Job Opportunities
Youth Worker in Charge
Urban Partnership Group is seeking a Youth Worker in Charge for the Masbro Youth Club. Masbro Youth Club is a popular youth club in the Shepherds Bush area of London funded by Hammersmith and Fulham Local Authority. The youth club is open to young people aged 11 – 19 years of age (up to 25 for those with disabilities) living in Hammersmith and Fulham.
Click the links below for
Youth Worker in Charge advert
Youth Worker in Charge JD and Person Specification
Youth Worker in Charge application form
Equal Opps Monitoring Form
Youth Workers
Urban Partnership Group is seeking three Youth Workers for the Masbro Youth Club. Masbro Youth Club is a popular youth club in the Shepherds Bush area of London funded by Hammersmith and Fulham Local Authority. The youth club is open to young people aged 11 – 19 years of age (up to 25 for those with disabilities) living in Hammersmith and Fulham.
Click the links below for
Youth Worker advert
Youth Worker JD and Person Specification
Youth Worker application form
Equal Opps Monitoring Form
For all posts
Completed applications to be sent to eamonn@upg.org.uk
Closing date for applications: 9am on Monday 19th November 2018
Interviews: 29th and 30th November 2018
About Masbro Youth Club
Masbro Youth Club is a popular youth club in the Shepherds Bush area of London funded by Hammersmith and Fulham Local Authority. The youth club is open to young people aged 11 – 19 years of age (up to 25 for those with disabilities) living in Hammersmith and Fulham.
At the Masbro Youth Club we believe that we have a huge social responsibility to help each young person discover what they can become good at, to nurture them to achieve and to encourage them to take the risk and try something new. We provide a safe environment in which young people can develop positive relationships with others, express themselves, have fun and contribute positively to the communities in which they live.
The Masbro Youth Club runs 3 club sessions per week over 48 weeks per year. The club opens each week on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday evening 6-9pm for face to face contact, additional holiday provision is provided subject to funding.
The youth club seeks to engage with over 250 young people between 11-19 years of age each year and is currently looking to further develop provision.

Urban Partnership Group (UPG)
The Urban Partnership Group enterprise aims to improve the health, wealth and wellbeing of the local community of Hammersmith and Fulham.
UPG offers a total community service from early years to older people – with arts and cultural events, sports and fitness classes, adult learning, help with gaining employment, volunteering, youth services, children’s centres and parenting programmes. We strive to
- To enhance and promote the health, leisure, social welfare and community environment of people in the Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham and surrounding areas.
- Reduce inequalities and remove discrimination and other cause of social exclusion in disadvantaged groups and communities in order to ensure that Hammersmith & Fulham is a place where everyone has the opportunity to live healthy and prosperously in tolerant, caring communities.
- Rebuild communities and improve opportunities for disadvantaged people to participate in work and other aspects of community life.
- Continually improve the delivery of services and implement innovative solutions to meet changing local needs and community aspirations.
- UPG provides a holistic programme of activities from the Masbro Centre including childcare, play, youth and adult learning, volunteering and regeneration activities. The Centre has been designated as a Children’s Centre and works in partnership with the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham.
For more information please see our website Here