Colds, Flu, and Covid-19

There have been a lot of colds going around at the moment, and many are unsure whether they have a cold, the flu or Covid-19!  Boots UK have put together a handy guide to the symptoms of Covid-19, colds, flu, hayfever and asthma, which you can find on their website:

Government advice:

The latest government advice for charities can be found here:

Businesses are now required by law to display the official NHS QR code posters so people can check-in at different premises with the app.

Further app resources can be found here .

Information about creating a QR code is available here.

For a free customisable, high-resolution QR Code click here

General consumer facing assets are available here.

The NHS Covid-19 app launched yesterday to help control C19 transmission alongside national and local contact tracing.

For the Press Notice, click here.

A tweet about the launch can be seen here.

The Chancellor has today announced a package of measures that will continue to protect jobs and help businesses through the uncertain months ahead as we continue to tackle the spread of the virus.

The package includes a new Jobs Support Scheme to protect millions of returning workers, extending the Self Employment Income Support Scheme and 15% VAT cut for the hospitality and tourism sectors, and help for businesses in repaying government-backed loans.

Further information:

Businesses like yours are on the frontline in the fight against a second miserable lockdown. We need your help to keep H&F safe and open for business. We’ve created and distributed a H&F COVID-19 safety poster to businesses across the borough to ensure local business owners, their employees and customers remain safe during the pandemic. Download the H&F COVID-19 Poster here

Please don’t forget that social distancing and face coverings remain essential in the fight against COVID-19. We urge you to ensure your customers continue to wear a face covering in your business and stay two metres apart to protect your employees and customers from infection. Remember, it is illegal (£200 fine from tomorrow) for people to enter a shop without a face covering unless they have an exemption.

From 24 September certain businesses and venues will need to display by law the QR code poster for the new NHS COVID app, which launches on the same day. Restaurants, bars, pubs and hairdressers are just some of the businesses which will be required to display the QR code poster on their premises so customers can check-in on their arrival.

Download the QR Poster here

Find out if you need to display a QR poster here

The Prime Minister made a statement to the House of Commons outlining further measures in England to tackle the spread of coronavirus. The PM’s statement can be found at:

From today (Wednesday 23 September), office workers who are able to work from home should do so and the requirement for customers to wear face coverings will be extended to all users of taxis and private hire vehicles.

From Thursday 24 September measures include the following:

  • pubs, bars and restaurants must operate table-service only, except for takeaways;
  • hospitality venues must close at 10pm (which means closing, not last orders). The same will apply to takeaways, although deliveries can continue;
  • the requirement to wear face coverings will be extended to include retail staff and staff and customers in indoor hospitality, except when seated at a table to eat or drink; and
  • covid-secure guidelines will become legal obligations in retail, leisure, tourism and other sectors.

Furthermore, from Monday 28 September a maximum of 15 people may attend weddings, while 30 may attend funerals. Business conferences, exhibitions and large sporting events will not be reopened from 1 October.

These new measures will be enforced by tighter penalties. Guidance on the additional measures will be made available on

A new package has been announced to support and enforce self-isolation. People will be required by law to self-isolate from 28 September, supported by payment of £500 for those on lower incomes who cannot work from home and have lost income as a result.


If you’re a homeowner or private tenant on benefits or a low income you could get help to improve your home by applying for Warmer Homes.

Find out more


Wednesday 23 September 11.00 – 12.00 – In Kind Direct Speaker Series

The spotlight this month for this popular free series is on brands. The session will cover how the effects of the pandemic have made us all think differently and why it’s now more important than ever to unite brand aims with the needs of local communities. Find out more.