Are you a Disabled person and have experienced facing barriers when accessing housing, public buildings and open space?
Do you live, study, work or volunteer in Hammersmith & Fulham and would like to make a difference locally?
Would you like to give advice to the council’s planning department on planning applications?
We would like to invite you to join the H&F Disability Forum Planning Group
The DFPG provides advice to Hammersmith & Fulham Council on making sure that planning applications1 create new buildings are accessible and inclusive that work for everyone. The group will use the Social Model of Disability2 and a human rights way3 of working in all its work.
We would provide:
- Training to new members on access and inclusion
- Empower new members to take an active part
- Access to technical expertise
For more information contact Kevin Caulfield on or 0777 667 2367
Closing date for applications: Friday 28 February 2020 at midday
Invitation to join
For more information