Do you often have difficulty understanding what people are saying? Is your television turned up too loud?

Do you miss hearing the door bell ring?

Perhaps we can help you with this common problem and suggest solutions.

We encourage you to join one of our free 1.5 hour sessions. Chat about your hearing problems and learn great tips of how to overcome them.

Click Here for the course flyer which coontains the nformation in this post as well as contact and more course details

Course details

Friday Nov 9th 2018 from 10.30am – 12.00pm for 7 weeks.

Elgin Close Resource Centre, 3 Elgin Close, Shepherds Bush W12 9NH (Click Here for a map)


Jennifer Thaxter

Community Outreach Worker
phone: 020 3815 2186 | mobile: 07872 811113 | email:
Notting Hill Genesis   Elgin Close Resource Centre 3 Elgin Close, Shepherds Bush W12 9NH

The Ascent project is a pan-London project funded by London Councils, which aims to tackle sexual and domestic violence and abuse across London. It is made up of six strands – the Support Services to Organisations strand aims to support voluntary and community organisations working with those affected by domestic and/or sexual violence.

You can access all of the Ascent project’s trainings here, and read about the events we are holding here, but I thought I’d send you a selection of our upcoming offerings. All of our trainings are free to London-based organisations or projects working with those affected by sexual and/or domestic violence:

Safe Minimum Practice Standards for BME organisations

Expert-led Training delivered by Imkaan

7 November 2018, 10.30am – 12.30pm

Cost: Free to BME Women in by and for BME ending VAWG sector in London

Learn more and register here.


Family Law in the News

Expert-led Training delivered by Rights of Women

1 November 2018, 10.00am – 1.00pm

Learn more and register here.


Finances for Joint Projects and Consortia

Sustainability training delivered by Women’s Resource Centre

15 November, London N7 9DP

Learn more and register here.


Dismantling Barriers: Improving the accessibility of services for disabled women and girls

Special Event delivered by Women’s Resource Centre

22nd November, London N1 9PW

Learn more and register here.


Cara Atkinson
Development Officer
020 7697 3461

Understanding and supporting women and their organisations.

United House, North Road, London, N7 9DP | 020 7697 3450 |
Talk to us on Facebook or Twitter
Reg. Charity 1070606 Ltd Company 02462336

Our upcoming seminar programme, hosted by our charity and social business team will be taking place in London’s Diamond District at etc.venues – Hatton. The venue is a short walk from Farringdon and Chancery Lane stations. We hope you can join us.

These events are free of charge, however places are limited.

To secure your place, register via the RSVP links below.

1. Charity governance in a nutshell – Tuesday 13 November 2018

2. An A-Z of safeguarding – what does it mean and is your charity compliant? Wednesday 28 November 2018

The Hatton
51-53 Hatton Garden




As less and less is being publically invested in the mechanisms that prevent families from being pulled into the current of poverty, many are turning to London’s Voluntary Sector – small, locally focused charities with their wealth of experience, compassion and expertise – to help them keep their heads above water.

The event will include a presentation of the research, some good practice examples, a response from Deputy Mayor Matthew Ryder QC and an audience of representatives of local authorities, funders and VCS organisations that are tackling or dealing with the effects of low income and poverty in London.

Come and join us for a celebration of the strength and breadth of the response of the VCS across the capital.


Information and Booking Here.

If you are interested in bringing about change – whether locally or nationally – and would like information and advice to help you be more effective, then this workshop is for you!

The Introduction to Social Change and Campaigning workshops are designed for those interested in social change and change making. It is for people new to campaigns or who have found themselves campaigning by accident and who want to know more. Participants will improve their understanding, skills and knowledge of change making, including understanding more about how change happens and be more effective at developing a campaign strategy. The workshop will also provide participants with the opportunity to meet other campaigners, develop their professional network and receive peer support.

Wednesday 16th January |10:00-17:00|

The Foundry, 17 Oval Way, London, SE11 5RR

Prices range from £0-£260 based on the size of the organisation/group and income.<span “> Free bursary places are available for students and those with no to low income.

For more information and to book a place click here.

Charing Cross 200Staff at Charing Cross Hospital will be showcasing their services to members of the public at a special open day to celebrate its 200th birthday this month, having been founded in October 1818 by Dr Benjamin Golding.

The open day, taking place in the hospital on Tuesday 30 October from 15.30-18.00, will feature:

  • service stands on the ground floor to showcase the great work that comes out of Charing Cross
  • health MOTs
  • fun activities for children
  • a recruitment zone with on the day interviews should you be happy to be interviewed
  • education talks to showcase what it’s like to work or volunteer for the Trust and opportunities currently available
  • history and clinical tours giving a behind-the-scenes look at some of our key services
  • the Hospitals that make history exhibition which we designed to celebrate NHS70
  • entertainment and music
  • Imperial Health Charity activities, including showcasing the new anniversary garden.

This event is open to all and all activities are free. Come along and help celebrate this landmark anniversary!

Even in this modern era men still do not share how they are feeling which can lead to the breakdown of relationships with family and loved ones and in extreme cases it can lead to even more devastating consequences. For example, suicide remains the single biggest killer of men aged under 45 in the UK and Ireland. Support exists to help men deal with the initial trauma but the next step in what to do with their lives is often missing. We aim to provide a support network with coaching for men who have been through counselling and are struggling to find direction on the other side of this change

Unless more is done to reach out and encourage men to talk about their feelings instead of internalising them then the above will continue to happen.

The future does not have to be like this. It is our vision to offer a voice of support and reason by providing coaching and mentoring to men who believe little or no hope exists and help transform a hopeless situation into the opportunity of a life worth living.

For more information contact Niall Flynn
Mobile: 07856269199

Masbro are very keen to spread the word about two new classes for the over 55s, a singing group and an art class, starting at the Masbro from 27th September.

Click the images above to see the full posters

For all queries and to register for either of the courses please contact Tina Wood using the details below

Tina Wood
Masbro Elders Project Coordinator
Urban Partnership Group

Masbro Centre | 87 Masbro Road | London W14 OLR (click here for a map)
Email: | Tel 020 7605 0194

Children Growth Development

In this topic we will be teaching what parents and carers need to know about the four key stages of development: physical, cognitive, emotional and sexual development. This will ensure they are informed about the specific changes kids will go through and how to cater to their progression.


Children’s Behaviour

Here, the developmental changes to children’s temperament will be taught and the different ways a parent or carer can go about dealing with the child’s behaviour. We will also advise upon the qualities a parent should possess in keeping a parenting method that allows for a healthy household where the child can feel consistency which improves bad behaviour.


Parenting Stress

This topic builds upon the previous topic in the way of coping with the stresses of tending to children and the ways to cope with these issues. The qualities mentioned previously will be developed with more clarity and we will explain the pros and cons between them.


Health and Safety

In this topic, we will be teaching the fundamentals of health and safety around children. Areas such as food preparation, danger-free environments and hygiene will be taught. Also, a demonstration about how to effectively go about these practical subjects will be performed also to further develop the understanding of parents.

St. Mary’s Church, 2 Edith Road, West Kensington, W14 9BA (Click Here for a map)

Dates and Times
Session 1: 26th October 2018 11am-1pm
Session 2: 23rd November 2018 11am-1pm
Session 3: 14th December 2018 11am-1pm
Session 4: 18th January 2019 11am-1pm
Graduation ceremony: 15th February 2019 11am-1pm

Mirjeta Palaj
Edith Durham Community
Tel: 07882855377


  • Do you know the most common reasons for rejection?
  • Are you gathering the right evidence?
  • Are you making the right arguments?
  • Are you using the right terminology?
  • Are your numbers right?
  • Are you learning from rejections?


  • Are you assembling the right documents?
  • Do you know how to create a clear and succinct standard funding bid?
  • Are you communicating with people or just excluding them?
  • Do you know your own organisation well enough?
  • Are you thinking through your projects carefully enough?


  • Do you know enough about your competitors?
  • Do you know the trusts?
  • Are you answering the questions funders will ask themselves about your application?
  • Are you submitting applications correctly?

The workshop consists of talk, questions and answers. There are no power points or audio visuals used.

Click Here to see the current list of available Workshops