Hammersmith and Fulham Council are in the process of recommissioning the 0-19 Healthy Child Programme. This currently consists of two services; health visiting and school nursing.

We want to hear views from parents, carers and young people as well as health, social care, education professionals and other stakeholders on how you think the school nursing and health visiting services are working currently and what they should look like in the future? Your views will help us better understand and inform the design and delivery of these services going forward. Please use this opportunity to help us to better understand and inform the design and delivery of these services in the future.

Please click on the link below to access to consultation.  There is a set of questions for professionals and for the users of the service. The consultation will be running until 11 Nov 20.

Spread the word! – We are keen to hear from as many professionals, families and young people as possible. You can help us by sending the link to other professionals, staff, parents and young people you know:  https://0to19healthychildprogramme.commonplace.is/

Tell the government how your charity has been affected with Pro Bono Economics’ (PBE) latest Covid Charity Tracker Survey. With charities left out of official statistics, the PBE Covid Charity Tracker has been the sector’s leading source of economic analysis throughout the coronavirus crisis. They have helped calculate the £10 billion funding gap charities are experiencing, as well as to estimate that 60,000 jobs may be at risk. Take part in the survey here (closes 18th October).

Six months after the tragic death of George Floyd, where is the UK when it comes to tackling racism? ROTA has teamed up with Channel 5 News to create this survey, to better understand racism in the UK. Take part in the survey here.

As we know, there was a requirement to put social distancing in place in order to reduce the spread of COVID-19, and GP surgeries across the country were urged to undertake consultations with those exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 remotely.

With this in mind, we are looking to gain insight into your experience and get your views on the impact of accessing health and social care services remotely. That includes digitally or by telephone, focusing on access to GP services.

We will share your anonymous feedback with providers and commissioners such as the local CCG, and with Hammersmith and Fulham Council, This will help them to ensure that the services respond to what people need locally.

If you would like any assistance in completing the survey or would like it in another format, please contact us at info@healthwatchhf.co.uk. or call us on 0203 886 0386.

All responses are anonymous. Thank you for your contribution. The closing date for this survey is Monday 12th October, 2020.

Tell us about your experience to help shape future services by completing the survey here.

The Pro Bono Economics and Civil Society Media COVID-19 Charity Impact Survey, in partnership with the Institute of Fundraising and the Charity Finance Group, is now open and will run until Sunday 20 September. The monthly tracker is designed to shine a light on the pressures that COVID-19 has placed on the charity sector. In August it showed that most charities expect to scale back their activities, despite demand for services being on the rise, leading to a £10.1 billion funding gap over the next six months. Complete the survey here.

In May and June 2020, Pro Bono Economics ran a weekly survey which helped shine a light on the pressures that COVID-19 has placed on the charity sector – finding that charities are facing a £10.1 billion funding gap over the next six months.

A new survey is now open to update the data, running until Friday 7 August, with analysis and results due in September. This will be critical to make the case to government about the importance of charity services now and in the future – especially as we approach the conclusion of the Spending Review and the run up to the Budget. Click here to take partit only takes about 5-10 minutes!

We want to hear about the treatment and care you received.

Whether you’ve had a positive experience or there is room for improvement, have your say on the Healthwatch Hammersmith and Fulham website today.

You can even leave feedback anonymously.


We get it – surveys are like buses at the moment – but please take some time to complete this one on the impact of Coronavirus on the charity sector, led by the Institute of Fundraising. This one builds on a survey done at the onset of lockdown, with questions on financial impact and forecasts for the year ahead. As with other data being collected, it feeds into the #NeverMoreNeeded campaign. Find out more.

Government announced £750m in funding for charities nearly a month ago. We finally heard some more over the weekend when Communities Secretary Robert Jenrick MP announced that £76m of this funding will be allocated to support vulnerable children and survivors of domestic abuse and sexual violence, but nothing about which charities will receive this support.

Details for distribution of most of the rest of the funding remain unclear. As part of the #NeverMoreNeeded campaign to increase the support available to charities, we want you to tell us how helpful and accessible the support that’s currently available has been – including the support provided to business which charities can access.

Just answer some quick questions in our short survey, and tell us about how your organisation is being affected by the current crisis.

Several Parliamentary Committees currently taking evidence on the impact of COVID19 that will be relevant to charities. The Women and Equalities is accepting evidence on the impact on people with protected characteristics up until 30 April. The Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee is accepting evidence on the impact on homelessness and the private rented sector until 1 May.