Since COVID-19 hit, we have been providing free support to charities through our fundraising helpline click here and articles on fundraising during the pandemic click here

We are now running a free webinar on COVID-19 emergency fundraising communications on Friday, 24th April at 10am click here

BWB have a charity helpline for you to discuss any charity or social enterprise related concerns that you may have relating to the current pandemic and your organisation. Find out more.

This may be a difficult and stressful time for many. Mind have created a great advice page full of wellbeing tips and advice. Find out more.

Working alongside the rest of the voluntary and charity sector in Hammersmith & Fulham at this time, Homeline at BCH is offering support through its staff and local volunteers to residents who don’t have friends or family close by to help them.

Professionals can refer residents in need of support with loneliness or shopping support to us.  Email

Ways we can help you:

  • Volunteers can make regular friendly phone calls two or three times a week where an older person can ask for help if you need it. Staff follow up these calls daily.
  • Volunteers can do shopping for older, vulnerable people.We will take payment (where possible) over the phone later based on a receipt.
  • Volunteers can collect urgent supplies or prescriptions
  • We can provide useful local information about what support is available
  • Staff can make referrals for further support if needed

Call 0207 385 9689 option 1/ email

Ways residents can help us:

Volunteer with us

We are still looking for local volunteers who are willing and able to go out to do a small shop for an elderly neighbour. We also need volunteers with the internet and a phone who can log into a cloud database and make telephone befriending calls on a weekly basis for us.

Email to enquire about volunteering with us.


W12Together will fund local non-profit organisations to run projects and initiatives that will facilitate
a community response to the Covid-19 crisis. It will be used to strengthen local groups and the
community’s ability to respond to need and to support vulnerable and isolated people during this

Grants from £1000 to £5,000 for projects in Wormholt & White City Wards

Application Form


The Jo Cox Foundation has founded the Connection Coalition alongside Mind, The British Red Cross, Facebook, Age UK, Nesta, Nationbuilder and The Cares Family.

The Founding members are convening this cross-sector coalition to coordinate, amplify and inspire efforts to reinforce meaningful connections. In doing so, we will mitigate the impact of isolation throughout the Covid-19 and harness the power of strong relationships and connections for the future.


If you feel any clients have children with learning disabilities or special education needs, kindly refer them to us and we will do our best to support them.

Or are you a parent or carer of a child or young person with disabilities or special educational needs living in Hammersmith and Fulham? Are you feeling isolated and looking for support in the current situation?

For our updated leaflet in response to COVID 19 click here

The world is going more and more ‘paperless’ and ‘cashless.’ But this also provides new options for people who want to donate to your charity. Find out more.

Blume is offering each charity up to 16 hours – or two days – of free support.


West London Business has launched a dedicated business support helpline to field queries from local businesses that are struggling to navigate support from government and banks, as well as siginificant business change.
Our evolving resources at, in tandem with the knowledge from a team of skilled and experienced home-based volunteers, are supporting business in the sub-region like never before.

We’re still recruiting volunteeers looking to make a real difference in supporting your local business community and provide business leaders with the information they need to make informed decisions at this testing time. If you have experience suitable for any of the roles below and have time to help from home, please contact us today.

Business Support Volunteer (front-line)
Are you an experienced business professional who can help answer business owners/ managers queries over the phone? Find out more

**NEW** Business Support Volunteer (second-line)
If your talents are better suited to aiding follow-up queries and support, we’re looking to bridge the gap between the Information & Research Volunteer team and the Front Line support volunteers. Find out more

Volunteer Information & Research Officers (Limited vacancies remain)
Are you able to help us identify and interpret the details of the latest government support in this fast-moving crisis? Find out more