Welcome to our biggest ever consultation on childcare in Hammersmith & Fulham. We want to hear from everyone using childcare for under 12s in H&F. As well as having your say, you’ll be entered into a draw to win a £500 John Lewis voucher. What’s more the five runners-up will each win a £100 voucher. People tell us they love our 16 children’s centres and the many fantastic projects run by schools, charities and private organisations but we know more can be done.

What do you think? What would you like to see more of? What would you like to see less of? Do you get what you need when you need it? Are services and activities close enough? This is your chance to tell us. Join our Big Childcare Conversation. It will only take a few moments and then you’ll be in the running to win that £500 John Lewis voucher. The childcare consultation is for parents and guardians of children aged 11 and under and people will be entered into a draw to win a £500 John Lewis voucher.

Deadline: 18th December

Click here to take the survey





There’s a lot to be proud of in Hammersmith & Fulham and it’s all thanks to our fantastic community. That’s why we’ve launched the H&F Civic Honours: for contribution to civic life – giving you the chance to celebrate those who make you love to live in H&F.

To nominate someone, just fill out this short form.

“I’ve lived in the borough for most of my life, and our committed, compassionate community makes me proud to call Hammersmith & Fulham home,” said Cllr Sue Fennimore, Deputy Leader of H&F Council.

“These awards are our chance to say thank you to those people who make a difference – so get in touch and tell us who you are proud of.”

Sobus, H&F Volunteer Centre and LBHF have developed a survey to better understand the volunteering needs and challenges of local organisations and how support services can be developed and improved in the future to meet these needs.

Please take a few minutes to complete the survey here

HFCCG, CLCCG and WLCCG commission Paddington Development Trust to provide the Diabetes User Group. They provide many of the speakers. Purpose of the group is to ensure commissioning decisions are patient-centred and informed by patient and carer voice. Paddington Development Trust subcontracts Nafsika from the BME Health Forum to administrate the group. Patients, carers, partners & parents welcome. Call Nafsika on 07958479217 for info. Click here for our flyer.

If you live, work or study in Westminster, Kensington & Chelsea or Hammersmith & Fulham, Public Health would like to hear from you about your local pharmacies. This is intended to help NHS England ensure that everyone living in your borough has the right access to pharmacy services.

It should not take you more that five or ten minutes to complete the survey. remember that there are no right or wrong answers. To take the survey please click here.

Healthwatch are collecting the questions and concerns of those affected by the fire at Grenfell Tower.

As Healthwatch we have statutory power to hold the NHS and the Local Council to account. By law organisations who plan, run, and regulate health and social care services have to listen to our comments and respond within 20 working days. You can read the statement that we submitted to the local Council and NHS (West London Clinical Commissioning Group) here: Healthwatch CWL Grenfell Statement July 2017

It is the deadline for week one responses 

For more details and ways to get involved please click here

Following the tragic fire at Grenfell Tower, extra funding for Children and Young People’s organisations has been made available through a coalition of funders.

This coalition is being led by John Lyon’s Charity, a local funder, who has an expertise in working with groups based in Kensington & Chelsea as well as a dedicated focus on children and young people.

With the sudden increase of need in K&C, the funder coalition is working to support the responding organisations to ensure they have the appropriate resources they need to do their work.  This increase in delivery could easily create a capacity issue for organisations that use sessional staff to deliver their activities.  To try to ensure that there are enough qualified sessional workers available, John Lyon’s Charity is building a Sessional Youth Worker Bank to ease the pressure of recruitment on local organisations.

We would like you to complete the following questionnaire to add your details to the Sessional Youth Worker Bank.  All information will be held centrally by John Lyon’s Charity and not be shared with third parties. If a project needs extra staff capacity they will have to speak to the Charity in order to access The Bank. You will then be contacted by the JLC Team before your personal contact details are passed on.

Please note that you will only be contacted if your skills are needed.

Do cascade this questionnaire to any Youth and Community Workers you think may be interested.

To take the survey click here