Due to popular demand our free digital marketing workshops have returned! With the Covid-19 national lockdown requiring many businesses to close, Hammersmith & Fulham Council is helping local businesses to boost their online presence asas the nation emerges from the latest Covid-19 lockdown. The virtual workshops will be delivered by Samer Bata from the Knowledge Acedemy to give business owners the essential digital skills they need to promote their business online.

Who can attend?

The training is open to all businesses in H&F and local residents looking to start a new business.

What will I learn in the workshops?

The workshops will focus on –

Building simple and effective marketing strategies
Mobile marketing platforms
Social Media
Email Marketing
Search Engine Marketing
When will the workshops begin?

There are five separate course dates to choose from with each course consisting of two sessions (each session lasts three hours and will take place via Zoom). Each course is open to 30 people. The time and dates are:

Course 1 : 26 and 27 April 2021, 6pm to 9pm

Course 2 : 3 and 4 May 2021 , 6pm to 9pm

Course 3: 10 and 11 May 2021, 6pm to 9pm

Course 4 : 17 and 18 May 2021, 6pm to 9pm

Course 5 : 24 and 25 May 2021, 6pm to 9pm

Please note, the content for each course is the same so please do not sign up for more than one course. For more information, please contact Sam Ridley at sam.ridley@lbhf.gov.uk.

Providing Free Training to Small Charities

At the FSI we believe that if knowledge is not shared its value diminishes, so we share our knowledge with small charities. Our training courses cover a wide range of subjects from event planning to leadership. However, we know that what you need most is to secure funding, so the majority of our training courses are focused on helping you to learn the skills to raise and earn income for your charity.

Our extensive training programme, which is heavily subsidised by the FSI, is at the core of our support for small charities – in 2017 we will deliver training and workshops in 13 locations across the UK. Each year since 2007 we have built up both the number of training courses on offer and also the range of topics covered.

Our aim is to keep the costs to our small charity delegates to a minimum through our own fundraising efforts.

Full Day Training Courses: have an average market value of £300 but are delivered to our members for £15, to secure a place you will be required to pay a £50 deposit but on attendance and after completing the full day training course £35 will be refunded to you.

One Half Hour Workshops: have an average market value of £90 but are delivered to our members for £5, to secure a place you will be required to pay a £15 deposit but on attendance and after completing the full one and a half hour workshop £10 will be refunded to you.

Retained fees contribute to booking, administration and material costs.  Deposits will not be returned in cases of partial attendance.

For training in London please click here: London 21st-23rd February

Please click here to view our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page.

We can also deliver our wide range of training topics in-house for your charity, contact us for further information or to register your interest in a future event at admin@thefsi.org.

The Charity Governance Awards, organised by the Clothworkers’ Company, highlights how good governance can transform a charity and in turn improve the lives of its beneficiaries. The 2017 awards consist of seven categories, including improving impact (for small, medium and large charities), board diversity, harnessing risk, and digital. Each category offers a £5,000 cash prize.

The deadline for entry is 13 January 2017 and the winners will be announced at the awards ceremony on 24 May 2017.


H&F Carers Forum

A formal group to enable carers to have a stronger voice and influence local systems, supported by Carers Network.

The forum enables you to have your say on local issues for carers, informs the Tri-Borough Carers Partnership Board, and helps Carers Network plan future events and activities.

The next H&F Carers Forum will be on Friday 27 January 2017
1.30pm-3.30pm at Bishop Creighton House,
374-380 Lillie Rd,

Please call 020 7386 9417 to register.

Upfront: Online tool for carers

Upfront is a simple tool from Carers UK for carers who are new to the maze of benefits and entitlements.

Fill in your details, spend a couple of minutes answering questions and it will guide you to the information you need.

Visit Upfront here

Dementia: care, support and awareness

The Department of Health has launched its new Dementia 2020 Citizens’ Engagement Programme.

They would like to hear from people living with dementia, their families and carers as to whether policies on improving dementia care and support are making a positive difference and where further improvements may be needed to improve the delivery of local services and support.

Find out more and complete an online survey here

Monday 9th January 1.30-3.30pm
New Years Resolution Café
After the turkey has been gobbled and you’ve said cheers to the New Year, it’s time to make your New Years Resolutions…and stick to them!
We will be providing a free hot lunch, and our team of friendly volunteers will be on hand to help you find ways of achieving your New Years Resolution.
For example if you’ve decided to be more active in 2017, we will help you research local exercise classes etc.
Location: Abbey Centre, 34 Great Smith Street, Westminster, London, SW1P 3BU

Wednesday 25th January 2-4pm
iTea Party
This event is for older people who would like to learn more about how to use their mobile phone, tablet, laptop etc.
You will be paired up with a volunteer with IT experience, who will be able to answer any of your questions and help you practice useful tasks on your digital device.
We also provide an afternoon tea.
Location: City of Westminster Archives Centre, 10 St Ann’s Street, London, SW1P 2DE


Hammersmith and Fulham CCG is reviewing the community dermatology GP with special interest and minor surgery service. We would like to hear your views based on your experiences of the current service. This will help the CCG shape how the service works for you in the future.

When: Wednesday 11th January 2016, 18:00-19:00 Where: St Paul’s, Queen Caroline St, London, W6 9PJ
Tea & coffee will be provided

Please get in touch with Adam Foster at Hammersmith and Fulham Clinical Commissioning Group on adam.foster@nw.london.nhs.uk or 020 3350 4054 if you are interested in attending the feedback session or have any questions.

Want to incorporate social value into your service but don’t know how? Having problems with allocating limited resources?

With the Social Value Act as law for over two years now, the need for measuring and demonstrating social value is ongoing. Meanwhile, services are enduring brutal public sector cuts and budgetary constraints, making value for money even more important when making tough decisions.

SROI, or Social Return on Investment, is a framework that can be used to measure, manage, report and account for social value whether you’re involved in commissioning, procurement or service delivery. It helps you to understand where social value is being created and destroyed by involving stakeholders and valuing what matters to them.

If you’re interested in learning about services through the eyes of the people they serve, and understanding where money is best allocated to create most value, SROI is for you. All training is delivered by Social Value UK Accredited SROI Practitioners and is suitable for any experience level. Training is on 8-19th January in London.

For more information visit the website: www.socialvalueuk.org/training/practitioner

For enquiries about availability, bookings or cost contact Clare Bentley: 0151 703 9229/clare.bentley@socialvalueuk.org

The OPDC Forum event will be taking place on Tuesday 31st January 2017.  The venue is Cumberland House and there will be 2 sessions:

The first session is from 3.30pm to 5.30pm targeting the Voluntary/Third Sector organisations

The second session is from 6.30pm to 8.30pm targeting local communities

Free auricular (ear) acupuncture sessions are taking place at Dawes Road Hub from Tuesday 6th to Friday 8th December 2016 at 11:00 or 11.30 and 15.00 or 15.30.

If interested, please contact Jonathan on 07932 983124 to make an appointment.

Simply scan the list below and click the relevant session(/s) right for you:

HR: What You Need To Do When You Employ Someone
Wednesday 7th December, 9.30am – 2pm

Crowdfunding – Information Event
Tuesday 13th December, 10am – 12pm

Introduction To Volunteer Management
Thursday 12th January, 10am – 1pm

Level 2 Safeguarding Children & Young People – Working Together
Monday 16th January, 5.30pm – 8.30pm

Emergency First Aid At Work
Thursday 19th January, 9.30am – 4.30pm

Social Finance – Is it suitable for my organisation?
Thursday 19th January, 12.30pm – 2.30pm

Promoting Your Volunteer Opportunities
Monday 23rd January, 6pm – 8pm

VCS Forum – Human Rights & Equality
Tuesday 24th January, 12.30pm.- 2.30pm

People’s Postcode Lottery – Applying for Funding
Tuesday 24th January, 3pm.- 5pm

Learn About Tuberculosis (TB) – Awareness Training
Wednesday 1st February, 6pm – 8.30pm

Project Management
Thursday 2nd February, 10am – 1pm