Due to popular demand our free digital marketing workshops have returned! With the Covid-19 national lockdown requiring many businesses to close, Hammersmith & Fulham Council is helping local businesses to boost their online presence asas the nation emerges from the latest Covid-19 lockdown. The virtual workshops will be delivered by Samer Bata from the Knowledge Acedemy to give business owners the essential digital skills they need to promote their business online.

Who can attend?

The training is open to all businesses in H&F and local residents looking to start a new business.

What will I learn in the workshops?

The workshops will focus on –

Building simple and effective marketing strategies
Mobile marketing platforms
Social Media
Email Marketing
Search Engine Marketing
When will the workshops begin?

There are five separate course dates to choose from with each course consisting of two sessions (each session lasts three hours and will take place via Zoom). Each course is open to 30 people. The time and dates are:

Course 1 : 26 and 27 April 2021, 6pm to 9pm

Course 2 : 3 and 4 May 2021 , 6pm to 9pm

Course 3: 10 and 11 May 2021, 6pm to 9pm

Course 4 : 17 and 18 May 2021, 6pm to 9pm

Course 5 : 24 and 25 May 2021, 6pm to 9pm

Please note, the content for each course is the same so please do not sign up for more than one course. For more information, please contact Sam Ridley at sam.ridley@lbhf.gov.uk.

Imperial | Chelsea and Westminster | West London Mental Health Trust | H&F GP Federation | CLCH

We are holding an Introduction to Accountable Care and the H&F Integrated Care Partnership workshop for our leaders and managers across our healthcare providers, social care providers, local authorities and voluntary and community sector providers in Hammersmith and Fulham.

These workshops are for you to:

  • Learn more about integrated working and what this means for yourselves, your teams and our patients
  • Explore what integrated working looks like at Hammersmith and Fulham and how we can achieve this
  • Build relationships across organisational boundaries and decide how you will work together as leaders

Coffee and tea will be available from 8.30am, the workshop will run from 9am to 5pm and lunch will be provided. Topics for the day include:

  • Getting to know each other
  • What integrated working means
  • Accountable care: the national, international and local context
  • Working together across H&F
  • Leading integrated working at H&F
  • Action Learning Sets
  • Next steps and staying involved

The workshop will be highly interactive and participative as well as informative. It provides a great opportunity for you to meet your colleagues across the partnership and build working relationships that will form the foundations for working together in the future. We also aspire to create a network of Integrated Care Champions and this is the first step of that journey, so your attendance and contributions will be key to shaping this area of work and its success.

There will also be a limited number of places for participants to visit North East Hampshire and Farnham Vanguard site to see accountable care in action.

The dates and venues for the workshops are:

  • March 1st – White City Community Centre
  • March 6th – Hammersmith Town Hall
  • March 16th – White City Community Centre
  • March 22nd  – White City Community Centre

To sign up, please register your details online here and answer a short pre-course questionnaire.

The link to the latest update from the Ealing Advice Forum can be found by clicking here

Inside you will find;

  • Details of upcoming Meetings,  Conferences and free Training
  • Celebrating Iraqi Association 30th Anniversary
  • Links to Resources – Housing Matters and DWP Newsletter
  • Survey – The London Health Centre are conducting a short survey of migrant workers
  • Armenian/Iranian  & Middle-Eastern Cooking Workshop
  •  CONSULTATION | Ealing Council Strategies

EAF is part of the Ealing Specialist Advice Service (ESAS) project funded by Ealing Council

EAF c/o CAIA, Hayashen, 105a Mill Hill Road, Acton, London, W3 8JF

Hestia, in partnership with One Voice Community Collective is open at the Village and Recovery Café for support and a wide range of activities

Over the festive period, hotel counselling will be available and the Village and Café will be open, with hours every afternoon and evening. They have also planned a wide range of activities for all ages/abilities ranging from Drumming to Yoga, family gatherings and meals, writing workshops, meditation, Buddhist chanting, massage and much more. Poster with opening hours and the activities schedule is attached to this email.

This includes activities on Christmas and New Year’s Day.

For more information Click Here or to book activities, email Malcolm.phillips@hestia.org or ring 0203 879 3605


Creative Winter Camp for children aged 5-12 at the Playground Theatre

Grief Encounter is running a winter camp for children ages 5 to 12 at the Playground theatre. There are 2 sessions daily (basic details are below and a flyer with the full programme is attached to this email). Activities include theatre, play and movement, song-writing and performing, and even comedy for kids!

Each day includes lunch. Click Here to see the poster. To book, or speak to someone about what’s on offer, call Helene on 07480 051 991 or email Helene@griefencounter.org.uk

Qwell (for adults) and Kooth (Young people) is available for 24/7 online self-help, peer to peer support and online 1-1 Counseling

Click Here for the Qwell Poster or Click Here for the Kooth Poster

Taking place on 15th December 2017, Local Charities Day provides a platform to celebrate the work of small local charities and community groups across the UK. You can find out more about the campaign and get involved by downloading this digital toolkit.

You are invited to our Bring and Share Christmas celebration!!!

Come along celebrate Christmas with us, enjoy a day full of festivities and great food. Bring a dish and share it with everyone. Click Here for more information

Tuesday 19th December 2017 10.00am to 3.00pm at Courtfield House, conference room 1, St. Charles Centre for Health and Wellbeing, Exmoor Street, London W10 6DZ

Zumba / Raffle / Quiz

Please, confirm attendance by calling the office mobile: 0781 348 5607

Carers Network has partnered with Rethink Mental Illness to provide a new Carers Support Group in Hammersmith and Fulham.

This group will:

  • provide support to people who care for others with a mental illness
  • offer a range of workshops, which provide supportive tools and information
  • Have public speakers who can offer advice and guidance on issues affecting carers and mental health

The first meeting will be held Tuesday 9th January. To register please email events@carers-network.org.uk or call 020 8960 3033.

HAFCAC, Action on Disability and Safety Net People First

Invite you to

Join us to celebrate
When:            Sunday, 3rd December 2017
What time: 3.30pm – 6.00pm
Where: Lyric Hammersmith, Lyric Square, King St, Hammersmith, W6 0QL

Places limited – book your place now!

Or phone Julia Watkins at Action on Disability – tel. 020 3080 0393

Accessible venue. BSL interpreters and speech-to-text typist present.

Supported by London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham and Lyric Hammersmith

We are looking for your help. Have you had experience of any of the following in your own GP surgery or in a GP surgery near you:
•    Electrocardiogram (ECG)*?
•    Warfarin monitoring?
•    24 hour blood pressure?
•    Dressings of wounds?
•    Lung test (spirometry)**?
•    Pessary fitting or removal***?

Your CCG is looking to ensure that local residents’ views help to form any new ways of working in GP surgeries in Hammersmith and Fulham, both involving the services above and more widely. For example, you might want more GP support in doing more exercise, eating more healthily, or drinking less alcohol. Or you might want to see GPs work with you or people you love to stay well and out of hospital.

You don’t need to be an expert on NHS health services – you just need to come prepared to share your ideas with us!

Where: St Paul’s Centre, Queen Caroline Street, London, W6 9PJ
When: 30 November, 6pm – 8pm

Dinner and other refreshments will be provided. 

Please tell us if you are going to attend, as there are limited spaces at this workshop.

To RSVP or find out more, contact Hannah Hanfy: 020 3350 4559,  hf.ccg@nw.london.nhs.uk

Vision Care for Homeless People is holding a Dinner on 23rd November at the Lansdowne Club and your colleagues may wish to attend.

For those who are yet to hear about Vision Care for Homeless People, we run opticians clinics for homeless people in London (3 clinics), Brighton, Birmingham Manchester, Exeter and Leeds. Using optometrists, dispensing opticians and eye care assistants, most of them volunteers, we provide glasses free of charge to 1,800 homeless people each year. Of those, only a third are eligible for NHS funding, so we make up the difference by using volunteers, through gifts in kind and with charity fundraising.

Homeless people are particularly disadvantaged when it comes to obtaining sight tests, glasses and eye care. They suffer a higher level of eye problems than the general population. They also find high street opticians difficult to access and are prone to losing or breaking their glasses.

We are proud of what we do but are keen to do more because our research suggests that nearly 20,000 homeless people are in need of glasses each year. We want to reach more homeless people, so have embarked on an ambitious expansion programme – we have launched two new clinics so far this year.

We are holding a Dinner in support of the charity at the Lansdowne Club, on Thursday 23 November. Guests will hear from our founder about why the charity’s work is so vitally important and get a preview of our exciting plans for the future.

Enjoy a fine three course dinner with wine, friends and colleagues and the opportunity to make new ones in a relaxed setting with live music.

Tickets are priced at £50. Tickets can be booked here until 7th November.

If you have any questions about the event or would like to book a table please email harry.todd@vchp.org.uk or 02032864186.

You are cordially invited to attend the Suicide Prevention Strategy Refresh Consultation on Tuesday 7th November 2017 from 9.00 to 1.00.

It will be held at:

The YAA Centre
1 Chippenham Mews
W9 2AN

The event is to consult on the refresh of the Suicide Prevention Strategy for the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham, the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, City of Westminster. Invited to the event will be representatives from a wide variety of health, social care, statutory agencies and the voluntary sector. The objective of the consultation is to build a strategy that best meets the needs of the residents of the three boroughs, maximising multi-agency and cross community work to prevent suicide in London.

The morning will :

  • Provide an update on the suicide prevention work since the last action plan
  • Brief people on the evidence for effective suicide prevention work
  • Consult stakeholders on the draft priorities for the new action plan
  • Give organisations the opportunity to build relationships for improved collaboration on the suicide agenda

The event will include lunch at the end to allow organisations time to network. To register for the event place please click on link below :