UN LogoHuman trafficking is a crime that exploits women, children and men for numerous purposes including forced labour and sex. The International Labour Organization estimates that 21 million people are victims of forced labour globally. This estimate also includes victims of human trafficking for labour and sexual exploitation. While it is not known how many of these victims were trafficked, the estimate implies that currently, there are millions of trafficking in persons victims in the world.

‘Act to Protect and Assist Trafficked Persons’

This year the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has chosen ‘act to protect and assist trafficked persons’ as the focus of the World Day. This topic highlights one of the most pressing issues of our time — the large mixed migration movements of refugees and migrants. The theme puts the spotlight on the significant impact of conflict and natural disasters, as well as the resultant, multiple risks of human trafficking that many people face. It addresses the key issue concerning trafficking responses: that most people are never identified aWorld Day Against Trafficking in Persons Logos trafficking victims and therefore cannot access most of the assistance or protection provided.


Healthwatch Logo

Young Healthwatch Westminster

This year we will be focusing on capturing the views of young people in Westminster.

To do this we will be setting up a Young Healthwath Westminster. This will be a group of young people who share their views and experiences of healthcare in the borough, and use this feedback to help shape the services they use.

How to get involved?

If you’re between 14 – 25, use health or social care services in Westminster, and would like to have a say in how local healthcare services are run, please get in touch.

If you know someone who might be interested, please let them know about our new project.

You can find out more about Young Healthwatch and the benefits of joining by clicking ‘find out more’ below.


Find out more

christian aid logo

Christian Aid focus their work around partnership for change, annually, they hold sponsored walks uniting a wide range of people in faith and community togetherness in support of our global work to tackle poverty and injustice.

We are holding a sponsored walk in Richmond on 29th September 2018 9.30-3.00pm

This is a fun-filled, adventurous, family event

A fantastic opportunity to relax, unwind, explore some of Richmond’s finest conservation areas.

Click Here for the event poster

Click Here for more information


Bishop Creighton House Logo

Established over 100 years ago, Bishop Creighton House runs services across west London

Providing meeting space for all members of the community

Caring for older, vulnerable and disabled people

Daily phone calls and visits; home safety and security checks and installations; major home adaptations; help with keeping fit after illness

Supporting children and young people

Mentoring programmes and employment and learning opportunities for young people with learning disabilities

Support to families with young children, making their homes safe and secure

Click on the links below for posters about our services




Tony Carmichael
Project Work / Volunteer Coordinator │ Safer Homes

Bishop Creighton House
378 Lillie Rd
London SW6 7PH

Tel: 020 7385 9689
Web: creightonhouse.org


If Gareth Southgate has taught us anything this summer, it’s that the right training, mentality and approach can work wonders. Take a look at our range of courses to help you improve your performance in the workplace.

Safeguarding: the new environment

Sadly, safeguarding issues in the sector have been brought in to sharp focus recently. Participants will gain an understanding of the regulatory environment, the systems that need to be in place to prevent abuse and your reporting obligations.

Book now for 24 July


Good causes deserve good copy. Learn to write well and you’ll be able to create convincing, emotional, impactful and authentic documents that keep the support and the funds coming in. This one day course will show you how to do just that.

Book now for 2 August

Support and Supervision of Staff 2

On this course you’ll roll up your sleeves and get in-depth on management. You’ll identify your management style and your strengths and weaknesses, and apply good support and supervision practices, leaving with lots of new ideas and insights.

Book now for 9 August

New Chief Executive New Challenges!

Being new at the helm of a charity can be daunting. This course will help you to plan your transition into your new role. You’ll be able to pinpoint the important and strategic issues to be addressed as a priority, as well as, increase your confidence and make the right impression

Book now for 10 August



DSC is an independent charity offering training, policy & research, publications, events and funding sources for the charity and voluntary sectors.

Visit us at 352 Holloway Road, London N7 6PA | Call us on 0207 697 4200 |  Email us

© 2018 Directory of Social Change
Registered Charity Number (800517) & Company Registration Number (2320712 (England))

lloyds bank foundation logo

Lloyds Bank Foundation for England & Wales has published its new strategy for the next five years. Included in the ‘Reaching Further’ strategy is:

  • A pledge to boost its additional support for the charities that it funds, which will include an expansion of its mentoring scheme whereby members of Lloyds Bank plc volunteer their expertise to grant receiving charities.
  • The Foundation mainly funds organisations with an income of less than £1m.
  • An increase the size of its largest grants to £200,000 over their six-year duration
  • A target of funding 700 charities at any one time until 2022
  • A pledge to offer longer, unrestricted grants to more small charities together with six-year grants with a break clause after the third year
  • The continuation of its advocacy work, with a particular focus on producing research and campaigning for policy changes on behalf of small charities.

The Foundation offers two grant programmes:

Invest grants – long-term funding for the day-to-day running of a charity (core costs), and/or the direct delivery of a charity’s work. Grants of a minimum of £30,000 to a maximum of £100,000, delivered across three years are available with the opportunity for continuation funding (up to six years in total). There are set annual rounds – details are available here. The next round opens on 27 August 2018 and closes on 5 October 2018

Enable grants: Enable grants are awarded to charities which have identified clear development needs with grants of up to a total of £15,000 across one or two years available to cover, for example, pilot initiatives, strengthening monitoring systems or creating stronger business plans and service development plans. This programme is temporarily closed and will reopen for applications under new guidelines on the 27th August 2018.

Charities can apply for either programme, but not both.

Useful Links:

Eligibility Criteria


Bluebird Care Logo

People across the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham now have the opportunity to find out more about dementia, thanks to a series of free workshops.

The local award-winning provider of personal care in the home, Bluebird Care Hammersmith and Fulham, has set itself the challenge of hosting Dementia Awareness Workshops in twenty-five different locations across the borough over the next 12 months.

Managing Director of Bluebird Hammersmith and Fulham, Soheila Amin, said:

“One in four people will be affected by dementia in their lifetimes, which is why it’s important to work with individuals and their families to try and make life much easier for those who have it.

A recent report made recommendations to the government about the need to continue to raise awareness of dementia, and the work that can be done to make our communities more dementia friendly.

With the specialist services we provide at Bluebird Care we are determined to do just that with these new Dementia Awareness Sessions.”

Set up by the Alzheimer’s Society, Dementia Awareness Sessions have been running across the country for a number of years and focus on improving inclusion and quality of life for people living with dementia. By holding information workshops in towns, villages and cities across the UK, the society’s ambition is to work with people affected by dementia and key partners to develop dementia-friendly communities.

By doing so people will be aware of and understand more about dementia, people with dementia and their careers will be encouraged to seek help and support; and people with dementia will feel included in their community.

Soheila added: “The Bluebird Care team want to meet as many people as possible and make them aware of dementia, its affects and how we as a community can support those who are suffering from it.”

Are you part of a community group, work with a housing provider, school or social club, or an individual who just wants to find out more about dementia? Would you like Bluebird Care to host a Dementia Awareness Workshop for you? If so, get in touch.

For more information and to arrange a dementia awareness workshop contact Nathan Hartley, Bluebird Care Communications Officer, by emailing hartleypr@hotmail.co.uk

Health Watch Logo

What do young people want from healthcare in a digital environment?

Following recent local and national developments in digital healthcare, Healthwatch Central West London will be focusing on identifying the healthcare needs and aspirations of young people aged 16-25.

Over the next few months, we will be engaging with young people and creating opportunities that will enable them to have a say on:

  1. a) how and if they want to access healthcare digitally?
  2. b) which of their healthcare needs (if any) could be covered by digital healthcare?
  3. c) what would a digital healthcare system for young people look like?

There are many ways that you can get involved in this project. To find out how, go to our website.

Click here to learn more on the HealthWatch CWL website

Funders Fair Logo

This years Funders Fair was held at the Kensington and Chelsea Town hall together with One Westminster and Kensington and Chelsea Social Council and what a success!  And with that I wish to give a special thanks to all involved whether you were a funder, a speaker, a stall holder or one of the teams organising the event.

From the outset it was well attended and people continued to arrive throughout the day. There were workshops delivered by Young Hammersmith and Fulham Foundation talking about attracting donors and raising monies and Localgiving on raising funds online. Additionally Trust for London, John Lyon’s Charity, Big Lottery and City Bridge Trust discussing their grants and what they can do for you.

As you can see from the photos below, along with the workshops there were a range of stalls, such as Hammersmith United Charities, for people to browse and ask questions and these stalls were both funders and useful groups such the Charity Bank or Volunteer Centres.

It was so good to see so many people there and so many people that we have got to know on a personal level over the time they have been registered at Sobus. Even if you have regular contact with Sobus to find grants through our database, or to use us as a sounding board for your proposal or even critique your final proposal it is always good to meet actual funders. Simply putting a face to a name or talking with a funder is highly beneficial giving people that little insight which cannot come from anywhere else.

I hope everyone enjoyed the day but if you would like to see something done differently in the future then drop me an email nigel.jacques@sobus.org.uk

Thank you everyone.

Nigel Jacques

Kensington & Chelsea Social Council Logo Sobus Logo One Westminster Logo


We are currently at Heatwave Alert Level 3.  Please see below Public Health England’s actions to be considered: There are links to related documents at the foot of this post

Actions for Level 3 Heat Health Watch Alert  – PHE

Commissioners of health and social care (all settings) and local authority Directors of Public Health

  • media alerts about keeping cool
  • support organisations to reduce unnecessary travel
  • review safety of public events
  • mobilise community and voluntary support

Providers – health and social care staff in all settings (community, hospitals and care homes)

Professional staff (all settings):

  • visit/phone high-risk people
  • reconfirm key public health messages to clients
  • advise carers to contact NHS111 if concerns re health

Care homes and hospitals:

  • activate plans to maintain business continuity – including a possible surge in demand
  • check indoor temperatures are recorded regularly during the hottest periods for all areas where patients reside
  • ensure staff can help and advise clients including access to cool rooms, close monitoring of vulnerable individuals, reducing internal temperatures through shading, turning off unnecessary lights/equipment, cooling building at night, ensuring discharge planning takes home temperatures and support into account

Community and voluntary sector and individuals

Community groups:

  • activate community emergency plan
  • check those you know are at risk


  • follow key public health messages
  • check those you know are at risk


PHE Advice to Public

  • look out for others, especially older people, young children and babies and those with underlying health conditions
  • close curtains on rooms that face the sun to keep indoor spaces cooler and remember it may be cooler outdoors than indoors
  • drink plenty of water, sugary, alcoholic and caffeinated drinks can make you more dehydrated
  • open windows when it feels cooler outside and it’s safe to do so
  • never leave anyone in a closed, parked vehicle, especially infants, young children or animals
  • try to keep out of the sun between 11am to 3pm
  • if you have to go out in the heat, walk in the shade, apply sunscreen and wear a hat
  • avoid physical exertion in the hottest parts of the day
  • wear light, loose fitting cotton clothes

Useful links:

 Link to NHS / Public Health England Heatwave Planning website 2018:- https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/heatwave-plan-for-england

Link to Beat the Heat Leaflet:- https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/615548/Beat_the_heat_leaflet_2017.pdf

Link to Met Office 5 Day Forecast for London:-


NHS / PHE Advice for Health and Social Care Professionals:- https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/310605/10089-2902329-TSO-Heatwave-Advice_for_Health_Professionals_ACCESSIBLE.pdf