ve did lots of things together which has helped develop our team building and communication skills. I now have a lot of new friends too!”. Anonymous, student at Gateway College

“I was asked to do a talk recently at work. Old me would have run a mile, but new me gave the talk and handled the questions and answer session afterward with great self-belief and confidence”. Sharmina Uddin, charity worker, London

“Catalyst reveals hidden talents and helped me to become positive and confident to achieve my goals”. Mohammed Zaman, volunteer, Lewisham

“The Interview workshop helped hugely in my preparation for a university interview”. Anonymous, student QE College


walk flyer top

               with Hammersmith and Fulham Urban Studies Centre

Wednesday 26th August
meeting at White City Community Centre
India Way, W12 7QT at 10 30 am
Bring Oyster card for bus journey to Hammersmith
Bring a drink and wear comfortable shoes
We will walk along the riverside from Hammersmith Bridge towards Chiswick (approximately


All Welcome! Come and discover the secrets of the beautiful Thames path!
Tel: 0208 741 7138 for more details



HF Mind Logo

“Helping people in mental health crisis in Hammersmith and Fulham”

1 day workshop




Aim of Training:

  •  North West London Collaboration of CCG’s has commissioned training to achieve some
    of the aims of the Mental Health Crisis Care Concordat.
  •  1 day workshop aims to ensure that staff across all professional sectors are better
    equipped to support people in mental health crisis and with their recovery.
  •  The training is free for frontline staff in the Hammermsmith and Fulham borough.
    Further details on reverse.

Who should attend:

Frontline staff in non-specialist mental health services from all sectors: NHS primary care
including reception/practice managers, local authority, voluntary & community sector care
providers, private sector care providers, Met Police.
Date: 15/09/15
Time: 9:30am
Venue: Sir Oswald Stoll Mansions, 446 Fulham Rd, Fulham, London


Commissioned by:

Crisis Care Concorde North West London Clinical Commissioning nGroups


H&F Mind
309 Lillie Road
E: Rhiannon.whipps@hfmind.org.uk
T: 020 7471 0594


A sandwich lunch will be provided.

Book your place:
Or contact Rhiannon Whipps on Rhiannon.whipps@hfmind.org.uk / 02074710594 for further

 For more info see flyer below


‘Made of Money’ – 2 day Facilitator Training Tuesday 22nd & Wednesday 23rd September 2015

‘Made of Money’ is an award winning, practical and fun resource to help people on low incomes talk about money and its impact on their lives, and at the same time learn money management skills.

We offer training for workers so they can use these resources with their clients. In this engaging and interactive 2 day training; you will learn how to help clients tackle their money situation, build confidence to deal with it, and what to do if there are debts or worries.

This is not a training for you to become a money/debt advisor: it gives you tools and skills to start conversations about money, and enables your clients to be ready to seek debt or other specialist advice where needed.

More information here: http://www.quakersocialaction.org.uk/nationaltraining
Or please get in touch: Mostofa & Catherine Utley – mompartner@qsa.org.uk or 0208983 5047


Click on links below for Flyer and Booking Form

Made of Money Flyer

Booking Form