Action on Disability has been asked by its trustees and members to introduce a new Activity Service within Hammersmith and Fulham for local disabled adults. We would like to know from you what activities you would like to access and when. We have created a short list of questions that will help us to get the money we need to set up a new activity service.

We would like you to answer the questions and add any other thoughts or ideas you might have. You can complete the questions here:

We would also like to meet with you to hear your thoughts on what activities you would like us to introduce.

You can meet with us, using the zoom app on Monday 01st of March at 1pm (This meeting is called Meeting 1).

If you can’t make this meeting, you could come along to our meeting on Wednesday 03rd of March at 9:30am (this meeting is called Meeting 2).

If you want to attend this meeting please email us at and we will send you a zoom invitation link. When you do email us, please tell us which meeting you would like to attend; Meeting 1 or Meeting 2.

We look forward to hearing from you about your ideas and thoughts.

This is a difficult time for us all and I hope you are safe and well.  I’m writing to ask for your help in improving the lives of people and their families who are living with dementia in our borough.

We need your help to become a Dementia-Friendly borough by 2022.  This means we want to work with local organisations, residents and others to make Hammersmith & Fulham a community where people with dementia are truly understood, respected and supported. Your responses will form a key part of the Dementia Strategy and Action Plan we will be creating to realise this vision.

As part of this, we’re trying to get a better picture of how local stakeholders from across the community may or may not already be helping people with dementia – and I’d be very grateful if you could take a few minutes to answer the question below by Wednesday 24th February 2021.

You’ll note that one of the questions asks if you’d like to get more involved. Perhaps you’d like some dementia training – or maybe you’ve got tips you could share with other organisations?

If you would like to be part of an ongoing conversation about improving the services for families affected by dementia, we would like to keep in touch with you.

The survey should only take a few minutes. There are no right or wrong answers and your answers will be confidential.

Online Survey

Cllr Ben Coleman
H&F Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care 

Reinstated lockdowns and the ongoing pandemic continue to pose difficulties for charity fundraising and vital service delivery. Pro Bono Economics is now running a very short survey to understand how charities have been impacted by Covid-19 over the winter period. This data continues to provide key evidence to support the #NeverMoreNeeded campaign, so please take a minute to take part before it closes on Sunday 17 January!

Fill in the latest monthly survey on the impact of Covid-19

The #RespondRecoverReset survey is helping us build evidence of how organisations’ finances, service provision, staff and volunteers are being affected. Tell us how you are faring.

In NCVO’s monthly round-up you will find:

• recommended approaches to measuring personal wellbeing
• a new podcast full of inspiring impact
• new resources to help funders measure their effectiveness
• plus check out some of our upcoming training and events.

Click here  to read this month’s impact round-up

The national campaign for single parent equality is conducting a survey into single parents’ experiences of discrimination. It’s the first of its kind to collate experiences from single parents to directly influence the government for change. Please take ten minutes to complete the survey, all results are anonymous unless you choose to share your details. The findings will be shared with MPs and the media.

If you would like to find out more click here

The Association of Chairs has launched a survey for Chairs and Vice-Chairs of non-profit organisations. It includes questions on Chair motivation/morale; changes in board and CEO relationships and on time spent on chairing pre and post COVID-19. All of the data will be analysed and shared to provide another perspective on the impact of the pandemic on charities. Complete the survey here.

What is Make Your Mark?
Make Your Mark is the largest consultation of young people in the UK. It’s aim is to identify the top concerns of our young people to:

  1. Inform the UK Youth Parliament national manifesto campaign, which in recent years has included campaigns on mental health and improvements of mental health services, as well as Sex and Relationship Education and a Curriculum for Life.
  2. To inform the Hammersmith and Fulham’s Youth Council manifesto and extended engagement and consultation with young people in the borough, on the issues that matter most to them.
  3. Help schools and youth projects to identify the top issues of concern for their students/young people, to inform projects, initiatives etc.

The Vote
There are 2 votes on the ballot paper this year (1 vote on UK/Devolved topics and 1 on Local topics). Young people literally choose 1 of 10 options for the both votes, it’s as simple as that!

Usually we have paper (and exceed 4000 votes), but, given the current situation, we wanted to offer as many flexible options as possible for you to support the young people you know and work with to vote on the issues that matter most to them! So do use whatever option/or range of options that will work best for you at this time!

Options and Resources for Voting
Make Your Mark explainer video including the topics. This has been added to a youtube playlist, along with a BSL interpreted video and subtitled versions of the ten videos which are presented by the young people who suggested each topic:

A tally sheet to capture votes Click here. If there are any opportunities to show the video in assemblies, form or other sessions then this is the easiest option. Young people can watch the video and hand vote for their issues. Votes can be collated on the tally sheet. Please send completed tally sheets to by 27th November 2020. Happy to accept a photo or whatever works for you!

Online voting- young people can vote individually online- if you are not seeing young people/students in person. Are there any options for this to be sent out to them? Online voting runs until 1st December. Here is the link:


Every year, SMK publishes a snapshot of what the world is like for campaigners. In 2020, as we imagine the UK post-pandemic and post-Brexit, it’s critical that we understand the campaigning environment. Whether you’re a campaigner, activist, organiser, volunteer or trustee… if you work to create social change, this survey is for you. Closes 16 November. Complete the survey here.

The Suzy Lamplugh Trust is the UK’s leading personal safety charity and managers of the National Stalking Helpline. The trust are keen to hear about your experiences and the impact stalking has had on you by Monday 2 NovemberPlease find the short survey here.