Silver Sunday takes place on 2 October 2016.

Silver Sunday is the national day for older people to try something new and meet new people. It’s aimed at people aged 65 and over who may feel isolated or lonely.

If you’re aged 65 or over, or know someone who is, take a look at the events and activities on Sunday 2 October as they go online.

Some events will be specific to Hammersmith & Fulham residents, and others are also open to residents of Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster.

If you are working with an organisation that wants to organise a special event for local people on Silver Sunday 2016, you can apply for a funding contribution. Application documents and guidance notes can be found here:

These documents are short and to the point, and all applications will be turned around quickly. If you need more information on how to apply, please contact:

Katharina Herrmann
Community Investment Team
H&F Council
020 8753 2482


Sacha Mortimer
Community Investment Team
H&F Council
020 8753 5009

Silver Sunday is supported by Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London.

It is so important that older people feel included in London’s communities. That is why I support Silver Sunday and hope that you all have a wonderful time celebrating the valuable contributions that older people make. These contributions span not just London but up and down the UK. In a city as large as London there is no need for older people to ever feel lonely or isolated but sadly some do. As Mayor, I want to make sure that everyone is engaged and active in their community – young or older.”

QSIR: Practitioner is a nationally accredited program from the Advancing Change and Transformation (ACT) Academy that provides participants with the know-how to design and implement more productive services.
It is based on highly successful previous courses and offers a comprehensive curriculum that includes:

  • Leadership Fundamentals
  • Project Management
  • Sustainability of Improvement
  • Engaging and Working with Others
  • Process Mapping
  • Creativity in Improvement
  • Measurement for Improvement
  • Demand and Capacity

Participants attend for five days over a three month period, and  must have an existing project or project idea. During the program they apply the learning from the course to their own improvement projects, being supported between workshops to help make them a success. They are therefore not only learning methodology in quality improvement, but actively changing and improving local services as they study.

For more information

‘Made of Money’ is running a 2 day Facilitator Training in London on 5th – 6th October 2016.

‘Made of Money’ is an award winning financial literacy resource, developed by anti-poverty charity Quaker Social Action. It aims to help groups talk about money and its impact on their lives, as well as learn vital money management skills. It is ideal to help front line workers offer support to those on low income, particularly in the run up to the introduction of Universal Credit, and all the welfare benefit changes.

‘Made of Money’ takes a different and innovative approach to financial literacy: it works holistically- with the whole person and the whole household.  The resources aim to build confidence; resilience and help people identify their own values and attitudes around money, as well as covering basics like budgeting, borrowing and debt. We recognise that unless people’s own situations are explored and confidence is increased, they won’t change behavior long–term. This in turn builds a more stable platform for the whole household financially.

‘Made of Money’ also focuses on emotions around money, our experiences growing up, consumer culture, communication about money & the pressure of raising children on low income. The resources are all provided, fully reusable as well as really fun and engaging!

For more information

From September 2016 Reachout Social Club at Fulham Good Neighbours is being transformed into Fulham Lunch Club. We hope to ultimately become the world’s smallest lunch club for 10 housebound older people requiring transport. The club takes place on Wednesdays and a typical afternoon has the following programme:

13:00 Lunch

13:45 Guest Speaker or Performer

14:30 Board Games and Crosswords

15:30 Tea and Cake

We are encouraging new members to join us and the club is FREE of charge.

Address: Rosaline Hall

70 Rosaline Road

London, SW6 7QT

Tel. 020 7385 8850


Volunteers Needed: We are always looking for volunteer drivers and volunteers to help out on the day so please get in touch if you would like to assist the local community.’


open age logo


This September Open Age are partners in delivering

the NHS supported Expert Patients Programme (EPP)

What You Need To know:

Who is it for? Locals living with one or more long-term health conditions. These include asthma, arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), depression, diabetes, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), heart disease.

This course is Free of Charge

What will you learn? The course will cover methods & ways to help you cope with your health condition &improve your quality of life.

Topics covered include:

Dealing with symptoms like pain and tiredness, Coping with depression, Relaxation techniques, Physical activity & Healthy Eating

Essential details: When: This is a six week course commencing

Monday September 19th.

Each session runs from 10:30am until 1pm, Tea Break with refreshments included.

Where: Fulham Good Neighbours, 70 Rosaline Road, SW6 7QT         For further information & to Book   Telephone: Elizabeth Goldrick or Catherine Pymar at Open Age on 020 8962 4141




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Autumn Programme

hfvc event



16 September              Designing volunteer roles

20th September           Safeguarding

22nd September          Bank Reconciliation (for Open Age Group Members and Guests)

7 October                      Recruiting volunteers

13th October                Bank Reconciliation (for Open Age Group Members and Guests)

14th October                Full cost recovery budgeting

20 October                   Volunteer organisers’ forum

21 October                   Job searching using social media

4 November                  Induction and training of volunteers

7 November                  Quality standards

17th November             Best practice in handling Petty Cash

25 November                Retention, reward and recognition of volunteers

Dates to be advised

Human Library anti-discrimination and stereotyping events

Volunteers and the law

Manual handling

To book a place email or call 020 8741 9876