The Hammersmith and Fulham Health and Wellbeing Board is currently developing its Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy for 2016-2021


Through this strategy, and the hard work which will follow, the Health and Wellbeing Board aims to drive forward even closer working between health, social care, the voluntary sector and other partners, improve people’s experience of health and care services and ensure the financial sustainability of the local system into the future.

This process provides an opportunity for all partners across Hammersmith & Fulham to agree collectively how we will work together to improve our resident’s health and wellbeing over the next five years and transform people’s experience of health and social care services.

To inform the development of our strategy, we are hosting a workshop with local stakeholders to discuss collective ambitions for the borough and how we will transform health and care services locally over the next five years

The workshop is an opportunity to hear from senior directors, managers and commissioners and feed your views and comments into the strategy development process.

We are very pleased to invite you to this workshop which is taking place on:

Tuesday 24 May  from 10:30am to 12:30am at

Linden House, Corinthians Rowing Clubhouse,

Upper Mall , Hammersmith , London W6 9TA .

I would be grateful if you could confirm your attendance in the first instance by emailing me ( by Tuesday 10th May  and then clicking onto the

appropriate link below where you can book your place online.

Hammersmith and Fulham Staff

Westminster City Council Staff

Kensington and Chelsea Staff

Non-Council Staff (You will need to create a profile)


Please click on links below to see supporting documents and workshop outline

H&F Strategy Work Document

North West London Integrated Care Outcomes Framework

Workshop Outline

If you encounter any difficulties please email

Please note some of you will also receive an invitation to attend the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy Workshop Invitation in RBKC Weds 25 May 10.30am-12.30pm and others to be invited to lead on the same workshop outline sessions you hosted in the Westminster event In April