Subscribe to the Hope and May telephone helpline and get the latest advice you need on all aspects of data protection law. From as little as £39.00 + VAT per month for NCVO members, you can speak to a GDPR data protection practitioner for practical on-demand guidance. Read more
Phoenix Software has created a dedicated hub on its website that links to the various resources they have collated with their partners to support organisations during COVID-19. Read more
If you are looking to get the most up to date advice and guidance on safeguarding children, young people and adults at risk during coronavirus pandemic, SAFEcic has developed a crisis hub with resources to help voluntary sector organisations stay on top of safeguarding. Click here
As you can imagine, with schools closed, Spark! has cancelled all work experience and employability events until further notice for the safety of our students, work experience hosts and volunteers – we know thousands of young people will miss out! However, it’s not all sad news, the team are creating some virtual activities and we need your help to get it going.
We are currently looking at supporting young people’s careers education virtually. Would you or a colleague be willing to volunteer and help a young person achieve their ambitions? This may include conducting a virtual mock interview or mentoring a young person.
If so, please email us to volunteer <> and pass our details on to colleagues looking for volunteering opportunities, or if you’d like to have a chat please call to find out more on 07852470177.
Do you have an innovative idea or product? Have you started working on a business idea which changes the way people do things for the better? If so, the White City Innovators’ Programme could be for you.The White City Innovators’ Programme 2020 is a 6-week pre-accelerator that is designed for aspiring entrepreneurs and people with creative business ideas.
The programme which is now in its third year, is being run online due to COVID-19. It gives participants access to mentorship, businesses workshops and prize money to help them kick start their business ideas. The programme starts on the 28th May, with workshops running two days a week from 16.00 – 18.00. To find out more about the programme and check eligibility click here.
Open to: residents in Hammersmith and Fulham
Deadline: Tuesday 5th May
Apply: online here
The Invention Rooms has been shut for a while now, but we are still as committed as ever to bring you great science activities to do with the family at home. Some of these will be resources we’ve made ourselves and some are from our festival partners, or other websites that we think are great. As always, the most import thing in trying these experiments is that you have fun, work together, ask questions and stay safe. This week we will be trying some quick kitchen science, using recycling to make green vehicles and exploring flying.
Bend light for an optical illusion (5 years+)
Our first activity explores the way light travels through different materials to make a fascinating effect. You’ll need paper, pens and a drinking glass or glass bottle. This is a great demonstration to show to and amaze family and friends over your next video call. The instructions are here, but if you want a video explaining a little more, check out this one which goes into extra detail.
Walking rainbows (9 years+)
In support of our essential workers, many people have been displaying rainbows on their windows. Drawing a rainbow is great, but why not add a little science to your creativity? All you need is some tissue paper, water and food colouring. Ryan’s World has got a great experiment that shows how water can travel and colours mix. Once you’ve made your rainbow, hang it in a window and be sure to share a photo with us on Twitter @InventionRooms
Make it fly (7 years +)
Last week we made some paper planes. Why not try some other contraptions like gliders and helicopters or explore different shaped planes? The Science Museum have some great examples and instructions here. You will need a printer for parts of this activity. Whilst we are talking about flight, take a look at this guide from the RAF Museum and record what’s flying outside your window.
Can you help Imperial scientists make a green moving machine? (9 years +)
Although many of our researchers are not allowed in their laboratories, they are still hard at work at home. In this activity, environmental researchers Ellie and Louise have a challenge for you to develop a green vehicle of your own design. They are researching environmentally-friendly ways to power vehicles like cars and planes. Now they need you to design your own green machine! All you need is a bit of creativity and some clean dry recycling, like cardboard and plastic. The activity is here and we can’t wait to see what you make. Ellie and Louise are also going to make their own to share next week, so please do send us any pictures of your vehicles by email or on Twitter @InventionRooms.
Dinosaurs and more
The museums may be shut, but we can still discover the wonders of natural history at home. The Natural History Museum will be broadcasting videos live every Friday at 10.30 and every Tuesday at 12.00 where you can ask real scientists any question you like! We’ve got the first one here, but if you tune in live, you’ll get to ask your questions in real-time.
Keeping yourselves and your families safe, well and stimulated is undoubtedly more challenging than usual – but for some useful info sourced by Trustee and former Chair of Sobus, Rick Brunwin that might be of interest to you all click here.
There are also loads of online fitness classes available – Sue Spiller, Sobus CEO has found the NHS ones are good click here.
With video conferencing and virtual meetings on the rise remember that whichever platform you choose to use, you must comply with GDPR if recording meetings.
Zoom is a desktop-based app that makes having virtual meetings a lot easier. For easy to follow links on how to use Zoom, click here
For online training on how to use Microsoft Teams click here
Since COVID-19 hit, we have been providing free support to charities through our fundraising helpline click here and articles on fundraising during the pandemic click here
We are now running a free webinar on COVID-19 emergency fundraising communications on Friday, 24th April at 10am click here
BWB have a charity helpline for you to discuss any charity or social enterprise related concerns that you may have relating to the current pandemic and your organisation. Find out more.
20 Dawes Road, London, SW6 7EN
Telephone 020 7952 1230
Registered Charity No.1071089
and Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered in England No.03471416
Sobus is a new Community Development Agency for Hammersmith & Fulham. It has been created through the merger of the Community and Voluntary Sector Association Hammersmith & Fulham (CaVSA) and the Fulham Community Partnership Trust (FCPT). Building on the strengths of both organisations, sobus aims to provide a wider range of support services for local charities, community groups, social enterprises and start up businesses.