We are committed to supporting local groups that provide valuable community services and the coach trip scheme offers a one-off contribution of up to £300 towards the cost of a coach or minibus for local groups to have an outing. In order to be eligible to apply, organisations:

  • must be based in H&F and be mostly made up of people living in the borough
  • should have a local management committee (of at least 3 members) and have their own governing document
  • must be able to show they support residents from all communities
  • should have an annual income of less than £10,000

Top priority will be given to older peoples’ groups which are currently not funded by the council. Groups run by statutory organisations – such as schools, the council, or NHS Trusts – are not eligible.

Application pack documents are linked below but if you would prefer to request an application pack, or want more details, please call Sacha Mortimer on 020 8753 5009 or email: sacha.mortimer@lbhf.gov.uk.

Application form, feedback form and information sheet

Groups or organisations new to the council or those that have not received funding in the last 3 years must complete a new vendor form.

Return your completed application forms to:

Community Investment Team, Room 39, Hammersmith Town Hall, King Street, London W6 9JU

Click the image to go to the main website

We want to employ a Disabled person to work with us in Hammersmith and Fulham in West London for 10 hours a week as a Development Worker.

Any one interested? Click Here for the job advert

Apply by 23rd November 2018

Hammersmith and Fulham Coalition Against Cuts, known as HAFCAC, is a Disabled People’s Organisation – Disabled people run and control it. We are a campaigning organisation and we set up in 2005. We work in Hammersmith and Fulham.

Address: ADKC Centre, Whitstable House, Silchester Road, London W10 6SB

Tel: 020 8960 8888
Web: www.hafcac.org.uk
Email: info@hafcac.org.uk


Healthwatch Logo

Click the image to go to the main website

Aged 16-25?

Have you used an app or website to help manage your health and wellbeing, or would you prefer to see your GP in person?

As digital healthcare is increasingly used by the NHS and social care services, we want to find out how this is meeting the healthcare needs of young people.

Share Your Views

If you are aged 16-25 years old, Click Here to take part in our survey!

Want to hear more about this project and how to be involved?

Come to our Young Project Leads Meeting on the 8th November.
Contact Eva Psychrani for more information at eva.psychrani@healthwatchcentralwestlondon.org

Do you work with young people in Hammersmith & Fulham

If you are working with young people, we would be happy to arrange a focus group with you to discover more about their views. Get in touch with us!

ArtsFest Logo


The first HF ArtsFest Arts Partners meeting for HF ArtsFest 2019 is scheduled to take place on;

Thursday 22nd November, 7pm – 9pm followed by open networking 9 – 10pm
Venue: Lyric Hammersmith, The Orr Room
Nibbles and drinks will be provided

For more info and to register please click on the eventbrite page https://hfartspartners2019.eventbrite.co.uk

If you know of any other artists, venues or contributors that are interested in being involved in HF ArtsFest 2019 please feel free to pass on the invitation

Hammersmith & Fulham Brilliant Business Awards

We are very proud to announce that HF ArtsFest has been shortlisted for the Hammersmith and Fulham Business Awards 2018 – this is a great achievement in itself and we’d like to shaer this achievement with all our partners. This year there was a record number of entries, and judges felt they were of a very high quality, so we have beaten a large number of very strong entries to get to the shortlist.
The winners will be announced on November 7, at a gala dinner at Hammersmith Town Hall.

New ArtsFest Producer appointed

Flora Herberich has joined HF ArtsFest as the producer for 2019. Flora has a varied experience of working in the arts, producing projects, artists, and festivals and working with communities and organisations such as the Roundhouse, Jacksons Lane, Wandsworth Arts Fringe, Edinburgh Fringe, Brighton Fringe and others.

Flora can be contacted on info@hf-artsfest.com

Ideally, applicants will be people living and/or working in the Borough, interested in promoting all art forms, for all ages and all abilities.  If you are interested, please contact Petrea on trea@hf-artsfest.com

Registration for the HF ArtsFest 2019 

opens on Friday 23rd November 2018.
Registration forms can be completed online at www.hf-artsfest.com
or send an email to info@hf-artsfest.com for a word version to complete and return.

Your Community, Your Artists, Your Festival
reaching 850+ artists, 300+ events and 20,000 audience members in 2018
HF ArtsFest 2018 share our post festival movie

The purpose of the H & F SAB is;

“to help, protect and promote the wellbeing of the borough’s adults who are experiencing, or at risk of, abuse or neglect, and as a result of their care and support needs, are unable to protect themselves against either the risk of, or the experience of abuse or neglect.”

The Board is making a difference but that can only be increased through your involvement with our work. I have organised an introductory meeting on Monday 19th November at 3.30 pm at Committee Room 2 at Hammersmith Town Hall. I will tell you more about adult safeguarding, the work of the Board and the two proposed subgroups, as well as answering any questions.

Click Here to view the full invitation letter


Mike Howard
Independent Chair

Hammersmith & Fulham Council
145 King Street
W6 9XY
Email: Lisa.Redfern@lbhf.gov.uk
Web: www.lbhf.gov.uk

RBKC’s inaugural Enterprise Week starts 12th November!  *For one week only* all the inspiration and advice your entrepreneurs could ever need brought together in one place.

For all the information and bookings check out our dedicated RBKC Enterprise Week website (courtesy of The Workary).

Come to the Enterprise Week Celebration at The Museum of Brands on Wednesday 14th Line up for inspiration and advice at Kensington Creates on Friday 16th  Make the most of the five, yes five, experts ready to help you with your business idea on Wednesday 14th at the Portobello Business Centre.  And there’s much more – start your Enterprise Week with David Fletcher on Monday 12th, local entrepreneur and inspirational speaker.

Sign up for updates, let your members, clients and customers know that their business ideas can grow in this Enterprise Week!  Go to the website now!


Click the image to download the event poster

Click the image to download the Event Flyer

west-london-college logo

From the Work Experience team at West London College.

We are currently sourcing unpaid Work Experience opportunities for our Level 3 Health and Social Care students. Can you help?

Our Level 3 Health and Social Care students are required to complete a 1-2 day a week placement running from mid November-July. During this time they will need to complete 350 hours of unpaid work.

These students have already completed between 1-3 years of Work Experience with the College already so are looking for a placement to help develop the skills they have already gained preparing them for employment within the industry as well as supporting their University applications.

The students who have been selected to take part in this long term placement are hardworking and committed to volunteering within the Health and Social Care sector, they will also have their full enhanced DBS check.

If you are able to accommodate our students within your business for a Work Experience placement or would like some further details please let me know.

Kerri Ryan
Employment Team Manager Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College

Email: ke.ryan@wlc.ac.uk
Phone: 020 7565 1283
Web: www.wlc.ac.uk

West London Action for Children logo

Click the image above to go to the WLAC website

Jigsaw Club is a drop-in ‘stay and play’ for under 5s and their parents/carers which runs on Wednesdays, 10:30-14:30 during term time at the Chelsea Methodist Church on Kings Road. It is a chance for children and adults to socialise, play and eat a lovely, freshly-prepared lunch together. Volunteers are needed to help set up activities, run the craft table, supervise and play with the children, serve lunch and pack away the toys at the end of the session. It is a wonderful place to volunteer and a fantastic opportunity for someone with experience working with children to get involved in the local community.

Interested? Contact: team@wlac.org.uk.


We are looking for a highly experienced and exceptional chair for (The Sands End Arts and Community Centre) a new charity in Hammersmith & Fulham.

Click Here for more information and to download a new trustee recruitment pack and application form.

Click the following links for posters containing the above information if you are able to advertise the opportunity

A4 Poster
A3 Poster

Kamal Hanif
Community Regeneration Manager
Growth and Place
Hammersmith & Fulham Council
Tel:      020 8753 4563
Mobile: 044777 1843 975
Web:    www.lbhf.gov.ukbr>Email:   kamal.hanif@lbhf.gov.uk


Part-time  19 hours per week        

Contract:  Fixed one year from commencement – £12,480  

We help people to exercise their rights, providing Housing, Welfare, Debt and Employment advice, supporting clients to achieve financial and social empowerment.

We are currently looking to build on and develop our fundraising activity.  We are seeking a proactive fundraiser with a focus on Trusts, Foundations and Corporate funding and experience in communication, marketing and promotion.  We are seeking an individual who will be an ambassador for the Service and passionate about developing and securing its financial future.

Interested in pursuing this role? Visit http://cahf.org.uk/about-us/work-us/ for more details.

Closing Date:     Friday 9th November 2018 by 10am

Interview Dates:    Thursday 15th November 2018 (fixed date)